DMH Connections

A publication of the 

Massachusetts Department of Mental Health

October 2016  


DMH and The Transformation Center Celebrate A Decade of Peer Support!

When people who have had experiences with emotional distress or trauma and give each other encouragement, hope, assistance, understanding and share resources to aid in recovery, it is called peer support. One of the most helpful things one person can say to (or hear from) another is "I've been there."
Certified Peer Specialists (CPS) are trained to share their experiences in the mental health system and in recovery to effectively carry the message that "Recovery is Real!"  CPSs share their lived experience, strength and hope with people using mental health services, mental health professionals, policy makers and others.  A CPS can impact peoples' beliefs about their own capacity to recover and challenge assumptions about the capacity of others to recover.   
DMH is proud to partner with the Transformation Center in celebration of a decade of Peer Support. On October 20, we will unite on Global Peer Supporter Day. We will host a celebration of the last decade of bringing the Certified Peer Specialist role to life in Massachusetts and demonstrating the effectiveness of this emerging resource!

The celebration will be held October 20 at 3 p.m. at the Transformation Center, 98 Magazine Street, Roxbury.  Light refreshments and music begin at 3 p.m. Program begins at 4 p.m.  If you would like to attend he celebration, please Register as space is limited.

October Poll
Have you ever received peer support either formally or informally, and found it helpful? 
Click here to answer the poll
The results of the September poll are at the bottom of this newsletter

In this issue of Connections we share some of the many examples of peer support that Certified Peer Specialists offer. Read their stories below.

In This Issue

DMH Office of Communications and Community Engagement

Questions or suggestions?

Contact Michelle
Communications Coordinator 
(617) 626-8118

Contribute to the next DMH Connections

Click here for the 2016 Editorial Calendar 


Submission Deadline is the 15th or the month prior to when you would like your article or event published


Please send all materials to 

 Michelle Cormier Tallman


Click here for Submission Guidelines

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Focus on 

Vocational Peer Support 
By Michael Stepansky 
DMH Director of Employment

Employment Services are increasingly finding diverse and exciting ways to incorporate the benefits of peer support. Peer-services and vocational-services continue to find new ways to support and reinforce each other through events such as Storytellers, The Schiff Awards , peer-run job clubs at clubhouses, RLCs, and on inpatient units, and especially through the presence of staff and managers with lived experience themselves.
One of the most promising innovations at the intersection of peer- and vocational-services is the development of Vocational Peer Support, enhanced training offered by the Boston University Center for Psychiatric Rehabilitation (CPR) for peer specialists specifically focused on how they can best help individuals consider, pursue, and achieve vocational recovery. According to Debbie Nicolellis of CPR, vocational recovery is "bigger than just a job, it's supporting people around the multitude of decisions they make when they think about going to work."
Core to VPS is the concept of the Vocational Recovery Story. Peer specialists learn how to identify their own Vocational Recovery Stories from lived experience, as well as how to use those stories to inspire hope for a meaningful vocational life. VPS teaches specific strategies that peer specialists can use to support people as they consider work, choose the right situation, get into a job or school, and keep that position or program for as long as they want and need it.
Among DMH providers, Community Counseling of Bristol County (CCBC) has undertaken a quality improvement project dedicated specifically to bringing the VPS model to CBFS. According to CCBC, "the goal of integration of peers into the vocational recovery process is to provide more concentrated person-directed support... in choosing, obtaining, and keeping their desired job." To accomplish this, CCBC has recently hired new Peer Specialists with plans to provide VPS, among other vocationally-focused types of training."  
For more information on the VPS program, visit or contact Debbie Nicolellis at For information on CCBC's use of VPS-trained peer specialists, contact Deborah Kaluzny at [email protected].
CBH Knowledge Center News

FREE Online Webinar:
An overview of family homelessness
Presenter: Libby Hayes, Executive Director, Homes for Families

This webinar will highlight current data, trends, and initiatives relative to the state's family shelter system; as well as give an overview of eligibility for Emergency Assistance and information about housing and prevention programs.  
Click here to register!
Visit the CBH Knowledge Center Website at: 
Conferences and Events 

Upcoming Events at The Bridge Training Institute  
Continuing Education for Mental Health Professionals - See our training calendar at
Our day-long trainings are held at the Courtyard Marriott in Marlborough, MA. If accommodations are needed, please contact Stephen Murphy at [email protected] 
or 508-755-0333

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Suicide Prevention Training Calendar
Please click on the link below to register.
When registering for a workshop, please note that each event has tabs titled with information regarding the workshop, available CEs and cost.   
Space is very limited for each workshop and fills up quickly, please register early.
Upcoming Workshops at the Center for Professional Innovation 
(formerly Community Program Innovations) 
 CPI offers continuing education for mental health and healthcare professionals and educators, holding day-long workshops throughout Massachusetts on clinical and management topics. Trainings are held in Billerica, Foxborough and Springfield. To view the complete schedule and to register visit  
All facilities are wheelchair accessible. If accommodations such as ASL interpreters or visual aids are needed, email: [email protected] 
 or call 339-883-2118.
 Click here for the Transformation Center website and all the latest information and events happening throughout the mental health community.   
Please send your event information to
by the 15th of each month for publication in DMH Connections
DMH Connections Celebrates
Thank You
for your readership as we proudly celebrate 
8 years of continuous publication!


DMH Cares - Think before you print logo DMH Connections is posted on  the DMH's archives page of the DMH Internet.  View issues from 2008 to the Present at
PATH Certified Peer Specialists Help Pave the Way for Homeless Individuals

Often times, homeless individuals can connect much sooner with someone who has walked their path or experienced the struggles of being homeless and has a mental illness rather than talking to someone that has never experienced homelessness before. Some homeless individuals often prefer to disclose or tell their own personal stories to a Peer rather than a clinician who may have never experienced mental illness or recovery.

Evelyn Marerro became a part of the DMH/PATH Homeless Services team for the Northeast Area in May 2016 . Prior to May the team had not used a Peer Engagement Specialist. Over the past several months, Evelyn has brought much hope and understanding to those served by DMH who are experiencing homelessness and live with the daily struggles of mental health and addiction issues. At times these individuals can become highly frustrated with the challenges of navigating bureaucratic systems and will often give up on trying to obtain essential benefits needed to help end their homelessness. Evelyn has become the voice of hope and encouragement as she accompanies clients to various appointments and advocates for those she works with.  Each week Evelyn meets many people at shelter sites across the Northeast in locations in Haverhill, Lynn, and Lowell. When you speak to Evelyn about her work, you can really see that she loves engaging with the clients and will do whatever it takes to advocate and assist them. She has been a great addition to the Northeast team.

The Southeast PATH team is grateful for the service and knowledge, and lived experience of their Certified Peer Specialist (CPS), Richard DePina. Since April 2016, Richard's recovery focus and supportive services expertise has assisted many sheltered and unsheltered homeless individuals in accessing a variety of community resources, obtaining critical benefits, and linking them to permanent housing resources in Brockton and Quincy. With the addition of a CPSs on the Eliot/DMH PATH Southeast team, they have increased their ability to provide an even greater level of advocacy, engagement, and personal recovery perspective in meeting the complex needs of the individuals we serve.
Paula Fisher Uses Peer Support to Calm those in Crisis

Paula Fisher is a CPS at the Emergency Services Program for Riverside Community Care in Milford.  Paula has been with Emergency Services for several years and is truly an asset to the team. Paula is often called upon to accompany a clinician to respond to people in crisis.  Her calm demeanor, systems knowledge, resources, and understanding of various mental health challenges help the people we serve calm their fears about next steps after an emergency assessment.

Paula is frequently meeting with, or making follow up phone calls to people who have been assessed to check in.  She ensures they have what they need, or that they get additional assistance if still in crisis.  This is something Paula advocated with management to be able to do, as it was not something initially in place.   Paula is someone who even the most senior staff turn to for resources and guidance with difficult cases. Paula will meet with persons served in the emergency room, assisting in the assessment, helping people find detox placements, providing transportation at discharge and so much more.  Paula helps in the Community Crisis Stabilization (CCS) Program speaking with individuals served there, facilitating groups, and helping the respite counselors. She is valued and highly respected by all who work with her because of her non-judgmental approach, willingness to go above and beyond her typical duties, and great sense of humor.
In addition to her responsibilities at Riverside, Paula is also very active at the Crossroads Clubhouse, on many other coalitions or committees throughout the state and internationally with Clubhouse International doing accreditation surveys for clubhouses across the U.S. and abroad.  Paula volunteers so that she can continue to be an advocate for people with mental health concerns. Always smiling, Paula loves what she does and is such an asset to the emergency services and CCS teams. The staff love her as much as she loves what she does!
The Road Less Traveled Leads to the Youth Development Committee

By Kathryn Janiuk
Youth Development Committee Co-Chair 

"When I was really struggling, I always wished I had someone to tell me 'you aren't crazy, this is fixable, you shouldn't have to suffer' and I hope that I can do that for someone who is suffering."
"The road less traveled" would be a perfect description of my life, from the moment my sixteen-year-old mother selflessly gave me up for adoption, to where I am today! 

My childhood was normal, however from middle school to high school my depression took a heavy toll on my health, but I believe that I had the
grit, determination, and self-sacrifice my birth mother gifted me to persevere through hard times.

After completing high school, I was diagnosed with learning disabilities, and after taking some time off from school I decided to attend college, where I met some wonderful and horrible people.  I cannot thank my family, boyfriend, and friends for the amount of support they have given me in the past few years.  I have overcome depression, anxiety, learning difficulties, confidence issues, as well as many medical problems over the past year.  I am proud to say that I have forgiven those who made me struggle; and I am happy with the person that I have become.
I chose to become a Co-Chair of the Youth Development Committee (YDC) because I wanted to make a difference for people who suffer from mental health challenges like I did/do, and do not have a voice.  I want to break the stigma that surrounded me for many years, and raise awareness about mental health issues.  I also am going for my Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) Training next winter.  When I was really struggling, I always wished I had someone to tell me "you aren't crazy, this is fixable, you shouldn't have to suffer" and I hope that I can do that for someone who is suffering.

No Longer Buried In Treasures

By Rob Walker
Office of Recovery and Empowerment  
In September a Buried In Treasures Facilitator training was held.   Buried in Treasures is a structured 20 week workbook based group for people who have issues with acquiring, cluttering, or hoarding.  There are trained facilitators in the U.S. and in Australia.  It is a peer led program that was developed in Massachusetts by clinicians and peer specialists. The class was sponsored by a Technical Assistance Grant from SAMHSA, DMH, Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Mass Association of Councils on Aging, and is focused on older adults.  There are attendees from the mental health peer world, various Councils on Aging, DMH Provider agencies, and Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs).  This is a very important intervention/treatment for Cluttering, and really one of the only alternatives to a total clean out.  Older Adults are often evicted due to cluttering, and then likely admitted to a nursing home.
YouTube logo icon DMH YouTube Spotlight on Peer Support: Maria Carlson


This month we feature Maria Carlson as she shares her recovery story and her journey to becoming a Certified Peer Specialist. This is a throwback video from the 2012 Stephanie Moulton Symposium.

Maria Carlson:
Maria Carlson:

Aha! DMH Southeast Area Participates in Community Resources Night in New Bedford

A joint DMH, NAMI and Fellowship Health Rresources (FHR) Community Resource Night was held on Thursday September 8, 2016 in the Atrium of the New Bedford Site office building in an effort to bring a multitude of Resource Information to the local New Bedford Community. The Resource Night intentionally coincided with the popular aha! nights (Art-History-Architecture) that are held monthly in downtown New Bedford with the hope that this would bring the much needed resource information to a wider range of the community.
In keeping with the spirit of the aha! nights being about getting the public walking around to see local arts and music; this event attracted the community from the parking lot with the Southcoast Wellness Van, a collection of artwork by consumers of the FHR Studio 35 program, and an activity table where individuals could make their own sensory bottle. Inside the atrium there was a diverse group of community providers that the participants could either speak with about the respective service or just obtain the agency informational literature.

Some of the providers in attendance included: MRC, Bristol Community College, Career Center, The Bridge, SRTA, Child & Family-CSA, Dr. Rocha-Southcoast Wellness, Community Crisis Intervention Team, PAACA/Addictions information, LGBTQ Open Doors, YMCA, Buttonwood Park Zoo, Zeiterion Theater, Mass in Motion, RCC, Southcoast Behavioral Health, Food Addictions Anonymous, City of New Bedford-Department of Community Services, Pet Therapist and 2 Pet Therapy Dogs, Peer Support Services, Clubhouse, DMH, FHR and NAMI. Seven of the agencies also provided short talks throughout the event on their respective services.
Participants also enjoyed Live Music by "Dave Richardson and Friends."  A variety of Farm Stand Fruit and healthy snack options were also free to everyone in attendance.
The Community Resource Night was a great event with over 150 individuals and families from the local community in attending and over 25 individuals receiving Health Screens on the Southcoast Wellness Van.

Photos of the Month
Metro Boston staff receive appreciation and give back to those in need 
In September the staff of Metro Boston Area held their second annual appreciation event. This year the theme was "Caring" and highlighted examples of how staff care above and beyond their daily job responsibilities. In addition to being appreciated, the staff overwhelmingly answered the call from Abby whose school in Baton Rouge, Louisiana was flooded. They provided enough school supplies to help her and many more of her classmates.  Com
missioner Mikula also joined the staff in showing their spirit with fun photos at photo booth!     
Events prior to 2014 are posted on the 
DMH Photo Gallery on Shutterfly and all current events are on Flickr!

If you have photos of a DMH event that you would like featured here or on DMH's Flickr site, please send them to
 Michelle Cormier Tallman.