September 13, 2016   
In This Issue
New CAHMI Staff!
Adverse Childhood Experiences and Positive Health
See Us at CityMatCH
New State-Comparison Tools
New Virgin Islands Data on the DRC
Autism Spectrum Disorder Special Topics Portal
NHIS-Child Downloadable Datasets
Highlighting New Additions to the CAHMI Team!
The CAHMI is delighted to welcome two new members to our team: Brandon Weber and Gabriella Rosenberg!

Brandon R. Weber, CAHMI's new Database Specialist and IT Coordinator, graduated from the Johns Hopkins University in 2014 with a B.A. in Creative Writing and Theater Arts. He has experience with database design and administration, as well as local and remote IT support, and has helped various non-profits through previous software work. In his free time, he supports the Baltimore Orioles and Ravens, and enjoys cooking and writing. He is excited to continue helping the lives and health of children through the CAHMI and its endeavors.

Gabriella Rosenberg, CAHMI's new Administrative Coordinator, comes to us from the financial industry where she has spent 6 years as an administrative coordinator. She is excited to make this transition into the non-profit world and looks forward to growing both personally and professionally here at the CAHMI. Gabriella lives in Cockeysville, MD with her husband and two dogs, Bailey and Gordon.

ACEs and Positive Health
The CAHMI continues to be committed to our work to address social determinants of health like ACEs and Positive Health. Check out our CAHMI ACEs and Positive Health page to access the latest publications, presentations, and resources on this topic.
Gain Insights into Data Science at Concordium, an AcademyHealth Conference
The Concordium conference brings together key players working with health data to solve critical issues in the delivery system setting. Designed to advance the strategic development and use of evidence to transform health systems, this year's program was built with leading ideas and emerging science.
Concordium 2016 will build on the strongest aspects of the inaugural conference with an enhanced agenda. With Patients Included accreditation, four plenaries, two poster sessions, and over 15 concurrent sessions, attendees working throughout the health data space will find specialized sessions that promise to offer engaging insights into and discussions of evidence.
Mindful that the health data field relies on and encompasses several other key issues in health care, sessions this year are aligned with four core themes, Effectiveness & Outcomes Research, Health Care Analytics & Operations, Public & Population Health, and Quality Improvement.
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About Us
The DRC is a project of the CAHMI
The DRC is a project of the CAHMI and is made possible by the  
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Come See Us at the CityMatCH Leadership and MCH Epi Conference!
This year's CityMatCH Leadership and MCH Epidemiology Conference will take place in Philadelphia from Sept 14th-16th! We invite you to stop by our booth in the Liberty Foyer, so we can share more with you about our ongoing work -- preparing for the release of the 2016 NSCH data, our new customizable profiles, and our new state hot-spotting tables (see more below). Additionally, the DRC is presenting at three conference events:
  • Lunchtime Focus Group: Join us to discuss the 2016 NSCH, DRC outreach, and participation in the Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research Network
    • Wed. Sept 14th, 12-1:30 PM, Liberty Ballroom
  • Breakout B, ABS-B1: Applying New Methods and Indicators to Advance MCH Research & Practice (Christina Bethell, Jennifer L. Farfalla)
    • Wed. Sept. 14th, 3:30-4:30 PM, Freedom G
  • Closing Plenary Session: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Translation into Policy and Practice (Christina Bethell, James Hudziak, and Leslie Lieberman)
    • Fri. Sept. 16th, 10-11:30 AM, Liberty Ballroom
New State-Comparison Tools on the DRC!
The DRC is pleased to announce the addition of two new tools to help users compare Title V data across states and against national averages!

The first tool includes a series of U.S. maps which show the state-level prevalence of individual Title V National Performance Measures (NPMs) and National Outcome Measures (NOMs). These maps allow users to quickly and easily compare their state's average to the national average on many Title V topics. While on this page, we encourage you to check out additional U.S. maps which highlight topics related to child and family health care, health care quality, neighborhood, and school from the 2011/12 NSCH and 2009/10 NS-CSHCN, or from previous survey iterations.

The second tool allows users to quickly compare multiple measures across all 50 states using our new Hot-Spotting Tables! These tables allow users to compare state performance across all Title V NPMs or NOMs at once, and also quickly see state vs. nation comparison data. The interactive tables also allow users to hover over measure titles to learn more about each measure, sort by increasing or decreasing prevalence, and click on individual prevalence values to get more state vs. nation comparison data and to access subgroup data for that measure.

In addition, we invite you to check out all of our other NSCH and NS-CSHCN national, regional, and state data snapshots. Keep an eye out for a series of interactive data snapshots sorted by several common health and well-being frameworks - coming soon!

New Virgin Islands Data on the DRC  
The DRC's interactive data query now includes data for the Virgin Islands for all NSCH and NS-CSHCN Title V National Performance and Outcome Measures. To access this data: 1) Select the NSCH or NS-CSHCN in the DRC's interactive data query, 2) Choose the "Title V Block Grant Measures" section, 3) Select a measure of interest, and 4) Choose the Virgin Islands from the "Compare States" drop-down menu.
Autism Spectrum Disorder Special Topics Portal and Chartbook
To complement the wealth of rich Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) data available on the Data Resource Center, the CAHMI recently launched a special topics portal focused solely on Autism Spectrum Disorder.

This portal provides easy access to data on the health and well-being of children and families with ASD from the 4 national surveys: the National Survey of Children's Health, National Survey of Children with Special Health Care Needs, Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services, and National Health Interview SurveyIn addition to helping families, advocates, policymakers, and researchers learn more about the experiences of families with ASD, this portal is intended to help anyone advocate for issues related to ASD. This portal allows individuals to explore how others are putting ASD data into action, and access a variety of other resources for families, advocates, and researchers

And in case you missed it, the CAHMI recently launched a comprehensive chartbook synthesizing the ASD data available on the DRC: Experience Matters: A View into the Health and Wellbeing of US Children and Families with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This chartbook highlights, over the course of several stand-alone chapters, the experiences of children and families with ASD using findings from several national surveys. It provides rich information for families, family advocates, policymakers, and others on topics such as the ASD diagnosis experience, the impact on the child's daily life, health care access, insurance coverage, school and social well-being, family well-being and family impact, safety concerns, and much more. 
NHIS-Child Datasets Now Available for Downloading!  
In addition to the datasets already available for download on DRC, 4 new downloadable datasets are now available from the National Health Interview Survey - Child and Family Core (NHIS-Child)!
Conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), the NHIS Child and Family Core includes questions on the health status, health care access and utilization, family resources, health care costs, food security, and mental health of children 0-17 years, and much more. You can learn more about the NHIS-Child dataset on our NHIS-Child data portal, including FAQs, fast facts, guide to survey topics and questions, and methodology information. 

4 years of datasets are available:
  • 2010-2013 combined (includes state- and region-level estimates)
  • 2011-2012 combined
  • 2013
  • 2014
These downloadable datasets also include detailed codebooks for researchers. You can request these and any other datasets by filling out the Dataset Request Form and e-mailing it to You can also learn more about all of the surveys available on the DRC or contact us via our Ask Us a Question page.

CAHMI | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Department of Population, Family and Reproductive Health | 615 N. Wolfe Street, Room E4152 | Baltimore | MD | 21205