In This Issue
Hearing Enhancement Devices

Hearing enhancement devices are available during services at the security desk. In addition, there is a Hearing Loop in the Schafler Forum. Please switch hearing aid to T-coil.

Union Field Cemetery

Come visit and learn more about Rodeph Sholom's historic Union Field Cemetery. Discounted fees are available for CRS members. For more information, call our knowledgeable staff at 718-366-3748.

Bereavement Notices 

Click here if you would like to be informed of deaths in our community.
September 1, 2015
High Holy Days 5776

We still have a very limited number of Main Sanctuary seats available.  If you are interested in learning more, please call our Membership Office at 646-454-3051 or email

To get the full High Holy Day schedule, family opportunities, child care, and more, click here.

We also welcome congregants to Shireinu (Our Songs) Rosh Hashanah service and celebration for families with special needs. This year's service is scheduled for Tuesday, September 15th, in the Schafler Forum at 11:00AM. Learn more about Shireinu by visiting here. The social story to help attendees prepare is here
Selichot: Entering the High Holy Days
Return us to You and we will return. Renew our days as of old. (Lamentations 5:21)

Selichot is the "overture" to the High Holy Days; it is a chance to experience the music and majesty of the High Holy Day liturgy in a quiet, reflective, and intimate environment. Begin to open yourself to the season of reflection and returning with an evening of prayer and song. 
Rabbi David Ellenson 
Leads Yom Kippur Adult Text Study

We are thrilled that CRS congregant and renowned scholar Rabbi David Ellenson will lead the Yom Kippur Adult Text Study. 

Rabbi Dr. David Ellenson is Chancellor Emeritus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, where he served a President from 2001-2013. 

Currently, Rabbi Dr. Ellenson is Acting Director of the Schusterman Center for Israel Studies and Visiting Professor in the Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University.  
Erev Sukkot Family Experience
Shake Shake Shake...Your Lulav!
 Sunday, September 27th

From 3:30-4:15PM: Sing and Shake in the Sukkah (ages 3 and under)

From 4:30-5:30PM: Family Sukkot Experience: arts and crafts, stories, and snacks (all ages)

From 5:30-6:00PM: Blessings with clergy in the Sukkah (all ages)
Help make our Sukkah beautiful. ENGAGE in social action projects, SHAKE the lulav and etrog in our community Sukkah, and LAUGH and PLAY to the sounds of joyful music.
Sukkot Morning Service

Join us on Sukkot morning for more celebrations!
Community Engagement
Calling all singers!
Join Rodeph Sholom's Adult Volunteer Choir

No experience necessary, just a desire to sing and share in our Jewish musical heritage. Participate in the second day of Rosh Hashanah, Tuesday, September 15th, 2015
Rehearsal in our sanctuary: 
Tuesday, September 1st, 6:30-8:00PM
Final rehearsal in our sanctuary: 
Tuesday, September 15th, 8:15AM

Service: Tuesday, September 15th, 9:30AM
To join or for more information: Please contact the Cantors' study at
New Confirmation Class 

For CRS parents and 10th graders: come hear about our new and improved Confirmation program.  Dinner will be served as you learn about our opening retreat, flexible study sessions, Berlin trip, Confirmation service, and celebration!  To RSVP, contact by September 4th.  
Register Now for the URJ Biennial
Shape the future of the Reform Movement, and be transformed in the process.

What is the best way to connect with the Reform Jewish Movement?  Be a part of our delegation of fellow congregants. Join Rabbi Spratt, Cantor De Lowe, and President Marty Flumenbaum at the URJ Biennial, November 4th-8th in sunny Orlando. 

There will be expert panels and lively discussions about the most important issues to Reform Jews today. There will also be fun activities, music, and a chance to make new friends. Join us! Click here to learn more and sign up.
The Shalom Hartman Lecture: What We Talk About When We Talk About Israel

Rodeph Sholom has been selected as a hosting partner of the inaugural year of the Hartman Community Collaborative Lecture Series in New York City.  This is our opportunity to create and engage in public conversations on Israel.
CRS congregants are able to attend this series cost-free thanks to generous sponsorship from the Dora and Leo Diamond Day Program Fund.  Use code CRS15 to register here.

PJ Library

Sign up and share the fun of reading!


Congregation Rodeph Sholom and PJ Library invite you to join in the fun of reading with FREE Jewish children's books and music. Click here to sign up or to receive more information.
Adult Learning and Life
Book Group
Next date: Thursday, October 1st

Enjoy discussing books and making new friends.  To open this season of Book Group, we are reading The Betrayers by David Bezmozgis. 

Next month we are reading Mr. Sammler's Planet, by Saul Bellow.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact:
Mah Jongg
Remaining dates: Thursdays, October 8th; November 12th; December 10th

Are you ready to play? Do you want to learn? Whether you're an expert or a novice, come enjoy a few hours of camaraderie (and the "bridge mix")! Bring your own cards, or purchase them when you arrive.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact:
Personal and Spiritual Pathways
Through The Psalms
With Rabbi Jacqueline Ellenson
Remaining dates: Fridays, October 9th; November 13th; December 14th

The Book of Psalms contains expressions of all human experience and multiple manifestations of the ancient search for God's presence. Through the study of Psalms, we will gather for a personal and participatory learning experience, supplemented by poetry and song.

To RSVP or for more information, please contact: or call 646-454-3029.
Hebrew Marathon
With Michal Nachmany

Want to be more comfortable in the prayer service, but feel inhibited because you can't read Hebrew? Want to be more prepared for Yom Kippur services? 

Make a Rosh Hashanah resolution to participate in this unique seminar. Come for a Hebrew marathon that will leave you wanting more. Learn the letters and vowels, and by the end of the day, you will be reading Hebrew.

Pre- registration is required, lunch is included.

Roll of Remembrance 5776/2015

The deadline for listing names in the Roll of Remembrance, the booklet given to worshippers at the Memorial Service on Yom Kippur, has officially passed. We will include all listings received after the print deadline in the next edition of The Chronicle.

Here are three different ways you can be sure your loved one's name is included in The Chronicle:

* Call: 646-454-3052
* Email:
* Online:
Yom Kippur Appeal 5776/2015
To Care. To Help. To Thrive!

Your participation in the Yom Kippur Appeal is the key to a successful year at Rodeph Sholom.

Together with membership dues, which cover only 60% of the operating budget, we're counting on your Yom Kippur Appeal gift-be it $18 or $18,000 or more-to fulfill all our wonderful plans for the year!

Your gift helps us develop programs such as Mitzvah Day, Shabbat B'Yachad, and Adult Education courses to name just a few. Your gift also enables the Synagogue to maintain and repair our beautiful but aging facilities, and to welcome into our congregation the more than 300 families who wish to belong here but need assistance with membership dues or Religious School fees. Your gift to the Yom Kippur Appeal makes a difference.

Your pledge card is the bottom section of your High Holy Days ticket. Simply detach and mail it to the Synagogue in the envelope provided or click here to make an online credit card gift. For details about automatic recurring payment options, or for any questions, contact the Development Office at 646-454-3052.

Thanks in advance for your participation in the 2015 Yom Kippur Appeal.
Tikkun Olam
Mitzvah Weekend: Save the Dates!
Friday, October 23rd-Sunday, October 25th

This year, we're marching out into our community to help turbocharge 25 local organizations which make life better for those who need it most. Get ready, get set-


Registration opens on September 24th.  Stay tuned!
St. Xavier's Soup Kitchen
The 2015-2016 dates are now available!

We need 14 volunteers one Sunday a month from October-June to help prepare and serve meals to visitors at the St. Xavier's Soup Kitchen in Chelsea with your fellow CRS congregants.  All volunteers must be over the age of 14, and children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult.  To volunteer, sign up on VolunteerHub.
CRS Shelter

Join us for the 33rd year of our shelter and volunteer to spend one night. Click here to find out more and to help us fully staff the Shelter for the 2015-2016 year. We have 49 nights pledged from congregants so far. We want to fill up all dates for our 182 nights of providing a warm safe place to sleep for homeless men.  Please sign up!

Whatever you do, don't click here.  No! Don't!