In this edition:
Hello Fellow Young Leaders!
On Sunday, November 3, the Emerging Leaders Society hosted Spin for Kids, a spin-a-thon to benefit the education priority areas of United Way
Community Investmentat the Wilson-Gray YMCA in HartfordThirty-five individuals participated and were rewarded with an exhilarating workout from the wonderful YMCA spinning instructors. 
Photographed: Back Row (L to R) Adam McLaughlin, Kel Ndu, EJ Ososki, employee of Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, Robert Nims, Jack Soos, Todd Francis, Kyle Francis. Front Row (L to R) Rebekah Castagno, Catherin Rose, Peter G. Kelly.
October 16 - Fireside Chat and Luncheon with Peter G. Kelly, Esq, Founder and Senior Principal of Updike, Kelly & Spellacy:
Mr. Kelly, a legend, pioneer and leader, shared experiences of his long and fascinating journey, challenges and successes. He reminded the group that leadership is not commanding; it is planning, testing, recruiting, motivating, guiding and praising. With accomplishments ranging from the development of the first hospice model in Connecticut to establishing democratic societies in developing countries, he offered words of wisdom; rules to live by and humor. 

October 25 - Lounge and Learn:

The students at Alfred E. Burr Community School have been asking their teachers for weeks about the mysterious room with the shaded windows and doors. On October 25th, they finally had the answer they've been anxiously awaiting...

Additionally, thanks to E.J. and Travelers for hosting a great awareness event last month! On October 7, E.J. Ososki, Chair, Membership, Emerging Leaders Society, organized Laugh United at Travelers to promote United Way's Emerging Leaders Society and Women's Leadership Council. Over 80 Travelers employees attended and were also entertained with a performance by Sea Tea Improv.

If you are interested in hosting a similar event, please contact Bree at  
 Harvesting Our Future Leaders. B 


Thank you, Comcast Corporation, for supporting the United Way Emerging Leaders Society and helping children succeed!

Comcast's recent 2013 United Way Campaign has achieved outstanding results. To further show their dedication to investing in our community, Comcast employees volunteered with members of United Way's Emerging Leaders Society. On Friday, October 18, at the Harvest Festival at Burns Latino Studies Academy, together, they made a difference in the lives of the students. 

Comcast employees, Christine Sas, Care Supervisor and Myeicka Gittens, Senior Manager, Service Centers, joined Karen Perham-Lippman (photographed to the far right above), Manager, Community Investment, by volunteering and coordinating the event. 
Burns was also one of the sites where Comcast employees and ELS members engaged in a variety of activities during Comcast Cares Day last April, including building large garden boxes. At the Harvest Festival, many of the vegetables; basil, jalapeno peppers and various types of tomatoes; grown by the students were on display and given away to families in attendance. 

Tell your friends and family about the great work you're doing. And encourage others to join us!
United Way Emerging Leaders Society is a fast-growing group designed for young professionals who are dedicated to positive social change in our community, specifically around helping children succeed academically.
Upcoming Events


Wednesday, November 13:

ELS 101 - New and Prospective Member Orientation and Mixer. Learn more ---->


Friday, November 15: 

Volunteer opportunity at Alfred E. Burr Community School' Family Engagement Festival. 

Learn more --->


Thursday, November 21: 

Volunteer opportunity at Burns Latino Studies Academy's Puerto Rico Discovery Day and Thanksgiving Celebration. 

Learn more --->


Friday, December 13: 

Second Annual ELS Happy Hour and Hockey

Learn more --->


Complete list of ELS events --->

For more information and to register today for any of the upcoming ELS events, please contact Bree at: or 860-493-6838.

Not a member yet? Click here to JOIN TODAY and DO SOMETHING BIG!  You will also be recognized in our December issue. 
Help Families Boost their Earned Incomes H


Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) gives families an extra boost to get ahead financially, pay down debt and work toward saving for the future.


Volunteer commitment is a once per week, four-hour

session from mid-January to mid-April. Become a volunteer today! 

Learn more --->

This past year, more than 250 VITA volunteered at 30 free, United Way-supported sites. 

*2012 Community Investment Report


Check out some of the upcoming community opportunities that are being offered to Emerging Leaders Society members. 

By working together we make our community a better place to live and work!

 Celebrating A Local Leader. B 


Michael Byrne, Chair, Volunteerism, Emerging Leaders Society, was nominated and selected as a recipient of this year's UBS Global Employee Volunteer Award. This is an exciting recognition of Michael's leadership in the community, and within the firm's two focus areas of education and entrepreneurship.

On Michael's behalf, the firm will make one-time gift of $1,500 to our community through United Way.

Congratulations, Michael, on receiving this outstanding honor and recognition.
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