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יערלעכע שעכטער־פּראָגראַם
Newsletter Title
The League for Yiddish and the
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research
cordially invite you to the 
Annual All-Yiddish Program
 in Memory of

 Dr. Mordkhe and
 Charne Schaechter  z"l

Sunday, July 13, 2014
1:00 P.M.
at the YIVO Institute 
for Jewish Research
15 West 16th St., Manhattan
* * *
Dr. Miriam Trinh

 Postdoctoral Fellow

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore 

Recipient of the Choseed- Racolin Fellowship at the YIVO


"The YIVO's Newest Treasure
The Chaim Grade and Ina 
Hecker-Grade Archive"
Chaim Grade
An initial introduction into the new archive of Chaim Grade and Inna Hecker-Grade, recently purchased in cooperation between the YIVO and the National Library of Israel. The preliminary description will be accompanied by some reflections on the archive's significance for future research on Grade and his literary legacy.
Binyumen Schaechter
Son, musician
"My Father, Mordkhe Schaechter"

Musical Program
Amanda (Miryem-Khaye Seigel)
Singer, songwriter
Steve Sterner, pianist

Chair: Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath


This event is free and open to the public. To reserve:

 די ייִדיש־ליגע און דער ייִדישער וויסנשאַפֿטלעכער אינסטיטוט - ייִוואָ 
פֿאַרבעטן אײַך אויף דער יערלעכער פּראָגראַם
אין אָנדענק פֿון  
ד"ר מרדכי  און 
טשאַרנע שעכטער ז"ל    
Mordkhe Shekhter
ד"ר מרדכי שעכטער

טשאַרנע שעכטער

זונטיק, דעם 13טן יולי 2014 

איינס אַ זייגער נאָך מיטאָג

אין ייִדישן וויסנשאַפֿטלעכן 
אינסטיטוט - ייִוואָ
פֿופֿצן וועסט 16טע גאַס, מאַנהעטן


ד"ר מרים טרין
דזשאַן האַפּקינס אוניווערסיטעט

דעם ייִוואָס נײַסטער אוצר"
דער חיים גראַדע־ און אינע 


אַן ערשטער אַרײַנפֿיר אין דעם נײַעם אַרכיוו פֿון חיים גראַדע און אינע העקער-גראַדע, וואָס דער ייִוואָ בשותּפֿות מיט דער נאַציאָנאַלער ביבליאָטעק פֿון  ישׂראל האָבן לעצטנס געקויפֿט: וועגן דעם אינהאַלט פֿונעם אַרכיוו און זײַן באַטײַט פֿאַר דער ווײַטערדיקער פֿאָרשונג פֿון חיים גראַדעס לעבן און שאַפֿן.י

בנימין שעכטער

זון, מוזיקער


"מײַן טאַטע, מרדכי שעכטער"


מוזיקאַלישע פּראָגראַם

מרים־חיה סגל

זינגערין, לידער־שרײַבערין

סטיוו סטערנער, פּיאַנע


כּיבוד וועט סערווירט ווערן


אַרײַנטרעט פֿרײַ

צו רעזערווירן


Miriam Trinh was born in Poland, grew up in Germany and immigrated to Israel at the age of 19. She completed her Ph.D. at the Hebrew University. This summer she is teaching Yiddish language and literature  in the Uriel Weinreich Program in Yiddish Language, Literature and Culture in NYC. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Her fields of research are Yiddish literature during the Holocaust and the multilingual Jewish literary reaction in Europe to the rise of Nazism. As the recipient of the Choseed- Racolin Fellowship at the YIVO, she serves as the main archivist for the Chaim Grade and Ina Hecker-Grade Archive. 

Binyumen Schaechter: The son of Mordkhe and Charne Schaechter, Binyumen expresses his devotion to Yiddish through music. He is an award-winning composer and arranger, conductor and pianist, both in American musical theater as well as in Yiddish music. He is the conductor of the Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus that performs exclusively in Yiddish. He is also the music director (and father) of Di Shekhter-Tekhter/The Schaechter Sisters, the teenaged Yiddish singing duo which has performed on several continents. Binyumen also leads workshops and lectures on Yiddish music and culture and growing up speaking Yiddish in contemporary America. 

Amanda (Miryem-Khaye) Seigel is a Yiddish singer, songwriter, actor, and  researcher in the field of Yiddish culture. She has performed, lectured, and taught in North America, Poland and Australia.  She is currently working on her first CD, which consists of original songs (words and music) and adapted songs in Yiddish.


Pianist Steve Sterner
conducted and played keyboard for A Yiddish Vaudeville starring the late Bruce Adler, and

1040, a new musical starring Mike Burstyn.  He has composed music for and accompanied over three hundred silent films at the Film Forum in New York (where he is the house pianist) as well as at Lincoln Center, the Museum of Modern Art, the Museum of the Moving Image, and BAM Rose Cinemas at the Brooklyn Academy of Music.

League for Yiddish 
Publishers of  Afn Shvel magazine 
64 Fulton Street, Suite 1101 
New York, NY 10038 

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