FIPC Newsletter

Issue 47 Volume 11  - Week of December 1, 2013

From Dr. Jim Weldon, Jr.


Dear FIPChurch Family,


God has His call in your life. Any time we want to hear from God, the method is the same but the outcome, or result is always different - it is unique as our fingerprint or a snow flake.  How do we hear from God?  The method: praying, reading and studying the Bible, meditating on God's Word, regular corporate worship, talking with godly friends, patient listening, practicing humility and serving others.  This is how God speaks.  Always has; always will.

God's call only comes to those who know Him and have a relationship with Him.  Our job is not necessarily our calling-this may surprise you, but here's why.  Most of us change jobs or careers during the course of our life.  Our job is an instrument that helps us carry out our calling, but rarely is it the call itself.  Our job may be closely wrapped up in our calling, or it may not. Sometimes all our job does is put food on the table, which gives us the freedom to go about our calling in a separate area.  I have a friend who is a lawyer who practices law so that he can do youth ministry. Unfortunately, we often use our job or career to measure our success.  If we make a lot of money, we consider ourselves successful. However, God is not concerned with money. He is concerned with how we are doing at the task He has given us. God is concerned if we are playing our part in advancing His Kingdom. We may be financially rich or poor; we may be just getting by in paying our bills, but God will give us everything we need to accomplish our calling.  Here's the important thing to remember: jobs and careers come and go, BUT our calling, our God-appointed mission in life, stays with us until the moment we are called home to heaven.

God equips each of us with unique spiritual gifts to help us in our calling.  A good list is found in Romans 12:6-8 (NIV), "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully."

One of the best ways to discover God's calling in your life is to start serving.  When asked to help out somewhere, try it and if you do not like it, move on to the next thing.  As we use our talents and gifts to serve others, we discover certain types of works that feel right. However, if we never take the initiative and jump in and start serving, we will never know this. There are certain things we do that just feel right-they bring us a deep sense of fulfillment and happiness, they feel so natural and good that we know this is what we were meant to do.  You may feel led to help people.  You may feel led to help people understand who Jesus is.  You may feel led to work with the poor.  You may feel led to encourage others, work with youth, children, adults, lead a small group, or a Bible study.

Often, we do not recognize our calling overnight.  God reveals it to us gradually over years as we roll up our sleeves and try different things.  When trying to discover our calling, we need to take on the attitude of Jesus.  What was Jesus' attitude?  Jesus said this, "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..." Mark 10:45 (NIV).   If we take on that attitude, we will not only discover our calling, but we will do it passionately for the rest of our life.

God called Abram to "step out in faith."  God didn't tell Abram where he was to go.  All he said was "go to the land I will show you."  To "step out in faith" means we choose to obey God.  In an act of obedience, we step out in faith.  Our faith grows AS we obey.  As our faith grows we trust God more and more.  Trust and faith grows through obedience.  Obedience is the soil in which faith grows.

Remember, God is good...all the time!

Your pastor and friend,

News & Upcoming Events


Christmas Offering 2013

December 1 - December 24 

This Christmas, we would like to give you the opportunity to give to a special offering towards the FIPC Building Fund.  Our goal is to raise 1 month's mortgage ($11,000)!  Each Sunday, you will be provided with a special envelope to include this offering.  The last day to give towards this fund will be Tuesday, December 24.  If you have any questions, please contact
Dawn Vanderpool. 

Salvation Army Angel Tree 

The Empty Nesters Small Group wishes to thank you for supporting of the Angel Tree.  You have made a Christmas joyful for a child.
We are missing 3 gift bags.  If you have not turned in your gift bag for your child, please do so by THIS WEDNESDAY (tomorrow) by 9:00 am!  Please contact Sara Dryden if you have any questions. 



Christmas Eve at FIPC!  2 Great Services


Please join us at 4:00 pm for the Children's Pageant entitled, "One Starry Night," a lively and meaningful musical about the greatest moment in history!


Stick around after the pageant for some light refreshments and then join us for the 6:00 pm Candlelight Service.  Our service will be filled with music, led by a special Christmas Eve Ensemble and Orchestra, as well as a meaningful message from Dr. Weldon.  We'll conclude the service with our traditional candlelight vigil while singing, Silent Night.   


Invite your friends, family, and neighbors to celebrate with us the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ!


Adult Ministries

Christian Growth Classes
Classes resume in January 2014! 
We would love for you to join the church and continue your discipleship journey by partaking in one of these classes.  If you are interested in joining the church before the end of the year, please contact Sara Dryden.

Find us on Facebook

In This Issue
From Dr. Weldon
News & Upcoming Events
A Record of our Faithfulness
ChristLife - Senior High Youth
FUEL - Junior High Youth Group
Featured Article
Thank You
FIPC Calendar


A Record of our Faithfulness


FIPC is a member supported church. We do not receive any outside funding.  Everything we do is made possible through your faithful giving. 



12/08/13 = 180
Ministry & Building Fund Offerings:
12/08/13 = $10,038.14
Weekly Need = $10,132)
Offering envelopes are now available in the church bulletin for cash offerings. The envelopes are not necessary for checks.  If you ever have any questions about FIPC finances, please call our CFO & Church Administrator, Dawn Vanderpool, at the church office at (904) 269-2412 ext. 701.
Sunday Worship Service
sunday service

Worship Service is held every  

Sunday morning  



Attire is casual. It is an uplifting, come as you are worship service.


Church Celebrations!
Celebration Logo
FIPC Elects 6 New People for Elder!

On Sunday, December 8, the congregation voted to elect the following people to the office of Elder:
  • Oz May (returning)
  • Jeff Vanderpool (returning)
  • Arlene Bowling (1 year)
  • Iris Cruice
  • Joseph Perry
  • Jim Brewer

Please join us in lifting these folks in prayer as they begin their extensive training for this prestigious office of church leadership. 

Small Groups

God never intended for us to go it alone!


We want to help you find the Small Group where you can you grow in your faith and have some fun doing it!



Childrens Ministries

ChristLife - Senior High Youth


FUEL - Junior High Youth Group
Christian Counseling Center
Christian Counseling Center

A ministry of Fleming Island Presbyterian Church.  The Christian Counseling Center of FIPC is an outreach of the church to our community.    

Thank You Notes
Thank You


Thanks to the Hospitality Team for Sunday morning refreshments.  


Thank you to the counting team for your continued service to your church!


Thank you to our Awesome Worship Band!


Thank you to those who helped usher/greet last Sunday!


Thanks to our Children's Ministry Volunteers.


Thank you to our Youth Ministry Team.



Announcements for the E-newsletter, and Power Point Slide Show before worship, during the offering, and after worship should be emailed to Sara by 9 am on Mondays.  


Announcements for the bulletin should be emailed to Sara Dryden by 10 am on Tuesdays


Quick Links

If you would like to contact a church staff member please go to our website >>>


Check out our Facebook page! It's a great way to add photos of events and stay in contact with your church.


Join Our Mailing List


Youth Group 
The Net Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Wednesday, December 18 at 6:30 pm!

Bring a snack to share and a wrapped $10 gift for the gift exchange.

Wear your best ugly Christmas sweater to the party.  The person who is voted to have the ugliest sweater will win a prize! 

The Net Wednesday Nights
  The Net logo

Wednesdays 6:30-8:30pm!  

Jr. High and Sr. High Youth  

Games, music, small groups, and worship!   
Invite your friends!




Parent's Night Out!

Saturday, December 14 from 7-9 pm
Drop off your children (ages Pre-K - 4th Grade) at the church, and let us entertain them with games, music, and activities while you finish up your Christmas shopping (or maybe even a date night with your significant other!).  Please contact Carissa Hogan for any questions! 

The ROCK Christmas Party
Wednesday, December 18 at 5:30 pm in the ROCK Room! 
Bring a $5-10 wrapped gift for the gift exchange.

We'll be playing games and enjoying some yummy food and desserts!  Wear green or red to get into the spirit! 

The ROCK Wednesday Nights  

Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00pm
5th & 6th Graders  

Come Join us for games, fellowship, snacks, small group time and mission work.


Thanks and Prayer Requests

Paryer Requests
The second week of Advent we remember and celebrate the Old Testament that Jesus was born in the foretold City of David.
Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving:  


Praise / Thanks:

  • To God for all the new families He is bringing to us.
  • To God for blessing us abundantly. 
  • To God for His Word revealed to us in the Bible. 
  • To God for all those who work so hard behind the scenes. 
  • To God for our Hospitality ministry.     
  • To God for our Sunday School Team.
  • To God for our Youth Group Leaders.
  • To God for our Great Worship Band and AV team.
  • To God for all those folks who pray each day for FIPC.
  • Thank you for Carissa's awesome message to us!
  • Pastor Jim's successful surgery; Linda C. released from hospital; Jesus' birth; staff and all their hard work.
  • For allowing my mom out of the hospital; praise for my dad for all he does for his family, church and friends.
  • Carissa, awesome job, walking away today with a total different respect for Mary.  I am the Lord's servant.
  • Great job Carissa!
  • Hannah got the job she wanted! Health and happiness.
  • What a great message Carissa! Thank you for teaching us more about Mary's Mission.
  • The decorations are so beautiful; wonderful music!
  • Excellent message by Carissa.
  • For a beautiful, healthy grandson.  For God's love and protection.
  • Calloway family for all the hours they put in this church.
  • For my son Robert as he completes his first semester in his degree.
  • Tim's grandmother came through surgery OK.  Awesome job Carissa.

Prayer Requests:

  • For our community.
  • For our church's growth in spirit, connections, and number.  
  • For those who do not know Christ.
  • For our Church's Pastor and Staff.
  • The grace to live out our faith.
  • For our FIPC Pastor, Staff,Elders, Deacons and their families.
  • For families and individuals who are hurting.
  • For the PCUSA and FIPC's response to the changes. For our Denominational Relations Committee.
  • Jason Hersperger, deployed to El Salvador.
  • Martha and James Williams, health.
  • Helen Goddard, health.
  • Faircloth family, health.
  • Kevin Griffis, serving in Afghanistan.
  • Pastor Jim, healing from surgery.
  • Linda Calloway, health.
  • Sydney Ward, Wolfsons Hospital, testing.
  • For the Elders elect, Iris Cruice, Joe Perry & Jim Brewer, as they begin their training.  For the Elders serving on Session for another term, Oz May, Arlene Bowling, & Jeff Vanderpool.
  • Charles Bowling, testing on Tuesday.
  • Dave G., fighting cancer; Tim's grandmother, breast cancer.
  • Continued healing for my parents; for my son, he is doing finals.
  • To bring Brittany back into the arms of Christ; for Josh to always remember all is possible through Christ.
  • For proper and skilled treatment of ailments.
  • Quick recovery from surgery for Jim Weldon.
  • Prayer for Sydney Ward and family and that healing can be found; students facing final exams; finances and job decisions.
  • Charlie's bronchoscopy goes well on Tuesday;  friend, Lee, still in hospital with lung issues; Linda Calloway; Pastor Jim's recovery from surgery.
  • Please continue to pray for my mom's healing; pray for my Uncle Billy who is in ICU; please pray for my famly and my struggles.
  • Pray for all my family.
  • Prayers for college students; final exams; graduations; safe travel.
  • Gib W., terminal brain tumor, 9 months, wife, Terri.
  • Chris & Evan, school and work in Orlando; church & gov't leaders.



This Week's Devotional
This Week's Devotional
"Obedience Leads to Peace"
by  Rick Warren

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."
(Philippians 4:6-7 NLT)

If you feel overwhelmed or confused about a decision that you're trying to make, you're probably caught up in yourself and not God's voice. The Bible says, "God is not a God of disorder but of peace" (1 Corinthians 14:33a NIV). He is not the author of confusion. So if you're feeling confused, guess what? It's not God's voice speaking in your life.

If you're a parent, do you want your kids to feel pressure or confused when you ask them to do something? No. You want them to understand what to do and then respond in obedience. God the Father wants the same thing for and from us.

The only time pressure could be legitimate is if God's told you to do something, and you keep saying "no." Then the pressure does build. But there's always peace when you say "yes" to what God's asking you to do.

Satan wants to drive us compulsively, but God wants to draw us compassionately. Satan wants to take advantage of our compulsions and use them to drive our lives. But God is our Good Shepherd. He wants to draw us in toward himself and peace.

Peter Lord used to say, "Ninety percent of what God wants to say to you is encouragement." If all you ever hear from God is negative messages, something's wrong. The wires have been crossed.

If you feel like God's told you to do something but you have increasing anxiety because of it, then the wires are crossed. Something's not right.

The Bible us, "Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7 NLT).
This Week's Funnies
A Parent's Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house
I searched for the tools to hand to my spouse.
Instructions were studied and we were inspired,
In hopes we could manage "Some Assembly Required."
The children were quiet (not asleep) in their beds,
While Dad and I faced the evening with dread:
A kitchen, two bikes, Barbie's town house to boot!
And, thanks to Grandpa, a train with a toot!

We opened the boxes, my heart skipped a beat....
Let no parts be missing or parts incomplete!
Too late for last-minute returns or replacement;
If we can't get it right, it goes in the basement!

When what to my worrying eyes should appear,
But 50 sheets of directions, concise, but not clear,
With each part numbered and every slot named,
So if we failed, only we could be blamed.

More rapid than eagles the parts then fell out,
All over the carpet they were scattered about.
"Now bolt it! Now twist it! Attach it right there!
Slide on the seats, and staple the stair!
Hammer the shelves, and nail to the stand."
"Honey," said hubby, "you just glued my hand."

And then in a twinkling, I knew for a fact
That all the toy dealers had indeed made a pact
To keep parents busy all Christmas Eve night
With "assembly required" till morning's first light.

We spoke not a word, but kept bent at our work,
Till our eyes, they went bleary; our fingers all hurt.
The coffee went cold and the night, it wore thin
Before we attached the last rod and last pin.

Then laying the tools away in the chest,
We fell into bed for a well-deserved rest.
But I said to my husband just before I passed out,
"This will be the best Christmas, without any doubt.

Tomorrow we'll cheer, let the holiday ring,
And not have to run to the store for a thing!
We did it! We did it! The toys are all set
For the perfect, most perfect, Christmas, I bet!"

Then off to dreamland and sweet repose I gratefully went,
Though I suppose there's something to say for those self-deluded...
I'd forgotten that batteries are never included!

Fleming Island Presbyterian Church

1743 County Road 220

Fleming Island, FL 32003


