SLC Background
SLC REACHES OUT, have you signed up yet?
SLC Reaches Out
This coming Thursday, April 18th, is a day dedicated to giving back to the community. See Joanne in room 272 if you would like to donate a few hours of your day towards helping out an organization.

Last year, hundreds of students and employees of Champlain St. Lawrence dedicated one day to make a difference by taking on volunteer projects that meet the needs of the Greater Quebec Area community. We want to do even better this year!
Students and staff are asked to look around them and see where they can help and donate some of their time.  Come to room 272 to register your interest or your activity, individually or as a group and REACH OUT.  
We look forward to this event so come and join us to lend a helping hand to our community.
Pelure de banane
Bring your ticket to room 272 to claim your prize 


T-shirt: #2863208

Hoodie: #2863114 and #2862915

Gift card $15: #2862979 and #2863207

Place Laurier gift card $20: #2862859

Sport expert gift card $20: #2862936

Mini IPod: #2862883


Whats coming up? 

Did you know that your body contains  
5 litres of blood? We only want 0.45 L. Come on down...
SLC will hold its annual blood drive for Hema Qu�bec on Tuesday, April 16, from 12:00 to 21:00 in the gym.

Hotdog Tomorrow, Tuesday April 16. Hot dog fund raiser. Business students will be selling  hot dogs  beginning at 12:00 in the cafeteria next to the garage door. 2$ for two hot dogs.

Exit Exam Information session in Room 268 on Tuesday, April 30 at 12:20.

Alpha Course (bible) Alpha Group
The Alpha group is a group which seeks to explore the basics of the Christian faith, described as "an opportunity to explore the meaning of life" Come and learn what Jesus had to say about our lives in this world. Everyone is welcome; bring your lunch.  Video and open discussion. Tuesdays, 12:30 in room 242.


Potter Family Award

The Potter Family Award will be given to a Champlain College St. Lawrence student at this year's graduation ceremony.


Created to honour Champlain Regional College for its education mission in memory of former Director of Studies, Arthur G. Potter III, the award is presented to a student from one of the Champlain Regional Colleges, on a rotating basis, each year - this year being Champlain St. Lawrence's turn.


A $1,000.00 prize is awarded to support a student with an inquiring, innovative mind who is able to synthesize the educational experience at Champlain in a short essay. You must be a student at Champlain-St. Lawrence with a cumulative grade average of at least 85% and in your last semester to apply. For details, click here.

Registration deadline is Tuesday, April 30, 2013.

For more information, please see Dominique Routhier.


Battery Recycling Did you know that there is a drop-box for your batteries on the third floor (next to the exit)?  Please recycle your old batteries.

Cinema Concours international de vid�os : appel de candidatures


 La Ville de Qu�bec invite les jeunes, de 14 � 17 ans et de 18 � 21 ans, � participer au deuxi�me concours international de vid�os � Ma ville, notre patrimoine mondial �. Le r�alisateur de Qu�bec, Samuel Matteau, agira � titre de porte-parole du concours et fera la tourn�e des �tablissements scolaires pour en faire la promotion.

Le volet local...

Les jeunes sont invit�s � produire une vid�o et � la d�poser sur le site de partage d'ici le 31 mai 2013. D'une dur�e maximale de 5 minutes, la vid�o devra porter sur le site patrimonial du Vieux-Qu�bec, lieu inscrit sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO depuis 1985. Le formulaire d'inscription ainsi que les r�glements sont disponibles sur le site web de la Ville de Qu�bec

Sur le plan local, la Ville de Qu�bec et ses partenaires remettront trois prix dans chaque groupe d'�ge :

  •         500 $ pour le premier prix; une invitation � pr�senter la vid�o au Festival de cin�ma de la Ville de Qu�bec 2013 et un laissez-passer pour le festival; une visite VIP du studio de BEENOX et le jeu The Amazing Spider-Man produit enti�rement par celui-ci;
  •         300 $ pour le deuxi�me prix et une formation au choix parmi le catalogue des formations professionnelles 2013-2014 de SPIRAFILM;
  •         150 $ pour le troisi�me prix.

...d'un concours international!

Les vid�os finalistes de toutes les villes participantes seront ensuite jug�es par un jury international et courront la chance de remporter des prix de 500 $ � 1 000 $.

Initiative de l'OPVM, le concours international � Ma ville, notre patrimoine mondial �, vise � sensibiliser les jeunes au patrimoine de leur ville. Pour plus de renseignements sur l'organisation et le concours :



Homophobia campagne 2013
Journ�e internationale contre l'homophobie

17 Mai 2013
La campagne de la Journ�e internationale contre l'homophobie 2013 a pour th�me Combattez le virus Web de l'homophobie. Pour plus d'infos: 


Ross Murray Book Launch Event - May 8th
Ross Murray

Don't Everyone Jump at Once but there's an author event happening in Quebec City in May...

Place: AngloStore, Place Naviles, 3400, chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois, Qu�bec (Qu�bec) G1W 2L3

Date: Wednesday 8th May, 2013

Time: From 19h00


Ross Murray, humorist, CBC columnist, Life in Qu�bec Magazine columnist, and all round jolly good egg, will be in Quebec City on Wednesday 8th May to launch his new book Don't Everyone Jump at Once.

SSQ Assurances
Insurance documents for students
SLC Students have insurance coverage, with SSQ Assurances,  in case of accidents on campus. For more information please follow this link:
School Calendar
CALENDAR 2013-2014 
Should you be planning to travel in 2012-2013, please verify the academic calendar before reserving your trip.
If you plan a trip during the semester or during the exam period, you run the risk of failing the course.

AAA provincial_champs 2013


For our SLC Lion teams the season is now over.

Congratulations to:

AA Women's Basketball: The St. Lawrence Lady Lions AA basketball team won the provincial banner for the first time since the mid-1980's.

A Women's Basketball: Brought home the banner for the regional championship.

Women's Volleyball Team: Brought home the banner for the regional championship.

Pentathlon des neiges:Champlain-St.Lawrence brought home, for the 2nd year in a row, the Men AND Women's banners for the Inter-collegiate race of the Pentathlon des Neiges and also came back with 2nd position in the Women's category and a 2nd overall (all categories)

Rugby Women: Brought home the banner for the regional championship.

Golf: For the fifth consecutive year, a St. Lawrence Lion is CCAA golf National Champion.  Val�rie Tanguay Canadian Collegiate Golf Champion  



It is soon time to say good bye to our Lions Graduates. We wish you all good luck with your future plans next fall. Thank you to all our supporters and see you next year.

To see our Lion graduates just follow this link:(if you cannot see the pictures, right click to zoom in)



Student Council Logo Student Council Elections
Do you love St. Lawrence and its students? Would you like to be involved in your school next fall?
Positions available for Fall 2013:
Descriptions of the positions may be found following this link or on the SLCSA Facebook page. Sign up in room 272 and get involved!
Election campaign begins Tuesday, April 9th.
Deadline to apply Monday, April 15
Elections held by MIO on Tuesday, April 23rd.


Job wanted The early bird gets the worm!
Summer jobs:

Employers have already started to post their summer job offers.  You can see them on the bulletin board next to room 272 or on our job offer web page under Student Services. Keep an eye on it, it is often updated daily. 
Help NEED HELP? VARIOUS WORKSHOPS ARE READY FOR BUSINESS! Chemistry, Math, The English Writing Workshop and Methodology.


The English Peer Tutor Drop-in Service is open from 12:10 to 13:55 in room 340. This service will be offered until the week preceding final exams. Students are seen on a strictly first come first served basis.

SLC Store Online

Now available, you can buy the SLC clothing online.   

Under: About Us, then on the left of the screen, click on store. 
If you need someone to talk to, come and see us.
You can talk to us about suicide.
You can talk to us if you are thinking about suicide.
You can talk to us about a friend you think might be having suicidal thoughts.
We are here to listen and to help.
Alain Beaulieu  Everywhere  
Paul Bleau  Room 354
Christian Brosseau Room 276Denis Carrier Room 334-A
Meagan Daley Room 355 Diane Denault  Room 370
Anna Dera  Room 277  Louise Gauthier Room 324
Isabelle Guy  Room 356Joanne Marceau Room 370
Kiki Papaconstantinou Room 234 Kim Patenaude  Room 254 (in the library)
Luke Radoux   Room 271 Susie Ratte  Room 232
Steven Robinson Room 334-A  Patrick Savard Room 358
Nick Theodorakis Room 284 

If you need help and you are not in school, you can call the following number, any hour, any day:
Qu�bec City: 418-683-4588 or anywhere in the Province of Qu�bec: 1-866-APPELLE (1-866-277-3553).
Lost and Found We have lots of different objects in our Lost and Found basket at the front desk. If you misplaced something this semester, it might be there.  Stop by anytime during office hours. Everything left behind at the end of the semester will be given to charity or disposed of.


Should there be a school closing, the following procedures have been set into place to keep students informed:

1) The announcement will be inserted on the SLC webpage; 2) An automatic MIO will be sent to all with the school closing information; 3) Radio stations will be advised.
If nothing is on the website, the school remains open.