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Date: September 13th, 2013
Subscribers (emails): 8,172
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Owners/Publishers: Ian & Kerry Hodge
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf. $59-$180 USD/night.
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Find a Sayulita Business FAST in the all NEW:
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf. $59-$180 USD/night.
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Greetings to our 8,172 subscribers,
If you have been in Sayulita this past week, you have probably had the chance to see some pretty amazing sunsets. Due to the rains, cloudy skies and distant storms over the sea our skies have been lit up with different colors including shades of pink, purple and blue at sunset. On Tuesday, after a day of heavy rainfall, the skies began to clear at dusk creating a beautifully purple sky. El Sayulero reader, John contributed this photo to the right taken Tuesday evening at the turtle release on the beach. Other Sayulita residents got a peek at a beautiful rainbow that formed over the mountains.
This weekend is a very important weekend in Mexico and Sayulita is no exception to the fun and festivities celebrated for Mexico's Independence Day on September 16th. The party will get under way on Sunday September 15th as the country celebrates what is called the "grito" ringing in Independence Day at midnight. In Sayulita you can expect there to be celebrating in the plaza, cowboys on dancing horses and girls dressed in traditional dresses. During the week, the town has already begun with Patriotic decorations, red, white and green colors of the country's flag are hung at the entrance of town and in the plaza. If you are in Sayulita this weekend we hope you enjoy the celebrations and don't miss out on the annual parade on Monday morning. If you plan on going to banks or offices on Monday morning it is best to call ahead and make sure they are open as most businesses and banks will be taking Monday September 16th off. Thank you for reading El Sayulero and happy long weekend to everyone visiting our town this Independence Day weekend.
Lindsay Walter
Editor, El Sayulero
P.S. If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded. We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services. Gracias!
Saludos a nuestros 8,172 lectores
Si usted ha estado en Sayulita la semana pasada, es probable que haya tenido la oportunidad de ver algunas bonitas puestas de sol increíbles. Debido a las lluvias, cielos nublados y tormentas lejanas en el mar nuestros cielos han sido iluminados con diferentes colores, incluyendo tonos de rosa, púrpura y azul al atardecer. El martes, después de un día de fuertes lluvias, el cielo comenzó a despejarse en la oscuridad creando un cielo maravillosamente púrpura. El lector de El Sayulero, John contribuyó esta foto de la noche del martes a la derecha tomada en la liberación de tortugas en la playa. Otros residentes de Sayulita vieron un arco iris hermoso que se formó sobre las montañas.
Este fin de semana es un fin de semana muy importante en México y Sayulita no es una excepción a la diversión y la fiesta se celebra el Día de la Independencia de México el 16 de septiembre. El partido se pondrá en marcha el domingo 15 de septiembre como el país celebra el llamado "grito" zumbido en Día de la Independencia a la medianoche. En Sayulita se puede esperar no estar celebrando en la plaza, vaqueros bailando caballos y niñas vestidos con trajes tradicionales. Durante la semana, la ciudad ya ha comenzado con las decoraciones patrióticos, los colores rojo, blanco y verde de la bandera del país se cuelgan a la entrada de la ciudad y en la plaza. Si usted está en Sayulita este fin de semana esperamos que disfrute de las fiestas y no se pierda en el desfile anual en el lunes por la mañana. Si estás pensando en ir a los bancos u oficinas de la mañana del lunes, es mejor llamar con antelación y asegurarse de que están abiertos como la mayoría de las empresas y los bancos se toma Lunes 16 de septiembre fuera. Gracias por leer El Sayulero y largo fin de semana feliz de todos los que visitan nuestra ciudad este fin de semana de Día de la Independencia usted.
Gracias por leer El Sayulero
Lindsay Walter
Editora, El Sayulero
Baseball Season in Sayulita
By Lindsay Walter
Sayulita local and baseball enthusiast Javier Baltazar along with the help from Tomas Martinez have organized a fun and friendly baseball league in Sayulita during the off-season. The Sayulita league consists of 8 teams including Sayulita neighborhoods, Higuera Blanca and the Sayulita Surfers. Neighborhood teams include La Nopalera, El Mangal, El Centro, Bebeleche, Chereka and Los Rudos. "The games are just for fun this time of year to promote the sport in Sayulita and provide an extra-curricular activity for Sayulita sportsmen" says Tomas Martinez who is helping promote the games to the community and so far there has been a great turnout of spectators at the games. Sayulita residents have shown up to the Sayulita baseball field to support their neighborhood team, friends and family members participating in the sport. Even the surfers have their own team as waves this time of year are a bit flat. Read more
Local de Sayulita y jugador de beisbol, Javier Baltazar con la ayuda de Tomas Martinez han organizado un torneo de beisbol en Sayulita durante esta temporada baja. Son ocho equipos en total incluyendo Higuera Blanca y los surfos de Sayulita. Los barrios incluyen La Nopalera, El Mangal, El Centro, Bebeleche, Chereka y Los Rudos. "Los partidos solo son para divirtirse, promover el deporte en Sayulita y crear entretenamiento para los deportistas" dice Tomas Martinez quien ha estado ayudando promover los partidos a la comunidad y ha habido mucha gente que llega a ver los partidos para apoyar su vecindario, sus amigos o familiares participando. Hasta los surfos tienen su propio equipo ya que no hay muchas olas durante esta epoca del ano. Leer mas
Casa Maizes SOLD by
Sayulita Investment Reatly
SOLD!!! - Casa Maizes is a one of a kind oceanfront home located at the exclusive north end of Sayulita! Only steps to the sand on this quiet stretch of beach, you can enjoy the sound of the waves at your front door all day long. There are two bedrooms with a maid's room, 3 full baths, swimming pool and deck overlooking the ocean. Furnished, air conditioned, with an established rental history.
Sayulita "Get to and Get Around" Transportation Guide
By Riley Hunter
Traveling to your vacation destination can be worrisome and traveling can also be quite tiring at times. Luckily, when you come to Sayulita, you can have it all figured out and squared away months before arrival. No dealing with taxi drivers trying to give you the "gringo price," or worrying about the uncertain arrival of your driver. Thanks to and this Sayulita transportation guide, you will know all you need in order to travel in comfort and relaxation, and be able to enjoy your Sayulita vacation worry and stress free; just like it should be! Read more
Viajar a tu destino para tomar vacaciones puede causar preocupaciones y te puede cansar. Afortunadamente, cuando llegues a Sayulita, puedes tener todo ya organizado desde hace meses. No tienes que lidiar con taxistas ofreciendote el precio para gingos, ni preocuparte por la llegada de tu chofer. Gracias a y la guia de transportacion, sabras todo los que necesitas saber para viajar a gusto y relajado y disfrutar tus vacaciones en Sayulita sin preocupaciones ni el estres. Asi debe de ser! Leer mas
Sayulita Drinking Water Guide:
What's in Your Water?
By Riley Hunter
In Sayulita, just as in most of Latin America and the developing world, we rely largely on bottled water for our drinking water. Sayulita is a very popular tourist destination, so its restaurants have an excellent record for cleanliness. Be confident that vegetables and fruits have been thoroughly sanitized, the cooking is not only safe but delicious, and that ice is safely made from bottled or purified water. Also, some vacation rentals have home purification systems in place. There are sanitation plants and efforts to make our tap water potable, but most vacationers and residents alike would prefer to avoid a change in drinking water to not run the risk of missing any sunny days on the beach due to an upset stomach. In this article, we will run you through your drinking water options while in Sayulita to keep you hydrated, happy, healthy, and having fun! Read more
En Sayulita, igual que en otros paises de latinoamerica, dependemos de agua embotellada para tomar. Sayulita es un destino turistico muy popular, asi que los restaurantes tienen la fama de mantenerse muy limpios. Ten confianza que las verduras y las frutas se lavan y se disinfectan, la comida es muy saludable y el hielo esta hecho de agua purificada. Tambien en muchas casas de renta tienen sus propios sistemas de purificacion de agua. Se han hecho esfuerzos para que nuestra agua de la llave sea potable, pero mucha gente que llega para vacaciones prefiere tomar agua embotellada para no arriesgarse y pasar un en casa con el estomogo sensible. A continuacion vemos las opciones para tomar agua en Sayulita para que te hidrates, estes feliz, saludable y te diviertas. Leer mas
Sayulita Investment Realty
Upcoming Events in Sayulita
Sayulita Community Calendar September 15th thru September 21st
The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together. Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place. View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.
Top Sayulita Recommendations of the Week
Jose Ramos Taxis Casa Angel
Pueblo Magico: Sunfish or Hobie Cat
By Eric Rudd
Sayulita is a surfing town. Obviously, the town is equally popular for those of us who are non-surfers. Now I'm not against surfing; in fact, I've had a few lessons and periodically I try to surf. It's just not my thing. I'm exhausted by the time I'm beyond the waves - I barely have the strength to stand up. Read more
Sayulita es un pueblo de surf. Obviamente, el pueblo es igualmente popular para aquellos de nosotros que no somos surfistas. Yo no estoy en contra de surf, de hecho, he tenido algunas lecciones y periódicamente trato de navegar. No es lo mío. Estoy agotado por el momento estoy más allá de las olas - que apenas tiene fuerzas para levantarse. Leer mas
Sayulita is known for its fish and seafood selection. This Sayulita boy has his catch of the day!
Sayulita es conocido por su pescado y mariscos. Este nino tien su pescado del dia.
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: and
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
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