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Date: June 7th, 2013
Subscribers (emails): 8,547
Frequency: Emailed every Friday (biweekly in summer)
Owners/Publishers: Ian & Kerry Hodge
Unique private villas located just steps from the Sayulita surf. $59-$180 USD/night.
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Greetings to our 8,194 subscribers,
This past week Sayulita has had some pretty cloudy days, overcast skies and the slight dribble of rain fall during the night, but that hasn't stopped beach goers and surfers from enjoying some of the biggest waves Sayulita has seen in a very long time. The swell came in Thursday and offered up some incredible surfing conditions. Beginners were a little intimidated by the larger-than-normal sets coming in but local surf enthusiasts and pros were having a blast. Locals and visitors on the beach this morning said yesterday's surf was the best they had seen all year. Trent from Oregon (pictured right) said he has come to Sayulita three times to surf and this week has been the best surf he's experienced in Sayulita. "My leash broke out there so I had to come in but these waves are great and yesterday was even better" said Trent. This big swell is expected to last over the weekend so if you are brave enough and experienced enough, you may want to take advantage of Sayulita's surf conditions today and tomorrow.
Sayulita Facebook Page: See more of Riley's SSM (Sayulita Social Marketing) skills at our new and improved Facebook page. Please do not forget to give us a LIKE.
Thank you for reading El Sayulero.
Lindsay Walter
Editor, El Sayulero
P.S. If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded. We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services. Gracias!
Saludos a nuestros 8,194 lectores
Durante esta semana en Sayulita se ha nublado el cielo y ha llovido levemente en las noches pero eso no ha detenido a los surfistas disfrutar de buenas olas, unas de las mejores olas que Sayulita ha visto en mucho tiempo. El swell llego el jueves ofreciendo muy buenas condiciones de surf. Los principiantes se intimidaban un poco pero para los locales y profesionales era un perfecto momento para surfear. Los locales y visitantes en la playa esta mañana dijeron que han sido las mejores olas todo este ano. Trent de Oregon (en la foto a la derecha) dice que ha llegado a Sayulita tres veces para surfear y esta semana ha sido el mejor surf que ha experimentado en Sayulita. "mi leash se rompió y tenia que salir pero estas olas son geniales y ayer fue aun mejor" dice Trent. El swell va a durar este fin de semana y si tienes el valor y la experiencia no vas a querer perder del surf hoy y mañana.
Gracias por leer El Sayulero
Lindsay Walter
Editora, El Sayulero
New Face for Sayulita Vibes:
An Interactive Experience
As the seasons change here in Sayulita, so does your favorite source of community news! The "Sayulita Vibes" section of SayulitaLife has a new summer makeover for your viewing pleasure. It features elegant slideshows of high-resolution photos, a very friendly and aesthetically pleasing layout, easily accessed older articles, and has a very social and shareable format! You can comment on the articles to discuss the latest happenings, and you can even share them on popular social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and more! You can also easily email the articles directly to friends and family to keep them in the loop!
As technology continually improves and changes, here at El Sayulero we intend to do the same; to not only provide you with quality articles on all things Sayulita, but also to make sure that you have a pleasurable reading experience!
Please show your support for El Sayulero by commenting on our articles, sharing them on your favorite social media site, and by giving us feedback and reviews there as well! We are here for you, so interact with us and let us know how to give you the best experience we can!
Don Pedro's Family Style Dinner
June 11th and 12th
Radichio Gargonzola Salad
Apple, walnut, watercress, cherries and white balsamic vinaigrette
Octupus Carpraccio
Smoked Paprika, shaved fennel, & arugula sprouts
Rabbit Pasta
House made fettuccini with wild mushroom, leeks and truffle oil
Adriatic Fish
Whole roasted sea bass, rosemary, garlic, tomato and potatoes
Tropical Fruit Napoleon
Mango, lychee, pineapple and passion fruit
$450 pesos per person
Extra Dish: Soft Shell Crab
Deep fried with lemon garlic aoli
($90 pesos per person)
For reservations call: 329-291-3090 or 329-291-3153
Gringo Hill Heads to Highway
By Riley Hunter
The Bottleneck, Dead Man's Curve, The Alamo; these are the names of some rather treacherous obstacles that line the one road into and out-of Gringo Hill. After many slammed breaks and near collisions, the community of Gringo Hill teamed up and said, "no more!"
Donn Sanders, Santo Cominos, and Gabriel from Sayulita Costal Properties decided to team up and make this long discussed project a reality. The community had long been tired of the narrow, winding road that bottlenecks just before the beer depository at the entrance to Gingo Hill; and there had long been talks of building a road to the Punta Mita Highway to avoid big SUVs trying to squeeze in between the massive wall of the Alamo and the opposing wall face. However, nothing seemed to make much headway. A good guess as to why would be, everyone was out surfing. But, worries continued to arise about the safe evacuation in event of an emergency, and no one wanted to ding-up their golf carts or collide surfboards either! More
Upcoming Events in Sayulita
Sayulita Community Calendar June 9 thru June 15
The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together. Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place. View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.
The "Sandboni":
Sayulita's New Beach Clean Machine
By Riley Hunter
With sprawling Semana Santa crowds, an almost year-round flow of visitors, and of course Sayulita's dear dog population; our beloved beach is indeed at times in need of a little spring cleaning! In mid-May, the "Sandboni" made its big debut on the beach, and has been out a number of times to clean since. Much like the famed Zamboni ice resurfacers of hockey, the "Sandboni" is a drivable machine that filters and picks up trash on Sayulita Beach and lays down a nice, clean, layer of sand with the pattern of a freshly raked Zen garden. More
Casa de la Cultura's New Family Movie Night
By Riley Hunter
Everyone loves the smiling faces that Sayulita's Casa de la Cultura brings to children, families, and the rest of Sayulita's community. You may know it as the home of El
Mercado del Pueblo, where you can buy up all the scrumptious, healthy snacks and take home all the artisan products your little heart desires. However, the Casa de la Cultura is also an indispensable resource for the children and community of Sayulita. They host painting classes, music lessons, Zumba, martial arts, and language courses so that the children and community of Sayulita have the tools to prosper. More
Todos aman las caras sonrientes que Casa de la Cultura de Sayulita da a los niños, las familias y el resto de la comunidad de Sayulita. Quizas los conoces como el hogar
donde la gente se puede comprar hasta todos los deliciosos, saludables aperitivos y llevarse todos los productos artesanales. Sin embargo, la Casa de la Cultura también es un recurso indispensable para los niños y la comunidad de Sayulita. Organizan clases de pintura, clases de música, Zumba, artes marciales, y cursos linguisticas para que los niños y la comunidad de Sayulita tienen se pueden prosperar.
Top Recommendations of the Week
Sayulita Investment Realty
Pueblo Magico: A Change of Pace Below P.V.
From Sayulita, it takes less than an hour to the Romantic Zone of Puerto Vallarta. PV is really a nice sized city with everything there. We've explored most of the barrios and of course their restaurants. For something a bit more out of the way - but not too far - try to drive 30 minutes south of PV. A one-day adventure that I've already written about is a trip to the Botantical Gardens, where you can enjoy a sensational lunch. We've been to Yalapa, which can also be a fun over-night for those who don't want to pack too much into a day. More
De Sayulita, se tarda menos de una hora en la zona romántica de Puerto Vallarta. PV es realmente una ciudad de buen tamaño con todo lo que hay. Hemos explorado la mayor parte de los barrios y por supuesto sus restaurantes. Para algo un poco más fuera del camino - pero no demasiado - tratar de conducir 30 minutos al sur de Puerto Vallarta. Una aventura de un día que ya he escrito acerca de un viaje a los Jardines Botantical, donde se puede disfrutar de una comida sensacional. Hemos estado en Yalapa, que también puede ser una diversión durante la noche para aquellos que no quieren hacer las maletas demasiado en un día. Mas
Sayulitanimals Expands it's
Role with Community Education
By Donna Evans for Sayulitanimals
Although you may know SayulitAnimals best for our spay/neuter clinics, we actually have a four-part mission, one of which is to provide community education in animal welfare. Up to now, our emphasis on community education has been limited to modeling good treatment of pets and talking to neighbors, friends, and children about showing compassion towards animals. We are moving community education up on the list of priorities and working with Emily L'Hoist, who has designed a program called "Cambiando Clutura" (Changing Culture), targeted towards children.. More
Pet of the Week: "Pimienta"
Hola! I am Pimienta, a female, senior dog from Sayulita. My owners can't keep me anymore. I also only walk on 3 legs due to a car that hit me in the past and I was never taken to the vet's to get it fixed. I arrived at Sayulitanimals emaciated and covered in bugs! I am now on the road to recovery and feeling much better! I enjoy the simple things in life like going on short walks, napping in the sun and eating chicken! I would love to find a new home where I can live out my golden years and feel safe. Let me know if you are interested in getting to know me and don't forget "Old dogs can learn new tricks too!".
To adopt an animal or donate to Sayulitanimals contact:
Hola! Soy Pimienta, una hembra mayor de Sayulita. Mis duenos ya no pueden quedarse conmigo. Camino en 3 patas porque una vez un carro me atropello y no me llevaron al veterinario. Llegue a Sayulitanimals cubierto en bichos. Ahora estoy recuperandome y me siento mejor. Me gustan las cosas sencillas de la vida como ir a caminar, descansar en el sol y comer pollo. Me gustaria encontrar una casa donde puedo vivir mis anos dorados y sentirme seguro. Avisame si te interesa conocerme y no olvides que los perros viejos pueden aprender nuevos trucos tambien!Para adoptar un animal o donar a Sayultianimals contacta:
Photo of the Week:
Pelican Rests on Sayulita Beach
Photo by Riley Hunter
This pelican took a rest on the beach this past week after soaring over some pretty big waves that came in with Thursday's swell.
Ese pelicano descanso en la playa esta semana despues de volar arriba las olas cuando llego el swell este jueves.
Thanks for reading. Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: and
Gracias por leer. Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.
Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: y