WLC and ELS Holiday Mixer

December 10, 2014
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
@ Microsoft in Prudential Building
280 Trumbull Street, 21st Floor


Red, White and Chocolate

January 28, 2015
6 p.m. - 8 p.m.
@ Pond House Cafe
155 Asylum Avenue
Elizabeth Park, West Hartford


Members of the WLC and Community Stakeholders celebrate the launch of our WLC in 2010.
This past October, the Women's Leadership Council celebrated its fourth anniversary, and, wow, what a year it was!

We held our Third Annual Power of the Purse event, which attracted more than 1,200 women (and a few good men, too), raised more than $230,000 to support our Family Financial Stability Initiative, and resulted in nearly 100 new members. 

We structured our committees to better serve the needs of our community and growing membership. And, recognizing that financial stability is only one piece of the puzzle, we launched an education engagement initiative to help children succeed in school and in life.

To capture the success you've been a part of this year, we asked our members to share their most memorable moments from this past year. Here's what you had to say.

In response to an expressed interest in mentoring young professionals and diversifying our membership, we're happy to announce that WINGS is taking flight! Learn more now and join the effort to invest in the next generation of philanthropists.

Meet a vice president who specializes in management concepts and enjoys dancing at her desk, a bank executive inspired by her upbringing as a child of seven in Maine, and a standards and compliance review manager who enjoys riding horses and wrangling her "non-compliant" four-legged friends.

Our Education Initiative In Action
Check out photos and learn how you're making a difference by inspiring kids to enjoy reading and increasing family engagement this year!

How Do I Become Engaged in the WLC?
From helping plan our annual Power of the Purse event to recruitment and education initiative committees, there are plenty of opportunities to use your skills and help the WLC impact our community.

Outgoing Membership Chair Karmela Malone reflects on her time as chair and offers a few words for future leadership.

Stay Connected 
View our profile on LinkedIn Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter View our videos on YouTube
Stay connected with your fellow United Way Women's Leadership Councils on the "WLC Connect" site.

Connect with United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut's WLC:
Contact  Bree Scott-Pelczar or visit us online.

More than 1 in 3 local families struggle to pay the bills and put food on the table, despite working hard, despite living above the poverty line.

United Way calls this newly-identified demographic ALICE, an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed.

The WLC's work benefits ALICE families throughout our community.

Upcoming Events

Microsoft, in the Prudential Building

Pond House Cafe

Marriott Hartford Downtown

Connecticut Convention Center  
Volunteer Opportunities 
DJoin Us
WLC Anniversary Event October 2013.

Become a member of United Way's Women's Leadership Council in two easy ways:
  • Select "United Way's Women's Leadership Council" under Membership Opportunities on your United Way Campaign Pledge Form
  • "Join Now" from the Women's Leadership Council website.
For a complete listing of membership levels and benefits please click here.