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Oct 11 - Oct 25

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Don Pedro's Breakfast
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October 25th,

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Ian & Kerry Hodge
Lindsay Walter

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Film Festival
  Film Festival 2
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

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Sayulita Preserve


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Find a Sayulita Business FAST in the all NEW:

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Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

Film Festival
  Film Festival 2
Sayulita Preserve

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Film Festival
  Film Festival 2
Donate please

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Find a Sayulita Business FAST in the all NEW:

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Donate please

Don Pedro's Breakfast
Sayulita Preserve

Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

Film Festival
  Film Festival 2
Sayulita Preserve

Donate please

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Find a Sayulita Business FAST in the all NEW:

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Don Pedro's Breakfast
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

Film Festival
  Film Festival 2
Greetings to our 8,172 subscribers,  

It's really beginning to feel like the start of high season in Sayulita this coming week with various parties and events going on in town and at local restaurants. The overall vibe of the town is positive as locals and business owners anticipate the upcoming high season. Many businesses have reopened this past month and a few new businesses have opened as well. One of Sayulita's favorite dining options is back to serving up their delicious menu items. Calypso restaurant reopened on October 11th after closing for a month and half during Sayulita's low, rainy season. Patrons can once again enjoy the view overlooking the town plaza from Calypso's large open-air dining under a large palapa!
El Sayulero Weekly Editions: As high season is just around the corner El Sayulero is back to delivering weekly editions of the happenings and events in Sayulita. Look for your El Sayulero again next Friday, November 1st.
El Mercado del Pueblo: The Sayulita Farmer's Market a.k.a. Mercado de Pueblo reopens on Friday November 1st! There will be lots of organic and natural products, foods and other items of interest this year at the Mercado del Pueblo which will continue every Friday this season at the Casa de la Cultura from 9 AM to 1:30 PM. Don't miss the grand opening next Friday.
Ongoing Sayulita "La Bonita" Photo Contest: There are still four weeks left to enter your photo.  Even if you are not a contestant, you can still help select the winners by voting.  See the announcement below or click straight to the Photo Contest.
Thank you for reading El Sayulero

Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero


P.S.  If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded.  We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services.  Gracias!  

Saludos a nuestros 8,172 lectores  

Realmente empieza a sentirse como el inicio de la temporada alta en Sayulita esta semana con varias fiestas y eventos que tienen lugar en el pueblo y en los restaurantes locales . El ambiente general del pueblo es positivo ya que los locales y dueños de negocios anticipan la temporada alta . Muchos negocios han reabierto el mes pasado y algunos nuevos negocios también. Uno de los restaurantes favoritos de Sayulita vuelve a servir sus deliciosos platillos del menú. Calypso reabrió el 11 de octubre después de haber cerrado durante un mes y medio en temporada baja. Los clientes pueden volver a disfrutar de la vista panorámica de la plaza del pueblo en el comedor al aire libre debajo de un gran palapa en Calypso!
El Sayulero Ediciones Semanales: La temporada alta está a la vuelta de la esquina y El Sayulero está de vuelta a publicar ediciones semanales de los acontecimientos , eventos y noticias en Sayulita. Lee El Sayulero de nuevo el próximo viernes, 1 de noviembre.
El Mercado del Pueblo: El mercado del Pueblo reabre el viernes 01 de noviembre! Habrá un montón de productos orgánicos y naturales, alimentos y otros artículos de interés este año en el Mercado del Pueblo y se continúa todos los viernes en la temporada en la Casa de la Cultura de 9 a.m.-01:30 p.m. No te pierdas la gran inauguración el próximo viernes.


El Concurso de Fotos Sayulita La Bonita: Hay 4 semanas para entregar fotos para la oportunidad de ganar. Aunque no participas en el concurso, aun puedes votar por sus fotos favoritas. Ver a continuacion o ve directo al concurso de fotos.


Gracias por leer El Sayulero



Lindsay Walter

Editora, El Sayulero


Sayulita "La Bonita" Photo Contest 2013
$100K in cash and prizes.

Por si te lo perdiste en el ultimo El Sayulero, SayulitaLife.com presenta el concurso de fotos Sayulita la Bonita. Checa nuestra lista de premios patrocinado por nuestros increibles negocios locales incluyendo $5,000 pesos patrocinado por SayulitaLife.com


Premio de Loteria esta semana: Ya que tenemos menos que un mes para la fecha en que termina el concurso, pensamos que seria buen momento para regalar un premio. Este jueves escojimos una foto para ganar una cena para 4 en Don Pedro's. El ganador se anuncia en El Sayulero el proximo viernes.


No te lo pierdas! Lee mas y entrega una foto para ganar!

Festival Sayulita: Film, Tequila, Music, Surf
January 16-19, 2013 Tickets on Sale Now!



Film | Tequila | Music | Surf 


Festival Sayulita January 16-19 2013. 


Get your tickets now to the coolest, hippest, and most anticipated Sayulita event.


Añejo ticket. This level ticket gets you entrance to all Festival activities including preferred seating at beach viewings, a Friday evening food-tequila pairing of your choice at some of the finest restaurants in town, a tequila master tasting on Saturday, a coupon book featuring specials from local businesses, and some Festival merchandise. Añejo tickets will allow you to move around the Festival and get a taste and feel of everything.


Film only ticket: For those that may only be interested in the incredible and diverse film selection. All three nights, feature films will be showing on the main beach and documentaries,shorts, action, and animation films will be showing in several other, smaller venues. Film tickets can be purchased for the entire weekend or by the night.


No pesos? No worries! The Festival is designed to include everybody. The opening event on Thursday (January 16) evening is free and open to all and will include tequila and entertainment. Every night, there will be some space on the beach to bring a blanket and watch the show and the Casa de la Cultura will also have free, donation only film viewings. No matter your interests or your wallet size, there is something for you!


Check out www.festivalsayuilita.com for tickets and more details. This is definitely a Sayulita event you will not want to miss.


Compra tus boletos para el evento mas divirtidos y esperado en Sayulita.


Boleto Anejo: Este boleto te da entrada a todas las actividades del festival incluyendo asientos preferidos en la playa, una noche de comida y tequila en el restaurant que eliges en el pueblo, saborear tequilas el sabado, cupones de negocios locales, y mercancia del festival. Boletos Anejos te permiten disfrutar el festival al maximo y probar un poco de todo.


Boletos de peliculas solamente: Para los que les interesa la seleccion divers de peliculas. Tres noches, peliculas se presentaran en la playa y documentales, animacion, accion y peliculas cortas tambien se presentaran en otros lugares mas pequenos. Los boletos de peliculas se pueden comprar por las tres noches o por noche.


No tienes pesos? No te preocupes! El festival es para incluir a todos. La inauguracion el jueves 16 de enero es gratis para todos y incluira tequila y entretenamiento. Todas las noches habra espacio en la playa para traer cobijas y ver el show y la Casa de la Cultura tambien ofrecera peliculas por donacion. No importa tus intereses o cuanto dinero tengas, hay algo para ti!


Ver www.festivalsayulita.com para los boletos y mas detalles. Definativamente es un evento que vas a querer perder!

Stand Up Paddle Mexico Presents: Serie SUP Masters Sayulita November 23rd

 By Riley Hunter


Stand Up Paddle Mexico is staging SUP races all over Mexico! However, these are not your typical races for the pros. Families, kids, first-timers, and anyone else who wants to try the sport can find a casual and fun atmosphere at these events! No pressure. Just paddle!  Read more about the event 


Stand Up Paddle Mexico presentara carreras de SUP por todo Mexico. Sin embargo, no son carreras tipicas para los profesionales. Familias, ninos, principiantes y cualquier persona que quiere intentar el deporte puede disfrutar de un ambiente divirtido y casual en estos eventos! No hay presion. Solo padelear!  Leer mas sobre el evento

SIR Banner     

Sayulita Investment Realty
Dia de los Muertos Festival Begins 
November 1st in the Sayulita Plaza

 By Lindsay Walter

Day of the Dead 2013 festivities in Sayulita will be held on November 1st and 2nd, celebrating the lives of those past away. This traditional and festive event in Sayulita organized by volunteers from the Casa de la Cultura, Lily Perez, Cristobal Rodriguez, Belen Sandoval and Cesar Godoy, will boast altars elaborately decorated with marigold flowers, candles, skulls, and colorful figurines in the Sayulita plaza. All local schools and the Sayulita Catholic Church will be participating in the event and décor of the altars, homages to the dead. Read more

Dia de los Muertos 2013 en Sayulita se llevara a cabo el 1 de noviembre y el 2 de noviembre para celebrar las vidas de los difuntos. Esta tradicion y evento festivo en Sayulita, organizado por los voluntarios de la Casa de la Cultura, Lily Perez, Cristobal Rodriguez, Belen Sandoval y Cesar Godoy, tendra altares decorados con flores, velas, calaveras y otras figuras de la catrina en la plaza de Sayulita. Todas las escuelas locales y la iglesia catolica participaran en decorar los altares, homenages a los muertos.  Leer mas

Grupo Pro Sayulita Meet & Greet 
at Casa de la Cultura

 By Lindsay Walter

On Saturday October 12th, Grupo Pro Sayulita hosted a "meet & greet" at the Casa de Cultura to present, introduce and familiarize the residents of Sayulita with other affiliations, organizations and groups working together with GPS this upcoming season. "This was a community meeting organized by Grupo Pro Sayulita as part of an effort to build a network of all organized groups within Sayulita so that we may be aware of each other's efforts and lend support. Support being time, donations or spreading the word. The network could also serve to create a comprehensive plan for what we, as an entire community, need to focus on to build a path to our future" stated Grupo Pro Sayulita president Nick Sherman. Read more

El sabado 12 de octubre, Grupo Pro Sayulita presento una reunion en la Casa de la Cultura para que los residentes conocieron a los diferentes organizaciones y grupo trabajando en conjunto con GPS esta temporada. "Fue una junta comunitaria organizada por Grupo Pro Sayulita como parte del esfuerzo en crear un red social entre los grupos en Sayulita para que cada uno tenga conocimiento de los varios esfuerzos de cada grupo y que demuestren su apoyo entre ellos. El apoyo seria el tiempo, donaciones o simplemente recorrer la voz. Esta red social tambien enfocar en el camino para constuir nuestro futuro" dijo Nick Sherman el presidente de Grupo Pro Sayulita.  Leer mas

Mercado del Pueblo: Scumptious Sustainability Returns to Sayulita Nov. 1st

 By Riley Hunter


The Mercado del Pueblo was born over a few passionate lunch discussions, between a few inspired people, undoubtedly inspirited by some strong organic coffee. They spoke of organic produce, sustainable living, health, and local economy. They wanted the farm-to-fork process in Sayulita to be directly from the farmers hand to yours, and they've done it! The Mercado del Pueblo is back this November 1st!  Read more


El Mercado del Pueblo nacio de una idea apasionada en conversaciones durante almuerzos. Entre algunas personas inspiradas, sin duda inspiradas por cafe organico. Ellos hablaron de alimientos organicos, vida sustantable, salud y la economia local. Ellos querian una experiencia del granjo al tenedor aqui en Sayulita y lo han logrado. El Mercado del Pueblo regresa el 1 de noviembre!  Leer mas
Fajita Banana Inauguration Party

 By Lindsay Walter


Last Friday, October 18th, Fajita Banana held their grand opening party complete with DJ and dance party in the back patio under the open sky. The retro-themed dance party was a success complete with dried ice, disco lights and glow-in-the-dark accessories. If you weren't quite in the party mood, the front dining restaurant offered a more casual atmosphere to enjoy a delicious dinner or appetizer from their ample menu selection of Mexican and International cuisine. Whether you danced the night away or dined with family and friends everyone was having a blast and the ladies in attendance received free margaritas to celebrate Fajita Banana's official inauguration night! Read more


El viernes pasado, 18 de octubre, Fajita Banana llevo a cabo su inauguracion con DJ y baile en el patio trasero debajo del cielo. El baile retro fue un exito total con hielo seco luces de disco y accesorios que brillaban en la oscuridad. Si no querias festejar, el restaurant en la parte adelante tenia un ambiente mas casual donde podrias disfrutar una entrada o cena de su menu Mexican e internacional. No importaba si bailabas o cenabas con amigos o familia, todos se divirtian y habia margaritas gratis para las damas que asistieron su fiesta de inauguracion.  Leer mas
History Night at Casa de la Cultura

 By Riley Hunter


Last week, the men from Bahía de Banderas Direcciòn de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (department of education, culture, and sport) came to educate us in some Sayulita history! A big crowd of residents gathered in the Casa de La Cultura to learn at the lecture! Teachers from CVIS, business and home owners, kids, parents, and others from the community were all awaiting to learn about the region in which they live.  Read more


La semana pasada, los hombres de la Direccion de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte en Bahia de Banderas llegaron a ensenarnos sobre la historia de Sayulita. Una gran cantidad de residentes llego a la Casa de la Cultura para aprender. Los maestros de CVIS, duenos de casas y negocios, ninos, padres y otros de la comunidad esperaban aprender un poco mas sobre la region en donde viven.  Leer mas
Bite This:  Aaleyah's Celebrates 
Second Anniversary

By Ed Schwartz 

Josue Cortez, the very friendly patron of Aalehaha's at the 2nd anniversary of his excellent restaurant.


Make no mistake, Aaleyaha's Restaurant, up Revolution just past Rollie's, is the real dining deal. What more could a diner want? Excellent food, a really fun vibe, a wide range of dishes, generous portions and all wrapped up in a great value. Read more


No se equivoquen, Aaleyah's en calle Revolucion es la verdadera experiencia donde comer en Sayulita. Que mas quieres? Excelente comida, un ambiente divirtido, una variedad de platillos, porciones grandes a un precio justo. Leer mas

Kids Corner: Making Jelly Fish From 
Recycled Plastic Bottles

By Astrid Vanya

I have been very busy for the past couple of weeks! One of the main things I have been doing is collecting plastic bottles from the recycling center. I have been cutting them with my mom for last week's art camp at Punta Sayulita. We cut the plastic bottles in half to be used for the body of the jellyfish. Then at the art camp we attached the tentacles to the body, and then decorated the jellyfish with glitter! The art camp took place on Saturday, October 19th where kids of all ages made their very own jellyfish from recycled bottles. This was a fun project to do! The best part about this art camp is that it was free for all the kids in Sayulita. There will be more upcoming art camps for kids at Punta Sayulita!


He estado muy ocupada desde hace un par de semanas! Una de las principales cosas que he estado haciendo es recolectar botellas de plástico desde el centro de reciclaje. He estado cortandolas con mi mamá para el campo del arte la semana pasada en Punta Sayulita. Cortamos las botellas de plástico en el medio que se utilizará para el cuerpo de la medusa. A continuación, en el campo del arte atamos los tentáculos del cuerpo, y luego decoramos la medusa con brillo! El campamento de arte tuvo lugar el Sábado, 19 de octubre, donde los niños de todas las edades hicieron su propio medusas a partir de botellas recicladas. Este fue un proyecto divertido que hacer! La mejor parte de este campamento de arte es que era gratis para todos los niños en Sayulita. Habrá más campos artísticos pronto para niños en Punta Sayulita! 

Top Sayulita Recommendations of the Week
The Sirona Cleanse                     Villa Sol Blau
Sayulitanimals is Excited to Offer 
Tax Deductible Donations in the USA

Don't hesitate to send your donation before the end of the year, to save on 2013 taxes. We want to thank PeaceUSA, who is allowing us to fundraise through their 501 C3 status. PeaceUSA is not assessing fees or charges, allowing all of your generosity to go directly to saving animals. We are diligently working on achieving the same tax deduction ability for our Mexican and Canadian supporters.  Read more


No lo pienses mas y envia tu donacion antes del final del ano 2013 para ahorrar en sus impuestos. Queremos agradacer PeaceUSA, quien nos permite recaudar fondos atraves su estatus 501 C3. PeaseUSA no evalua las tarifas ni cargos, permitiendo que tu generosidad va para ayudar directamente a los animales. Estamso trabajando para poder tener la misma deduccion para los Mexicanos y Canadienses. Leer mas

Pet of the Week: Boing the Boxer

 I am Boing, a one year old, small Boxer mix who was being neglected by my previous owners. When I got to Sayulitanimals I was skin and bones and very depressed. I have now filled out and am loving getting any attention. I love toys and to play fetch! I am looking for an active owner who will take me along on adventures. I am ready to have a family who loves and takes care of me. Could you be my "Fur-ever home?".


Contact Sayulitanimals to adopt or donate


Soy Boing, un boxer de un ano que fue descuidado por mis ex duenos. Cuando llegue a Sayulitanimals estaba muy flaco y deprimido. Ahora he engordado y me encanta la atencion que recibo. Me gustan los juguetes y jugar. Estoy buscando un dueno que quiere llevarme a tener aventuras. Estoy listo para tener familia que me quiere y me cuida. Podrias adoptarme para siempre?


Contacta Sayulitanimals para adoptar o donar

Engage Mexico Social Media Conference
November 14th - 17th

Engage Mexico Conference just keeps getting better. You get top shelf social media content, from esteemed International Speakers, all set at a beautiful 5 Star Beach Resort Hotel in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico! In addition to 5 Keynote Speakers covering, Mobile Marketing, LinkedIn Rockstar Status, Facebook ads that will set you apart and Fusion Marketing, there are a score of Breakout Sessions and panel discussions so that you can maximize your learning in just three days. Take a look at the full Speaker Line up right here: engagemexico.com/schedule.

If you want to improve your ROI for your Sayulita business and stay steps ahead of your competition this is the Conference for you to attend. 

Register today and you can save $50.00 off the already LOW Attendee price which includes Hotel, Food, Beverages and the Conference all for just $445.00.  You cannot beat that! Use the promo code Content1 when REGISTERING and save $50.00!

Take a look at what a few past Conference Attendees have to say:

"I strongly recommend this Conference, this is where I Started learning about Social Media. They have excellent professional speakers who know about social media and are experts. Thanks to the knowledge acquired in this seminar I developed my business strategy which is www.banderasbaylife.com , I still have a lot to learn that is why I already registered for Engage Mexico Social Media Conference #5 happening this November, 2013" - Barbara Myatt

"Great conference! Probably the best most informative I've ever attended and I used to be a seminar junkie" - Jonathan Ogden - Puerto Vallarta, Mex 

The faculty, the venue, the location and the other Conference Attendees are all outstanding and I urge you to put our power to work for you and Register today.



Photo of the Week: Rocket Dog
Sayulita La Bonita Photo Entry
By Marco Ojeda (Sayulita La Bonita Photo Contest Contestant)

 Maya likes to Rocket up into the air to catch some sand, shared moments with dogs  show us about life, about ourselves and what we need to change or need in our lives.  Having fun with simpleness, with the elements, true fun between two honest souls.


Enter your photos in the "Sayulita Las Bonita" Contest


A Maya le gusta brincar como cohete al cielo. Momentos compartidos con los perros nos ensenan mas sobre la vida, nosotros mismos y lo que necesitamos cambiar en nuestras vidas. Divirtirse con los elementos entre dos almas honestas.


Entrega tus fotos en el concurso de fotos "Sayulita La Bonita"

  Donate pleaseThanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com