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Date: June 21st, 2013
Subscribers (emails): 8,176
Frequency: Emailed every Friday (biweekly in summer)
Owners/Publishers: Ian & Kerry Hodge
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Greetings to our 8,176 subscribers,
Welcome Summer! It is officially summer now and personally I'm welcoming the hotter weather and change of pace in town. Though the tourism season has calmed down there are still many long-term foreign residents in Sayulita that will be spending the next few summer months in the local community. Every year it seems more and more people are calling Sayulita their home during the summer season. If it's too hot to handle for you and you have decided to beat the heat and take a little summer vacation away from Sayulita, I wish everyone safe travels this year.
Summer in Sayulita also means many businesses and restaurants will have special summer hours or close at some point during our low season. For a list of restaurants catering to summer residents and the ones closing their doors, please read the below restaurant summer schedule article. It is the time of year to relax, embrace the heat and perhaps sip on a refreshing margarita like the one at Leyza's Restauant pictured above.
The temperatures sure have increased in the past couple of weeks and currently we are sitting at about 30 degrees celcius (even at sunset). The question on everyone's mind is "when is it going to finally rain?". Sayulita has had a few light rain showers the past week and slight rain fall at night, but locals and residents are expecting the first heavy rainfall of the year soon to cool things down! If you will be enjoying the summer solstice here in Sayulita tonight you can expect a beautiful sunset on this longest day of the year!
Sayulita Facebook Page: See more of Riley's SSM (Sayulita Social Marketing) skills at our new and improved Facebook page. Please do not forget to give us a LIKE.
Thank you for reading El Sayulero.
Lindsay Walter
Editor, El Sayulero
P.S. If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded. We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services. Gracias!
Saludos a nuestros 8,176 lectores
Bienvenido verano! Oficialmente es verano ahora y personalmente doy la bienvenida al clima más caloroso y la tranquilidad en el pueblo. Aunque la temporada de turismo ha calmado, aún hay muchos residentes extranjeros que van a pasar el verano con la comunidad local. Parece que cada año hay más gente quedándose para vivir en Sayulita durante el verano. Si hace demasiado calor para ti y quieres escapar de Sayulita y tomar vacaciones este verano, les deseo a todos felices vacaciones y que viajen con cuidado.
El verano en Sayulita significa que mucho negocios y restaurantes cierran por la temporada. Ver una lista de restaurantes abiertos para los residentes de Sayulita este verano y los que van a cerrar en el artículo de horarios de verano de restaurantes. Es la época del año en que es momento de relajarse, aceptar el calor y disfrutar una margarita refrescante como la de Leyza's en la foto arriba.
Las temperaturas han aumentado en las últimas semanas y actualmente estamos a 30 celcius (al atardecer también). La pregunta es "¿cuando va a llover por fin?" Sayulita ha recibido poquita lluvia pero los locales y residentes esperan que llueva fuerte pronto para refrescar todo. Si vas a celebrar el solsticio de verano, el atardecer va a ser muy bonito en este dia más largo del año.
Gracias por leer El Sayulero
Lindsay Walter
Editora, El Sayulero
Eight in the Plaza: Sayulita's
Green Wastebaskets
By Riley Hunter
Plus two in front of the church! This green wastebasket project has been a community venture, led by Grupo Pro Sayulita and Tracie from Choco Banana. A true project highlight has been the outstanding support and donations received from the local community. Everyone has come together, including the "padre" of Sayulita plaza's iconic church, who graciously supported the project! Read more
Ocho botes de basura en la plaza, mas dos enfrente la iglesia. Este proyecto de colocar botes de basura en la plaza ha sido una aventura comunitaria iniciado por Grupo Pro Sayulita y Tracie de Chocobanana. Lo mejor del proyecto ha sido el apoyo y donaciones recibido de la comunidad local. Todos se han unido, incluyendo el "padre" de la iglesia de Sayulita. El padre gentilmente apoyo este proyecto. Leer mas
Dinner Event Keeps People Employed
and Streets Clean
By Riley Hunter
The group Gente Trabajando or "people working," is a non-profit volunteer organization that has banded together with people from all over Mexico. Their mission is to help people without jobs support themselves in times of need. As most volunteer organizations, they rely on donations for funding, and with the low season coming, they anticipated a forthcoming lack of jobs in the Sayulita area. To help keep desperate times at bay, Gente Trabajando coordinator Michael Alejandro Castro or "Alex," teamed up with Sayulimpia and merged the two, creating an all-star clean up crew to keep people employed and streets clean! More
El grupo "Gente Trabajando" es una organizacion sin animo de lucro que ha unido gente de todos lados de Mexico. Su mision es ayudar a gente sin trabajos mantenerse solos en los tiempos duros. Como la mayoria de organizaciones de voluntarios, dependen de donacionnes y con la temporada baja aqui, anticipan una falta de trabajos en el area de Sayulita. Para ayudar a la gente en estos momentos duros, el coordinador de la organizacion Gente Trabajando, Alex se unio con Sayulimpia y las dos organizaciones ha creado un equipo increible de gente ya empleado y las calles de Sayulita ya mas limpias. Mas
Upcoming Events in Sayulita
Sayulita Community Calendar June 23 thru June 29
The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together. Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place. View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.
Sayulita Summertime Schedules
By Riley Hunter
As the summer season slowly turns hotter, and the rain showers begin to fall daily, the flocks of people clear out and migrate home; leaving Sayulita with a special summer calendar. For those of us who are on-the-edge about leaving or are surely sticking around, let us clue you in on which restaurants will remain open and their summer schedules: Read Restaurant Schedules
Mientras verano se acerca y cada dia hace mas calo, las lluvian empiezan a caer, la mayoria de la gente se va y regresa a sus casas o salen de Sayulita. Los que se quedan en Sayulita durante el verano, vamos a avisarles cuales restaurantes permanecen abiertos y sus horarios de verano. Leer los horarios de verano.
Top Recommendations of the Week
Ally Cat Charters Casa Jacobo
Sayulita Investment Realty
Sayulita Investment Realty Sells
Another Sayulita Home
"Casa de la Familia" on a large buildable lot is located in Sayulita's highly-desired northside neighborhood, directly across the street from the beach. Location could not be better! The house has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, with a roof terrace and back patio.
Pueblo Magico: A Bird's Tale
Although I enjoyed a trip to the Serengeti and another trip to an animal park in India, I'm not a real animal person; I'm a city kid. Since spending winters in Mexico, I've observed how close to nature we are on a regular basis. Birds, especially, fly and land all around us. Our house is situated high on a hill, and once in a while, a bird will mistake our windows as open space and hit the glass hard. We've lost one or two, but most get stunned hard and then recover after a while. The other day, a female oriole slammed hard and I discovered it almost dead. It finally moved its head a bit and rolled over (not a good sign), but ended up standing once again. I gave it space and time and after an hour or two, I checked on it - actually I checked it quite often. Read More
Aunque me gusto el viaje al Serengeti y otro viaje a un parque de animales en la India, en realidad no soy fanatico de los animales. Soy de la ciudad. Desde que paso los inviernos en Mexico, he observado que tan cerca estamos a la naturaleza. Los aves vuelan muy cerca de nosotros. Nuestra casa esta situada en una colina, y de vez en cuando, un ave se equivoca y choca con nuestras ventanas. Hemos perdido unos aves asi pero por lo general se quedan sorprendidos, dan la vuelta y vuelan. El otro dia, una hembra oriole choco fuerte y casi murio. Finalmente se movio la cabecita y se puso boca arriba (no es buen senal), pero al final se paro otra vez. Le di su espacio y tiempo y despues de una hora o dos fui a revisarlo, fui varias veces a revisarlo. Leer Mas
Pet of the Week: "Canela"
Hello, I am Canela a one year old pit-bull mix beige female dog. My foster parents found me injured and abandoned in Sayulita. I love being around people and spending time with my fellow canine friends. I have a very sweet and mellow temperament. I am spayed and ready to find my "fur-ever" home. Let Sayulitanimals know if I spark your interest and you would like to meet me.
To adopt an animal or donate to Sayulitanimals contact:
Hola! Soy Canela. Tengo un ano y soy una hembra beige, raza mezcla con Pit-bull. Mi familia acogedora me encontro herido y abandonado aqui en Sayulita. Me encanta estar con gente y pasar tiempo con otros amigos caninos. Tengo una personalidad dulce y tranquila. Estoy esterilizada y lista para encontrar mi casa de siempre. Avisa Sayulitanimals si te intereso y quieres conocerme.Para adoptar un animal o donar a Sayultianimals contacta:
Photo of the Week:
Little Critters Come Out Before
Heavy Rain Begins in Sayulita
Photo by Riley Hunter
These little critters come out just before it's about to rain. If touched, they can leave an unpleasant odor behind. Although the "Chinches" can be found in Sayulita all year long, they are quite common to see in summer.
Pude ser que ves varios de estas criaturitas en Sayulita durante esta epoca del ano. Las "Chinche" salen antes de las lluvias de la temporada. Pueden dejar un olor feo si les tocas y aunque los puedes ver durante todo ano, son muy comunes en verano.
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: and
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
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