FIPC Newsletter

Issue 41 Volume 12  - Week of October 12, 2014

From Dr. Jim Weldon, Jr.

Dear FIPC Church Family,

I want to share this article with you, not because I want something FROM you. I share this article with you because I want something FOR you! A little warning about this article... it contains information that will change your life forever! Some who read this article will get angry. Some who read this article will find comfort.

By reading and letting the truth in this article seep into your heart and mind, your life will radically change for the better! If you want to really grow in your faith carefully study the information in this article and let its truth penetrate your heart and be lived out in your actions, and you will grow spiritually in ways unimaginable! Once you know this information and act on it... great things will happen in your life!


7 Passages of Scripture That Changed My Financial Future
By Perry Nobel

#1. Deuteronomy 8:18 - "But remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today."
  • This verse clearly showed me that EVERYTHING I have is from the hands of God - EVERYTHING! (See also Romans 11:36.)
#2. Proverbs 3:9-10 - "Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the first-fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine."
  • In this verse I see a command and a promise. If I will honor God with my money ... Scripture clearly says He will take care of me (and that promise is true for you as well!)
#3. Proverbs 22:7 - "The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender."
  • I remember the day I realized I was a slave to debt ... and I didn't want to stay that way. So I made the decision to become a good steward of what the Lord had given me, get on a budget and make tough financial decisions. (See also Proverbs 21:5 and Proverbs 21:20.)
#4. Malachi 3:10 - "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."
  • I did not tithe for the first nine years I followed Jesus ... and I was ALWAYS broke. I began to tithe in 1999 and the Lord has ALWAYS provided what I need, when I need it.
#5. Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."
  • This verse has always served as a reminder from Jesus that the #1 competitor for my heart is money ... and that if I am going to follow Him financially, I must do it intentionally because it will not happen accidentally. (Also see Jesus DESTROY the myth that "if I had more I would give more" in Luke 16:10-12, and the warnings about loving money in I Timothy 6:10 and Ecclesiastes 5:10.)
#6. II Corinthians 9:6-8 - "Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work."
  • These verses scream, "You CANNOT OUTGIVE GOD!" I've had people try to use this section of Scripture to justify NOT tithing or giving because they "do not have a cheerful heart." My response is always, "So let me get this straight ... Jesus Christ came from heaven to earth, died on the cross to pay for your sins, has promised you to always be with you, is preparing a place for you in heaven and is at work in your life right now and you do not have a cheerful heart? If that's the case then there is a MUCH deeper issue going on."
#7. II Corinthians 9:15 - "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"
  • This one WRECKS me every single time I read it or hear it, and it is PROOF that you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.
Also ... if you want to read some other stuff I've written on finances, you can check out ...
The Bible in both the Old Testament and New Testament, has A LOT of things to say about my money and finances and how we use them. Jesus taught MORE about money and possessions than He did about any other subject.

The questions each of us has to answer in our own hearts and minds are:
  • "Are the Bible's teachings about my money and possessions true?"
  • If not... what does that mean?
  • If so... what does that mean for me?
  • "Can I ignore the Bible's teachings about my money and possessions?"
  • "What are the consequences of ignoring what God has said about my money and possessions in this life?"
  • "What are the consequences of ignoring what God has said about my money and possessions when I get to heaven?" 
I warned you not to read this article... but also it may be one of the best things you have ever done! Why? Because what we do with our money and possessions matters in this life and when we receive our eternal reward in heaven.

If you do not have a plan for your giving to God in and through His church, create one. How? Start with a percentage and give proportionally. You may want to give 1%, 2%, 3%, etc. of your income and grow in your giving so you can live into God's teachings about money and possessions. If you need some help or would like to talk about it - call or text me (904-553-8493) or email me (

God is good, all the time!  All the time, God is good!

Grace and Peace,

 Jim Weldon

Jim Weldon

Church Celebrations

Car Show & Blood Drive a Huge Success

The Clay County Cruzers and our own Empty Nesters sponsored another amazing car show this past Saturday. Approximately 100 cars participated, about $1,300 was raised for FIPC ministries, and 21 lives will be saved from the blood that was donated!

Church Announcements

Christmas Eve Family Service
December 24
4:00 pm

Looking for Hams, Divas, and SuperStars for our Family Christmas Eve Service! We have speaking, as well as non-speaking, roles for Children, Youth, and Adults!  Practices will be for one hour on Sundays after church beginning December 2nd. Don't like the spotlight? We need volunteers for set decoration, costumes, and stage hands (community service hours for youth volunteers!). Contact Carissa Hogan at 449-0703 for more information.

Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox Packing Party
November 5 @ 6:30 pm
Worship Building

Join us in helping children of the world experience the joy of Christmas.  Items to be placed in the shoe boxes will be collected through November 4th!  
We need the following items:
  • Toothbrushes/toothpaste
  • Coloring books/crayons
  • Hair brushes/combs/hair clips
  • Pencils/pens/sharpeners
  • Writing pads
  • Socks
  • Sunglasses
  • Ball caps
  • Toy jewelry
  • Small stuffed animals (new)
  • Small toys (new): cars, dolls, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, slinkies, etc.

Please no war related items, food, liquids/lotions, medications/vitamins, or breakable items.


Bring your items to church and drop them in one of the collection bins, or bring them by the church office.  Contact Sara Dryden or Mike Horst for more details. 

Christmas Choir Ensemble
Tuesdays @ 6:30 pm

* Looking for men and women, grades 8 to adult, to participate in this year's Christmas Choir Ensemble for the Christmas Eve Candlelight Service.

* Don't have to be able to read music--we will help you with all of that!

* We'll be singing standard Christmas songs! Just need to be able and willing to make a joyful noise and sing out your best Christmas cheer.

* Sign up on your yellow welcome cards during worship or contact Mike Horst.

5th Quarter Finale!
October 24
9:30-11:30 pm

Join us for this season's 5th Quarter Finale on Friday, October 24.  We plan to have fireworks, a video game party truck, and a mechanical bull. Food will be provided by O'Brother's Irish Pub.

How can you help with our largest event yet?
  • Donate homemade cookies, brownies, and desserts.
  • Donate $ Online!
  • Sign up to volunteer by contacting Laura Hersperger or writing it on your yellow welcome card during worship.

Blackboard writings   A good example is the best sermon    
Upcoming Messages
Don't miss out on the important messages that FIPC has planned:

October 19 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 2:  What Keeps You Up At Night?  
Daniel 2:1-23

October 26 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 3:  There Is A God In Heaven.  Daniel 2:24-49

November 2 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 4:  Going Through The Fire.  Daniel 3:1-30

November 9 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 5:  Am I Crazy?  Daniel 4

November 16 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 6:  The Writing On The Wall.  Daniel 5:1-31

November 23 - Pastor Jim - Daniel Series, Part 7:  In The Lions' Den.  Daniel 6

Pastor Jim invites conversation on the topics before the scheduled Sunday.  Dates and topics are subject to change.

Adult Ministries

Parents With Small Children
New Small Group
October 19 @ 11:15 am
Worship Building Room #2

  • Who: Parents with Small Children
  • What: New Small Group
  • When: This Sunday, October 19 right after church, 11:15 am to 12:15 am-ish. We will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month after that.
  • Where: FIPC's Worship Building. The children will meet in the Nursery and the adults will meet in Room #2.
  • Other: Child care will be provided! All who want to use the child care will pitch in to help cover the cost. (Suggested paying between $3 to $5 per child per meeting.)
  • Food/Snacks: On your own.
During our first meeting, we will look at some organizational issues and curriculum.  If you have any suggestions, please feel free to bring them.  For more information, contact Jim Weldon at 543-8893.

Men's Small Group
Every Other Wednesday @ 6:30 p.m.

Meets every other Wednesday in contacts' homes for fellowship and Bible study.  For more information, contact Paul Bedsole or Jim Brewer.

Great Banquet
Mandarin Presbyterian Church

Great Banquet

November 6-9
November 20-23

72 hour spiritual retreat held at Mandarin Presbyterian Church.  Sign up on your yellow welcome card during worship or contact Elder Iris Cruice.

Christian Growth Classes

Christian Growth Classes
November 2 @ 1:00 pm
Worship Building

We would love for you to join the church and continue your discipleship journey by partaking in one of these classes.  If you are interested in joining the church or attending one of the classes, please contact Director of Membership Sara Dryden.  1st Base, please sign up ahead of time in order to receive information to be discussed at the meeting.

Youth & Children's Ministries

Lecrae Concert
November 13 @ 7:00 pm
Times-Union Center

This is for all youth (7th-12th grade), and an event you sure don't want to miss!  Spots are limited to enjoy this awesome concert.  E-mail Mike Horst  and drop off a check at church on Sunday or at the church office during the week to secure your spot.  Cost of the concert is $35.00 and is due by Sunday, October 26.

ROCK Wednesday Nights
5:30-7:00 pm

ROCK stands for "Reaching Out for Christ's Kingdom" and is a youth group for 5th and 6th graders.  Check out the fun that is planned this Fall:

  • October 15: Tacos in a bag--Heaven is For Real, the movie (Part 1), complete with movie theater popcorn!
  • October 22: Cheese pizza & garden salad--Heaven is For Real, the movie (Part 2), complete with movie theater candy!
  • October 29: Sub sandwiches & fun Fall inspired treats--pumpkin carving, fellowship, and games!
  • November 5: Dinner TBA--Study: What is in Heaven?
  • November 12: Dinner TBA--Study: Who is in Heaven?
  • November 19: Dinner TBA--Study: Who is the God of Heaven?
  • November 26: Thanksgiving holiday--No ROCK.

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In This Issue
Church Announcements
Adult Ministries
Thank You
Thanks and Prayer Requests
This Week's Funny
This Week's Devotional
FIPC Calendar


A Record of Our Faithfulness

FIPC is a member supported church.

We do not receive any outside funding.  Everything we do is made possible through your faithful giving.



New Members This Year:  21



10/12/14 = 129


Ministry & Building Fund Offerings:

10/12/14 = $6,314.00


(2014 weekly need = $10,048)


Offering envelopes are  available in the church bulletin for cash offerings. The envelopes are not necessary for checks.  If you ever have any questions about FIPC finances, please contact our CFO & Church Administrator, Dawn Vanderpool, at the church office at (904) 269-2412 ext. 701.

Sunday Worship
sunday service
Worship Service is held every Sunday morning
10:00 AM

Attire is casual. It is an uplifting, come as you are service.
Small Groups

God never intended for us to go it alone!


We want to help you find the Small Group where you can you grow in your faith and have some fun doing it!


ChristLife - Senior High Youth
Fuel - Jr. High Youth Group
ROCK / Children
 Childrens Ministries
Thank You Notes
Thank You


Thanks to:


The Hospitality Team for Sunday morning refreshments!  


The counting team for your continued service to your church!


Our Awesome Worship Band!


Those who helped usher/greet last Sunday!


Our Children's Ministry Volunteers!


Our Youth Ministry Team!



Announcements for the e-newsletter, power point slide show during worship, and web site should be emailed to Dawn Vanderpool by 9 am on Mondays.


Announcements for the bulletin should be emailed to Sara Dryden by 10 am on Tuesdays.

Christian Counseling Center
Christian Counseling Center

A ministry of Fleming Island Presbyterian Church, The Christian Counseling Center of FIPC is an outreach of the church to our community. 

Church Staff
If you would like to contact a church staff member please go to our website.



FacebookCheck out our Facebook page! It's a great way to add photos of events and stay in contact with your church.
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List

Thanks and Prayer Requests
Paryer Requests
Praise / Thanks:
  • To God for all the new families He is bringing to us.
  • To God for blessing us abundantly.
  • To God for His Word revealed to us in the Bible.
  • To God for all those who work so hard behind the scenes.
  • To God for our Hospitality Ministry.     
  • To God for our Sunday School Team.
  • To God for our Youth Group Leaders.
  • To God for our Great Worship Band and AV Team.
  • To God for all those folks who pray each day for FIPC.
Praise from the Welcome Cards:
  • God's mercy.
  • Mom (Ruth) is doing well in Brooks Rehab Hospital.  Thanks for continued support and prayer.
  • All the hard work of all the teams.
  • Wonderful turnout for the car show.  Great job Carissa!
  • Church family and friends.
  • Phenomenal car show!  Thanks Empty Nesters and all volunteers. 
  • Blood Mobile turn out 7x3 = 21 lives saved.  Thank you from Ann Roos.
  • Harry has been such a blessing to his sister.  Being in Chicago alone he is praying and reading the Bible.
  • Thanks Carissa for today's message.
  • Carissa Hogan, fantastic message.  Very well delivered!!

Prayer Requests: 

  • For our community.
  • For our church's growth in spirit, connections, and number.  
  • For those who do not know Christ.
  • The grace to live out our faith.
  • For our FIPC Pastor, Staff, Elders, Deacons and their families.
  • For families and individuals who are hurting.
  • For the PCUSA and FIPC's response to the changes. For our Denominational Relations Committee.
  • Martha Williams, health.
  • Faircloth family.
  • Sydney Ward.
  • Betty Gedrottis
Prayers from the Welcome Cards:
  • Joyce for healing. SJCDS to come back to it's Christian roots.
  • All military men in harms way.  Elizabeth Ann.
  • Please remember our family member, Gail, in prayers.
  • For my sister-in-law Georgiann that she comes to Christ during her cancer fight.
  • Wisdom for our new Elders and Deacons in carrying out the Lord's will for our church family.
  • All who are sick and suffering.
  • For Ginger and Molly to continue their hard work in getting degrees while working.
  • My beautiful friend, Charlene, cancer is back for 3rd time.  God's help to grow our Youth Group.
  • Carolyn Overstreet, safe travels next week.  Church and gov't leaders.
  • Shannon, Lorraine, Lou and John.
This Week's Inspirational

This Week's Devotional


 "Blessing Comes From Obeying God's Word"

by Rick Warren


This Week's Devotional

"Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock."
(Matthew 7:24 NIV)

Receiving, reading, researching, remembering, and reflecting on the Word of God are all useless if we fail to put what we learn into practice. We must become doers of the Word (James 1:22).

I understand this is a hard step, because Satan fights it so intensely. He doesn't mind you going to Bible studies as long as you don't do anything with what you learn.

We fool ourselves when we assume that just because we have heard or read or studied a truth, we have internalized it.

Actually, you can be so busy going to the next class or seminar or Bible conference that you have no time to implement what you've learned. You forget it on the way to your next study! Without implementation, all our Bible studies are worthless. Jesus said, "Everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock" (Matthew 7:24 NIV).

Jesus also pointed out that God's blessing comes from obeying the truth, not just knowing it. He said, "Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them" (John 13:17).

I cannot overstate the value of being a part of a small Bible study discussion group. We always learn from others truths we would never learn on our own. Other people will help you see insights you would miss and help you apply God's truth in a practical way.

The best way to become a doer of the Word is to always write out an action step as a result of your reading or studying of or reflecting on God's Word. Develop the habit of writing down exactly what you intend to do.

This action step should be personal (involving you), practical (something you can do), and provable (with a deadline). Every application will involve either your relationship to God, your relationship to others, or your personal character.
Fleming Island Presbyterian Church
1743 County Road 220
Fleming Island, FL 32003