California Ancestors Banner 650
November 2013, Vol. 7, No. 11e
Library Closed for Ancestry Day and Thanksgiving - Open Sat. after Thanksgiving
It's all-hands-on-deck for Ancestry Day - San Francisco, so the California Genealogical Society Library will be closed on Saturday, November 9, 2013.

The library will be closed on Thanksgiving - Thursday, November 28, 2013 - and Friday, November 29, 2013. The library will be open on Saturday, November 30, 2013
Happy Turkey Day!


Thank You for Your Support!
Saturday, November 9, 2013, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Hyatt Regency Hotel, 5 Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, CA 94111

by Kathleen Beitiks
Ancestry Day SF
After months of planning, Ancestry Day San Francisco is almost here! The event is sold out, with more than 1,000 registrations. Remember - if you have registered, you are invited to a no-host reception on Friday evening, Nov. 8, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. in the Grand Foyer of the Hyatt. You may pick up your syllabus and name tag at that time to avoid the Saturday morning lines. 

San Francisco Special Interest Group Field Trip
Saturday, November 16, 2013, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.    

Haas-Lilienthal House, 

2007 Franklin Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 

by Sandra Britt-Huber

Haas_Lilienthal House For members only! 
The November meeting of the San Francisco Special Interest Group (SIG) will be held at the Haas-Lilienthal Victorian in San Francisco. Join members of the SF-SIG for a tour of this historic landmark. Learn more.


If you would like to attend, please RSVP by email to Sandra Britt-Huber at Include the number in your party and use "Haas-Lilienthal" in the subject line.

Field Trip to the Oakland Public Library
Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 pm.
Oakland Main, 125 Fourteenth Street, Oakland, CA

For members only! Jane Lindsey is leading a tour of the Oakland Main Library. Senior Librarian Kathleen DiGiovianni and Dorothy Lazard, Principal Librarian in the Oakland History Room, will provide an overview of resources available at the Oakland Public Library to assist you with your family research. After the ninety minute tour, you are encouraged to stay and do research on your own. Learn more. Register online.


On the Road Again:
Saturday, December 7, 2013, 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
CGS Library, 2201 Broadway, Suite LL2, Oakland, CA 94612 
Pam Brett A research trip to one's ancestral home can be extremely rewarding, but can also present many challenges. Join Pam Brett for an encore presentation of her class on successful on-site research. Pam will share practical tips on how to plan an on-site research trip to achieve your research goals and to bring home a new understanding of the lives of your ancestors. Register online.


Coming in January 2014
Save These Dates!

Mark Your Calendar
   1/4:  First Saturday Free, Intro to Genealogy, Diana Wild

   1/9:  Beginning Genealogy Series starts, Pam Brett and Lavinia Schwarz

   1/11: Annual Business Meeting and Potluck Social Hour

   1/14: Book Repair Committee

                               1/18: San Francisco Special Interest Group   

                               1/21: RootsMagic Special Interest Group
Visit for up-to-date information on classes and events.   


In Memoriam


We learned of the deaths of two former presidents of the California Genealogical Society.


David Mason Adams (1934-2013)  
A native of Moline, Iowa, David M. Adams died August 21, 2013, in Asheville, North Carolina.
Mr. Adams joined the California Genealogical Society in 1976. He was a life member and served as president in 1990. He was also a past president of the San Francisco Chapter, Sons of the American Revolution. His obituary was published in the Iowa Quad-City Times on September 22, 2013.


John Ellis Hale (1927-2013)
John Hale John Hale died in Marin on April 13, 2013. A native of Berkeley, California, John joined the society in 1959 and served as president from 1979 to 1982. Mr. Hale was an honored guest at the California Genealogical Society's 110th anniversary seminar in 2008. His obituary was published in the San Francisco Chronicle on May 19, 2013.

Volunteer Corner
Welcome Our Newest Volunteer
by Linda Okazaki
Volunteer Sign Up

Please welcome our newest volunteer, Judy Velardi, who joined the Manuscripts team in October. Judy spends part of the year living in Italy and, of course, researches Italian genealogy.


As of November 1, there have been 110 California Genealogical Society members who have volunteered their time in 2013. There is a task for everyone. We have jobs small and large, short term and long term. Some of our specific needs are listed on our new volunteer page on the website. This is a members only page so be sure to sign in and check it out! 


If you would like to volunteer but aren't sure where, please email Linda Okazaki and include "Volunteer Position" in the subject line. I will match you up with something that meets your talent and time. 


Editor's Picks: Suggested Links from the Blogosphere
California Ancestors: They Came from Everywhere!

Photo Tributes to the CGS Family

Edited by Lorna Wallace  


This month we honor the Swedish ancestors of member Carolyn Sakkis.

John and Clara Leave
John Knutson Leave and Clara Gustava Swenson

Johan Knutsson Lof (aka John Leave) was born in Sweden in 1828, the youngest of five children. He lost his father before he was two years old and his mother when he was eleven. John immigrated to Andover, Henry County, Illinois in 1852 where he eventually married his first wife Christine in 1859. She died ten years later leaving John with two young children. Within a year John married Clara Gustava Swenson who had just arrived in America and was twenty-two years his junior. Clara bore John six more children but none of the males had children of their own, effectively ending the Leave surname. Two daughters - Almedia and Phoebe - married and had children of their own.


John farmed and prospered in America and was able to build up his worth slowly over his years. They left Andover soon after their fifth child was born and moved to Fort Dodge, Webster County, Iowa where the family settled for twenty-five years. For the last few years of his life John resided with Clara in Fergus Falls, Otter Tail County, Minnesota where he died of pneumonia in 1905 at the age of 78. He left his wife of 36 years and his family financially secure.


This photograph of John and Clara, my ggg-grandparents, was found after more than twenty years of persistent research. I knew little more than their names when I started but through careful research I found some fabulous and generous cousins. They are new friends who have given me a treasure trove of family history goodies I thought I would never, ever find.

-Carolyn Mattos Sakkis


Call for Submissions: Are you a member with a great family photo to share? Please email Lorna Wallace and send your image with a brief narrative.



Did You Miss These Posts in the California Genealogical Society & Library Blog?

What a Show! 


Introducing Marie Treleaven 


Spotlight Series: Events Committee 


Wordless Wednesday - Angel Island Views 


Must Reads: Their Roots Are Showing on the Sports Page 


San Francisco Bay Area Genealogy Calendar: November 2013 Published 


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