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Aug 2 - Aug16
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Website Visitors: 18,228
Total Pages Viewed: 87,785 Average Visit Duration: 05:54 New Visitors: 46%
Business Requests: 60
Reservation Requests: 71
Recommendations Posted: 39 

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Date: August 16th, 2013
Subscribers (emails): 8,172
Frequency: Emailed every Friday (biweekly in summer)
Owners/Publishers: Ian & Kerry Hodge
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf. $59-$180 USD/night.
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El Sayulero articles you may have missed:
Greetings to our 8,172 subscribers,
Sayulita school students are enjoying the last days of summer vacation as kids prepare to begin a new school year next week. For the rest of us who do not attend school, Sayulita residents are still feeling the summer heat and even enjoying some summer time vacations. The rains continue in Sayulita and now the river flows steadily through town. Sayulita residents have taken precautions this year to avoid flooding due to the heavy rains and so far the pleasant summer showers have just been enough to turn our hillsides green, and cool down the temperatures.
If you see garbage near the river bed, be sure to make the effort to pick it up as this time of year garbage and debris is washed into our ocean. As a community, we need to all work together to help keep our swimming waters clean this rainy season as more and more tourists arrive to enjoy summer in Sayulita. The above photo was taken today of the flowing river and pedestrian bridge.
Thank you to our readers and contributors of El Sayulero.
Lindsay Walter
Editor, El Sayulero
P.S. If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded. We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services. Gracias!
Saludos a nuestros 8,172 lectores
Los alumnos de Sayulita estan disfrutando los ultimos dias de sus vacaciones de verano mientras preparan para empezar otro ano escolar esta semana que viene. Para nosotros que no estudiamos, seguimos disfrutnado el calor de verano e incluso unas vacaciones de verano. Las lluvias continuan en Sayulita y ahora el rio fluye constantamente. Los residentes de Sayulita han tomando precausiones este ano para evitar inundaciones pero hasta la fecha las lluvias han sido agradables convertiendo las colinas en un color verde muy hermoso y ayudan a bajar las temperaturas.
Si ves basura por el borde del rio, recogela. Durante esta epoca del ano mucha basura se le lleva el rio al oceano. Como comunidad, necesitamos trabajar en equipo para ayudar a mantener nuestras aguas donde nadamos limpias ya que mas y mas turistas llegan a disfrutar verano en Sayulita. La foto arriba se tomo hoy del rio que fluye y el puente peotanal.
Lindsay Walter
Editora, El Sayulero
| Introduces CASA Maintenance and Construction
By Riley Hunter
Casa Maintenance and Construction is the perfect solution for anything from a little upkeep to large construction jobs. Working in between Sayulita and San Pancho, owners Luisa and Xavier, have created a perfect business for Sayulita homeowners to keep their vacation rentals in tip-top shape for their guests. Read more
Casa Maintenance and Construction es la solucion perfecta para cualquier mantenamiento o construccion mayor. Elaborando entre Sayulita y San Pancho, los duenos Luisa y Xavier han creado el negocio perfecto para los duenos de casas en Sayulita para mantener su propiedad vacacionista en la mejor forma para sus huespedes. Leer mas
Letter to the Editor: The Ongoing Care of Sayulita
We have been visiting Sayulita for the last 5 years, always in the February to March time. We love the people, the food, the ambiance and of course the climate. I enjoy reading the articles in the newsletter and am moved by the efforts being made by the local residents to clean the river bed, and others who care about how Sayulita develops itself as a community. These issues are really important and ones that I make an effort to support in the community I live in, Victoria, BC, Canada. Sayulita is a gem for us, and I will do whatever I can to support it staying this way.
- Barb Landell, Victoria, B.C. Canada
Sayulita Investment Realty
By Riley Hunter
Sayulita is a tourist destination. That means that the local population has adopted English as a second language to integrate and adapt to the influx of foreigners that come to surf their waves, fish their fish, stay in all the "new" vacation rentals, eat at Sayulita's metropolitan restaurants, and shop all the worldly bohemian boutiques and galleries. But, that doesn't mean we can't be responsible and respectable travelers and learn a thing or two! El Sayulero has put together a little Sayulita-Style Spanish guide for you, to help with getting around town. Read more
Sayulita es un destino turistico. Eso significa que la poblacion local ha adoptado al idioma ingles para integrar y adaptar al flujo de extranjeros que llegan a surfear las olas, pescar en su mar y hospedarse en las nuevas rentas de vacaciones, comer en los restaurantes de Sayulita e ir de compras en los boutiques y galerias. Pero eso no significa que no podemos ser viajeros responsables y respetuosos y aprender unas palabras. El Sayulero ha creado esta guia al estilo Sayulita para ayudarte durante tu visita a Sayulita. Leer mas
Upcoming Events in Sayulita
Sayulita Community Calendar August 18th thru August 24th
The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together. Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place. View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.

Pueblo Magico: Bank Matters
By Eric Rudd

If you are resident or a short-term visitor, money matters. Therefore, it is helpful to become familiar with banks and ATMs. For almost any visitor, a debit card from a safe ATM gets you the best rate. There are now several ATMs in Sayulita and they seem safe, although for conservatives out there, ATMs in front of the banks or at Mega or Walmart always seem a better choice (there are 5 banks just at the Mega shopping center and more at Walmart and in Bucerias); since we go often enough to shop, that's convenient for us. Nevertheless, ATMs give you the best rate to convert dollars into pesos. Read more
Si usted es residente o un visitante a corto plazo, asuntos de dinero. Por lo tanto, es útil para familiarizarse con los bancos y cajeros automáticos.
Para casi cualquier visitante, una tarjeta de débito de un cajero automático de seguro te lleva la mejor tarifa. En la actualidad hay varios cajeros automáticos en Sayulita y parece seguro, aunque para los conservadores por ahí, delante de los cajeros automáticos de los bancos o en Mega o Walmart siempre parece una mejor opción (hay 5 bancos justo en el centro comercial Mega y más en Walmart y en Bucerias), ya que vamos bastante a menudo a la tienda, que es conveniente para nosotros. Sin embargo, los cajeros automáticos le dará la mejor tarifa para convertir los dólares a pesos. Leer mas
Sayulitanimals Closes For Month of September While Community Efforts Are
Encouraged to Continue
By Sayulitanimals
Even crazy animal ladies need a break, but there are always animals in need! SayuiltAnimals is asking you - the community - to keep your eyes and hearts open this coming September, as we close our doors for a month of vacation. Our mission is to eliminate animal suffering and to educate people about animal welfare - creating a mutual environment of compassion and respect. As always, we need the town, as a family, to help our four legged friends. With your support we've made huge changes in 4 ˝ years. Imagine what the future holds. Read more
Hasta las senoras locas con muchas mascotas necesitan un descanso, pero siempre hay animales necesitados. Sayulitanimals le pide a la comunidad para mantener los ojos y corazones abiertos este mes de septiembre mientras cerramos nuestras puertas. Nuestra meta es eliminar el sufrimiento de los animales y educar a la gente sobre el bien estar de los animales, creando un ambiente mutuo de compasion y respeto. Como siempre, necesitamos a todos del pueblo, como familia para ayudar nuestros amigos peludos. Con su apoyo, hemos hecho muchos cambios en los 4 anios y medio. Imaginese lo que el futuro nos atraera. Leer mas
Top Sayulita Recommendations of the Week
Mexico Wedding Casa Brissa
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: and
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: y