April 6, 2016   
In This Issue
Featured Data Snapshots
New ASD Resources
Featured Data Snapshots on the DRC
The DRC website features dozens of "data snapshots," or visual representations of data, on varying health topics and conditions. For example, we currently provide a customizable snapshot of data from the 2007 NSCH by Rural Urban Commuting Area (RUCA) subgroups, allowing users to see disparities in health outcomes by the rural/urban divide. We will have a similar snapshot using 2011/12 NSCH data coming soon. 
Additionally, the DRC provides a large collection of U.S. maps which allow users to compare state outcomes on a variety of health indicators with the national average. Tables will soon be available which will allow users to compare multiple health indicators -- at the same time -- across all states. 
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About Us
The DRC is a project of the CAHMI
The DRC is a project of the CAHMI and is made possible by the  
Come See the DRC at AMCHP!
This year's Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) Annual Conference will take place in Washington, DC at the Marriott Wardman Park from April 6th-9th. We invite you to join us at two special events:
  • Stop by our skills-building workshop on Wednesday afternoon from 1:30-4:30 PM: Leveraging Existing Partnerships, Models, and Resources to Advance Data-Driven Improvement in MCH National and State Outcomes and Performance Measures
  • Join our CAHMI-AcademyHealth ACEs and Resilience Forum on Saturday from 8-9 AM in the Harding Room
In addition, please come visit us at Booth #2 in the Exhibit Hall from Thursday through Saturday -- we'd love to say hello!
Just in Time for Autism Awareness Month: New Autism Spectrum Disorder Chartbook and Resources on the DRC!
Over the past two years, the Data Resource Center (DRC) and Autism Speaks have partnered to make ASD-related data and resources easy to use and accessible to everyone. On our website, we currently have data available from the Survey of Pathways to Diagnosis and Services (Pathways) (conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health), on our interactive data query

To complement these data, we are thrilled to announce the launch of our chartbook, Experience Matters: A View into the Health and Wellbeing of US Children and Families with Autism Spectrum Disorder. This chartbook highlights, over the course of several stand-alone chapters, the experiences of children and families with ASD using findings from several national surveys, including Pathways, the National Survey of Children's Health, the National Survey of Children with Special Healthcare Needs, and the National Health Interview Survey. The chartbook provides rich information for families, family advocates, policymakers, and others on topics such as the ASD diagnosis experience, the impact on the child's daily life, health care access, insurance coverage, school and social well-being, family wellbeing and family impact, safety concerns, and much more

Stay tuned for the launch of our ASD portal, which will fast-track users to the wide variety of ASD-related data available on the Data Resource Center. In addition, the portal will invite users to explore the variety of ways ASD data is being put into action, learn more about the survey, and access a variety of others resources for families, advocates, and researchers.  
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