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Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

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Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf.  $59-$180 USD/night.

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Greetings to our 8,172 subscribers,  

Sayulita has experienced hot hot hot weather in the last few weeks. The summer time heat and humidity seems to be carrying through fall season and not letting up. Though the rains have dissipated and it's starting to feel a lot more like high season with the return of old friends and new ones arriving this month, locals expect the hot weather to continue through until the end of October.
Local restaurants and other businesses have been re-opening the past two weeks in preparation of high season 2013-2014. Read the article below on the reopening of some of your favorite Sayulita eateries. There will be a few new dining places this year as well. Stay posted as we announce some of the inaugurations to happen in the upcoming weeks.
The real estate market in Sayulita is on the rise and Rod Rosile of Sayulita Investment Realty sat down and gave us his insight on the upcoming season for real estate in Sayulita and the surrounding area. Read full interview with Rod below.
Sayulita "La Bonita" Photo Contest: Here is your chance to win some amazing prizes donated by local businesses, hotels and vacation rentals. SayulitaLife.com is donating the grand prize of $5,000 pesos, so get your cameras ready Sayulita and start taking those beautiful pictures and capturing those memorable Sayulita moments! For more information on the photo contest, rules, the prizes and how to participate, read the below article. Good luck to all who submit their one-of-a-kind photo of Sayulita!
Thank you for reading El Sayulero

Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero


P.S.  If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded.  We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services.  Gracias!  

Saludos a nuestros 8,172 lectores  

Sayulita ha experimentado mucho calor en las �ltimas semanas . El calor y la humedad de verano continue durante el otono y no cede. Aunque las lluvias se han desvanecido parece mas y mas a temporada alta con el regreso de los viejos amigos y unos nuevos que llegan este mes, los locales creen que el calor contin�e hasta finales de octubre.
Los restaurantes locales y otros negocios han sido re- abriendo las �ltimas dos semanas en la preparaci�n de la temporada alta de 2013 a 2014 . Lea el art�culo a continuacion.  Habr� algunos nuevos lugares donde comer este a�o tambi�n. Ver nuestas publicaciones anunciando las inauguraciones en las pr�ximas semanas .


El mercado de bienes raices esta mejorando y Rod Rosile de Sayulita Investment Realty se sento con nosotros en una entrevista para darnos su opinion de bienes raices en Sayulita esta temporada. Leer toda su entrevista a continuacion.

El Concurso de Foto Sayulita La Bonita: Aqu� es su oportunidad de ganar incre�bles premios donados por negocios locales, hoteles y alquileres de vacaciones . SayulitaLife.com est� donando el gran premio de $ 5,000 pesos, as� que saquen sus c�maras Sayulita y empieza a tomar esas fotos hermosas y capturar esos momentos memorables en Sayulita! Para obtener m�s informaci�n sobre el concurso de fotograf�as, las reglas , los premios y c�mo participar, lea el art�culo a continuacion. Buena suerte a todos los que env�en sus fotos unicas de Sayulita.


Gracias por leer El Sayulero



Lindsay Walter

Editora, El Sayulero


Sayulita "La Bonita" Photo Contest 2013:
Win Your Free Sayulita Vacation!

 By Riley Hunter


SayulitaLife is kicking off the start of the high season with the Sayulita La Bonita Photo Contest! Sayulita's community has done it again. Our local businesses and donors are giving out a massive amount of prizes, including a Grand Prize 5,000 pesos from SayulitaLife.com! You can win a free weeks stay at a beautiful vacation rental, dinner and drinks for you and 5 of your friends, VIP passes to Sayulita's surfing competition, an indulging day at the spa, and free nights at Sayulita's luxury hotels!


This is something you are not going to want to miss out on, so here are the details to get you some prizes!  Read more about the Sayulita La Bonita Photo Contest


SayulitaLife esta iniciando la temporada alta con el concurso de fotos Sayulita La Bonita! La comunidad vuelve a lucir! Nuestros negocios locales y donadores estan donando una masiva cantidad de premios, incluyendo el gran premio de $5,000 pesos de SayulitaLife.com! Puedes ganar una semana en un alojamiento de vacaciones, cena y bebidas para ti y cinco amigos, boletos VIP al concurso de surf en Sayulita, un vale en un spa y noches gratis en hoteles de lujo en Sayulita.


No vas a querer perderte de esto; aqui hay los detalles para que ganes los premios!  Leer mas sobre el concurso de fotos Sayulita La Bonita.

Sayulita Restaurant Reopenings

 By Lindsay Walter

at the beginning of the month.
As we approach mid-October in Sayulita, we start to see familiar faces return to town and new visitors as well. Many local business owners that closed for the off-season are beginning to re-open their shops, galleries and restaurants for the upcoming 2013-2014 season. With many of our favorite local dining spots closed during the month of September, we are all looking forward to again eating and drinking at these classic Sayulita restaurants. Read more

Ya que acercamos medios de octubre en Sayulita, empezamos a ver caras familiares regresar al pueblo y nuevos visitantes tambien. Muchos duenos de negocios locales que cerraron sus negocios para la temporada baja ya van abriendo sus tiendas, galerias y restaurantes para la temporada 2013-2014. Con muchos de nuestros restaurantes cerrados durante el mes de septiembre, estamos emocionados por volver a comer y tomar en unos de estos restaurantes clasicos de Sayulita.  Leer mas

Land in Eco-Community: Tierraluz
$50,000 USD


Land in Eco-Community: Tierraluz

For Sale by Owner  $50K USD


This lot is part of an Ecological Community focused on living more lightly on the earth and in harmony with nature. Come be inspired and share creative ingenuity as we support each other in using sustainable systems such as solar electricity and hot water, greywater recycling, green building, organic gardening, permaculture, etc. Have your own titled ocean view lot as well as use of 8,000m2 common land with ocean and jungle views, farmland, trails, orchard and parking... all included in the lot price! Other lots with different size and price available. 


More information, photos and seller's contact


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Sail Sayulita: Dolphins, Drinks, 
Snorkeling, Hidden Beaches, Fun

 By Riley Hunter


Sure, surfing in Sayulita is a daily past time for all residents and visitors alike, but day long Sailing Tours in Sayulita are everybody's idea of a fun time! A favorite tour is the trip to Las Islas Marietas (The Marieta Islands) aboard the Ally Cat. Super popular due to it's hidden beach only accessible by snorkeling through an open archway. Once inside, it is your own private little beach paradise! This, coupled with the fact that your ticket price includes free food, an open bar, fishing, SUPing, and the good chance to see dolphins and humpback whales, makes these trips an experience you'll never forget. Read more


Claro, surfear es un pasatiempos que se hace diario para todos los residentes y visitantes, pero un dia navegando en barco es pura diversion para todos. Un tour favorito es un viaje a las islas marietas abordo el Ally Cat. Es un destino popular debido a su playa escondida solo acesible por el agua, esnorkeleando debajo de un arco y llegas a la playa. Ya que entras, es tu playa privada y tu paraiso. Esto y el hecho que tu boleto incluye comida, barra, pescar, padelear y la oportunidad de ver delfines y ballenas hace que este viaje sera uno que jamas olvidas. Leer mas

Fajita Banana: Tropical Grill Restaurant 
and Bar Inauguration Party October 18th


Fajita Banana is the newest addition to the Sayulita list of quality eateries. Fajita Banana Tropical Grill has over 14 years of experience at their location in Puerto Vallarta and now looks forward to serving Sayulita residents and visitors.
Come out to Fajita Banana's inauguration party on Friday October 18th! Food and drink specials to be enjoyed! Located on Calle Gaviotas, just down from the Oxxo. 


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SIR Interview with Rod Rosile:
The Sayulita Real Estate Market



This week I had a chance to sit down with Rod Rosile, owner of Sayulita Investment Realty, to discuss his first year as a Sayulita business owner as well as his outlook on the general Sayulita real estate market.


Lindsay - So, the last time we spoke you were just taking over at SIR after your purchase of the business. How was your first year?


Rod Rosile- Thanks for asking... It was even better than I expected. I have to say that I'm very happy with the new business as well as the real estate market in general right now. Of course, there were a few challenges taking over a new business, but overall, I'm thrilled with the decision. It is definitely the perfect time to be involved in this local market.  Read entire interview with Rod.



Esta semana tuve la oportunidad de sentarme con Rod Rosile, dueno de Sayulita Investment Realty para hablar mas sobre su primer ano como dueno de un negocio en Sayulita y su opinion sobre el mercado de bienes raices en Sayulita.


Lindsay - Bueno, desde que hablamos la ultima vez, estabas en el proceso de comprar SIR. Como te fue en tu primer ano?


Rod Rosile - Gracias por preguntarme... fue aun mejor que esperaba. Tengo que decir que soy muy contento con el nuevo negocio y tambien con el mercado de bienes raices en general ahorita. Claro que enfrente unos desafios en asumir la reponsabilidad del negocio, pero despues de todo, estoy muy emocionado con la decision. Es el momento perfecto para estar involucrado con este mercado local. Leer toda la entrevista con Rod.

SIR Banner     

Sayulita Investment Realty
Pueblo Magico: A Sweet Story

By Eric Rudd

I don't want to compete with Ed's wit or judgment in his restaurant review column, but I think I can safely comment on quick dessert food - really the common stuff like donuts and flan and such.  Well, if you've spent just minutes in town, especially during early evening hours, you'll notice how competitive this town is for your sweet tooth.  There are several tables selling varieties of flan- and they are all great.  We also have authentic French pastries and other elegant desserts, but I like a simple glazed donut. There's something fun about choosing a donut from a fluorescent-lighted pickup truck parked at the plaza. Read more 


No quiero competir con el humor de Ed en sus articulos de resenas de restaurantes, pero creo que puedo comentar un poco sobre los postres como las donas y el flan. Si has pasado aunque sean unos minutos en el pueblo, notaras que este pueblo puede satafecer tus ganas por algo dulce. Hay varias mesas en las calles vendiendo pasteles y flan, todos son deliciosos. Tambien hay postres autenticos de francia y otros postres elegantes. Pero a mi me gustan las donas. Hay algo divirtido en escojer una dona de una camioneta florocente estacionada en la plaza. Leer mas

Top Sayulita Recommendations of the Week
Chica Locca                            Casa Azul
Pet of the Week: Five Little Kittens

 We are 5 kittens who were found abandoned on the highway. We are around 5 weeks old and are now eating cat food on our own.  We are looking for families to take one of us or a few of us. Everyone says how cute we are! Do you have room in your heart and home to adopt us? Let our friends at Sayulitanimals know if we interest you.


Somos 5 gatitos que nos encontraron en la carretera. Tenemos aproximadamente 5 semanas y ahora podemos comer croquetas. Buscamos familias que pueden llevar uno o varios de nosotros. Todos dicen que somos bien lindos. Tienes espacio en su corazon y en su casa para adoptarnos? Avisales a nuestros amigos en Sayulitanimals si te interesamos?

Photo of the Week
By Derrick Lundy of Om Yoga 

 Sayulita Huichol Man


Hombre Huichol de Sayulita

  Donate pleaseThanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com