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Greetings to our 8,547 subscribers


The bustle of Semana Santa madness has come to an end this week though local schools are still on vacation until Monday. It seems things are back to normal in Sayulita this week after the influx of people in town last weekend. The beaches still seem quite busy with tourists. Many families are in Sayulita this time of year enjoying the beach and our pueblo. Local residents of Sayulita have really come together after the Semana Santa rush of crowds to help clean up the town and our beach of trash and debris left behind by campers and passer-bys. There have been more trash bins placed around town and on the main beach so if you see some litter laying around please pick up any trash and help keep Sayulita clean and beautiful.

Time ChangeTime Change:  It`s Daylight Savings Time again. On Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 2:00 AM clocks are turned forward 1 hour to Sunday, April 7, 2013 at 3:00 AM local daylight time instead. Sunrise and sunset will both be about 1 hour later on April 7, 2013 than the day before. Don`t forget to change your clocks before bed on Sunday night!


Thank you for reading El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero






P.S.  If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded.  We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services.  Gracias!

Saludos a nuestros 8,547 lectores
Semana Santa ya ha pasado aunque las escuelas locales siguen de vacaciones hasta el lunes. Parece que todo ha vuelto a la normalidad en Sayulita despues del incremento de gente en el pueblo durante la semana pasada. Las playas aun estan recorridas de turistas y hay muchas familias aqui durante esta epoca del ano disfrutando las playas y nuestro pueblo. Los residentes locales en Sayulita se han reunido para ayudar a limpiar el pueblo despues de Semana Santa y la basura que se dejo por gente acampando. Han colocado mas botes de basura en las playas y en el pueblo, asi que si ves basura recogela y ayuda a mantener Sayulita limpio y bonito.

Cambio de Huso Horario: Es hora de cambiar los reljoes otra vez. El Domingo, 07 de abril 2013 a las 2:00 am hora se cambian los relojes hacia adelante 1 hora para Domingo, 07 de abril 2013 a las 3:00 am hora de verano local. El amanacer y atardecer serán aproximadamente 1 hora más tarde el 7 de abril 2013 que el día anterior. No se olvide cambiar sus relojes antes de acostarse en la noche este domingo! 


Gracias por leer El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero


Semana Santa Says Goodbye for Another Year 

 By Nicki Cooper 

Only a few days back I walked the beach weaving in and out of tents packed so tight down the strip you couldn't see ten feet in front of you.  Now the beach has become once more the Sayulita we love so well.  After a massive effort from all who enjoy walking our soft sands, the trash has been bagged, the people have returned home, and Sayulita has become the sleepy tourist town we're accustomed to.  More


Sólo hace unos días caminaba por la playa entrando y saliendo de las tiendas llenas con tanta fuerza por la avenida principal no se podía ver a tres metros delante de usted. Ahora, la playa se ha convertido una vez más el Sayulita amamos tan bien. Después de un gran esfuerzo de todos los que disfrutan de caminar nuestras playas de arena suave, la basura se ha embolsado, la gente ha regresado a casa, y Sayulita se ha convertido en la ciudad turística sueño que estamos acostumbrados. Mas 


Semana Santa Clean Up Efforts

By Timothy Kelly 

Photo by Georgia Glennon
I can't think of anyone in Sayulita who better typifies the "in-your-face" mindset than Tracie Willis. You may know her as the owner of Choco Banana, or you may know her as the woman who single-handedly took on the wedding planners of Sayulita in an effort to get them to switch from polluting pyrotechnics to the much quieter floating wedding lanterns. Two years ago, you would have known Tracie for her dauntless efforts to get a recycling program implemented here in Sayulita. And, you would definitely know her for her tireless efforts in getting large trash bins built and situated around our pueblo.  More
No puedo pensar en nadie mejor que en Sayulita tipifica la "in-your-face" mentalidad de Tracie Willis. Es posible que la conocen como el propietario de Choco Banana, o tal vez la conocía como la mujer que él solo asumió los planificadores de bodas de Sayulita en un esfuerzo por conseguir que cambiar de pirotecnia a los contaminantes mucho más tranquilo linternas flotantes de la boda. Hace dos años, también hubierais conocido a Tracie por sus esfuerzos intrépidos para conseguir un programa de reciclaje implementado aquí en Sayulita. Y, sin duda la conocía por sus esfuerzos incansables para conseguir grandes contenedores de basura construidos y situados alrededor de nuestro pueblo. Mas
Beautiful New Home For Sale By Owner
$155,000 USD


This new, beautiful home for sale by owner is part of Vistas del Valle, a private and secure, 5-home development across the punta mita highway, conveniently located within an easy 10 minute walk to the town Plaza and Sayulita beach. The development has a small swimming pool, parking and common area including outdoor BBQ area.

This Sayulita house in the Vistas del Valle complex is brand new, never lived in and ready to be made a home. Currently it is unfurnished but has built-in sofas in the living room and is ready to be furnished to your liking. This Sayulita house for sale by owner features vaulted ceilings, a cupola roof, a large, private concrete terrace with railings overlooking the surrounding lush mountains.



More photos and seller's contact information 


Is The Sayulita Beach Safer?  

Many have passed the north end of the beach and have seen the new lifeguard tower, but not many have seen the lifeguards who sit from 10:30-6:30 every day watching the water to make sure there is not another unfortunate loss off our beach.The Civil Protection Service of Mexico, which is comprised of the fire fighters and lifeguards, has stepped in for Semana Santa and Semana Pascua to guarantee safe vacations and swimming for us all. More 


Muchos han pasado el extremo norte de la playa y he visto la nueva torre de salvavidas, pero no muchos han visto a los socorristas que se sientan de 10:30-6:30 todos los días mirando el agua para asegurarse de que no hay otra lamentable pérdida de nuestra playa. El Servicio de Protección Civil de México, que se compone de los bomberos y socorristas, ha intervenido para Semana Santa y Pascua, Semana de garantizar vacaciones seguras y natación para todos nosotros. Mas

Casa de Risa For Sale By Owner
End of Season Price Reduction: $188,750.00 USD 


 Best priced casa in Sayulita final price reduction to $188,750.00 USD

Casa De Risa is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom property in immaculate condition located on the quiet south end of Sayulita. Casa de Risa is move-in ready and fully furnished. This well-maintained property is a great family home due to its great location, fabulous outdoor living space and open-floor plan.


Casa De Risa in Sayulita is newly renovated, boasts great outdoor lighting, wrap-around pillow-loaded seating, natural stone and stained concrete bathroom with walk-in shower, king size bed in master bedroom with twin beds in the second bedroom. You will love this property for the hammock filled front porch and native vegetation. New appliances and an outdoor grill complete the home. It is completely gated and private, including an enclosed parking space.


More photos and seller's contact information 


Missing Puppy    


Lost puppy named Octavio went missing Monday night in Sayulita. Octavio is missed by his owners who are offering a reward for any information on where Octavio may be.  If found please contact Jose Mejia at 322-101-4861

Chachorro perdido que se llama Octavio se perdio el lunes en la noche en Sayulita. Los duenos de Octavio lo extranan mucho y ofrecen una recompensa por cualquier informacion sobre donde podria estar. Si lo encuentras contacta Jose Mejia al 322-101-4861.


Grupo Pro Sayulita and You    
Spring in Sayulita is one of my favorite times to be living here. We have fewer guests at houses and as a result we have a little less income but we have more time. At the GPS Wednesday meeting we discussed some of the learnings from this past Semana Santa and how to use the same plan for enhanced Sayulimpia service during peak times- think Christmas and Semana Santa. We gave a round of applause for the concerted efforts of the Sayulimpia ground team, Marcos Scott and the astounding efforts of Tracie Willis. If it had not been for their relentless efforts and the donations they collected for the enhanced pickups in town and trash traps on the beach we would have had the stacks of garbage from past years. More

Primavera en Sayulita es uno de mis momentos favoritos de vivir aquí. Tenemos menos clientes en las casas y como resultado tenemos que los ingresos de un poco menos, pero tenemos más tiempo. En la Reunión de GPS Miércoles hablamos de algunos de los aprendizajes de este pasado Semana Santa y cómo utilizar el mismo plan para mejorar servicio Sayulimpia durante las horas punta a pensar de Navidad y Semana Santa. Le dimos un aplauso a los esfuerzos concertados del equipo de tierra Sayulimpia, Scott Marcos y los esfuerzos asombrosos de Tracie Willis. Si no hubiera sido por sus incansables esfuerzos y donaciones que los recogidos para las pastillas mejoradas en las trampas de la ciudad y la basura en la playa, habríamos tenido los montones de basura de los últimos años. Mas


Bite This: Coconut Shrimp at
Pedrito`s (Hecho Con Amor)  

I enjoyed this dish at lunch the other day at Pedrito`s (Hecho Con Amor). It was different from the other coconut shrimp dishes around town. Most of them are very encrusted with shredded coconut; very crunchy and a bit on the tough side. Some need a sharp knife to cut through the crust. More
Me ha encantado este plato en el almuerzo el otro día en Pedrito `s (Hecho Con Amor). Era diferente de los otros platos de camarones de coco en el pueblo. La mayoría de ellos son muy incrustada con coco rallado, muy crujiente y un poco duro. Algunos necesitan un cuchillo afilado para cortar a través de la corteza. Mas
Top Recommendations of the Week
              Chocobanana                                   Casa Jaqui
Chocobanana                               Jaqui  

SIR Banner     

Sayulita Investment Realty
Pueblo Magico: From A Visitor's Eye     


When you live here, you get used to things; family and friends who have come before are also used to how the town is.  But someone brand new, visiting our town for the very first time,  has a much different way of seeing Sayulita. Earlier this season, we had relatives come to Sayulita for the first time.  Barbara thought I was being too "motherly" because I wanted to pick them up at the airport, or at least meet them at their beach condo to make sure they knew the ins and outs.  "Have no worries," Barbara insisted, "let them explore and discover things for themselves." More 


Cuando se vive aquí, uno se acostumbra a las cosas, la familia y los amigos que han venido antes que se utilizan también para cómo la ciudad. Pero marca a alguien nuevo, visitando nuestra ciudad por primera vez, tiene una forma muy diferente de ver Sayulita. A principios de esta temporada, habíamos llegado a parientes Sayulita por primera vez. Barbara pensó que yo estaba siendo demasiado "maternal" porque quería a recogerlos en el aeropuerto, o al menos reunirse con ellos en su condominio en la playa para asegurarse de que conocía los entresijos. "No tienen preocupaciones", insistió Bárbara, "vamos a explorar y descubrir cosas por sí mismos." Mas 


Upcoming Events in Sayulita 


Sayulita Community Calendar  


The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together.  Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place.  View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.


view calendar 


 GPS Beer Pong Tournament at Iguana Gardens
 Date: Saturday April 6th
Time: 1:30 PM
Signups at 1:30 pm Play Starts at 2 pm
100 Peso entry Fee for Contestants and Cheerleaders Cash prizes for both categories.

Arte de Sayulita Art Stroll Arte de Sayulita Last Art Stroll of the Season
Date: Saturday April 6th - Sunday April 7th
Time: 5:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mixed Media, Acrylics & Oils
Please join us for our last Saturday - Sunday Art Stroll of the season.



Add your upcoming event to the Sayulita Community Calendar 

Kids Corner: Clean Up in Sayulita  


Since Semana Santa is over, there has been a lot of trash thrown on the ground. Trash is very bad for the world. Animals eat the trash and it makes them really sick. The plastic that is thrown on the ground doesn't disintegrate for a long time. If we all start by picking up at 10 pieces of trash that is out in front of our houses everyday, there won't be any more trash! We can make a huge difference.  More


Desde Semana Santa ha terminado, se ha producido una gran cantidad de basura tirada en el suelo. La basura es muy malo para el mundo. Los animales comen la basura y lo hace muy mal. El plástico que se produce en el suelo no se desintegra por un largo tiempo. Si todos comenzamos recogiendo menos 10 piezas de basura que está en frente de nuestras casas todos los días, no habrá basura más! Podemos hacer una gran diferencia.  Mas
Sayulitanimals Spay and Neuter Campaign is Back 
Dr. Charlotte Burns and her crew of dedicated volunteers are coming back for the second spay/neuter clinic of this year. You can bring your dog or cat to Sayulitanimals Monday and Tuesday, the 15th and 16th to help stop the cycle of unwanted pets on our streets.The surgeries are offered to the community animals for a donation, but please remember your donation is what allows the vets to continue this service.More 


Dra. Charlotte Burns y su equipo de voluntarios dedicados están regresando para la segunda esterilización / castración clínica de este año. Usted puede traer a su perro o gato a Sayulitanimals lunes y el martes, el. 15 y 16 para ayudar a detener el ciclo de mascotas no deseadas en nuestras calles Las cirugías se ofrecen a los animales de la comunidad para una donación, pero recuerde que su donación es lo que permite a los veterinarios para continuar con este servicio.  Mas
Pet of the Week:  "Scarlett" 



Scarlet was found in Sayulita abandoned, hungry and had parasites. She now looks great after spending a few weeks in her foster home. She is very sweet and a little shy when she first meets people.  She loves to play with other dogs, loves to cuddle and enjoys going to the beach! She desperately wants a safe and loving home or foster home where she can feel secure and build confidence.  She can not stay in her foster home much longer, because they live in a small apartment with 2 other dogs and work full time.  Let us know if you want to meet this cute little girl!


To adopt an animal or donate to Sayulitanimals contact: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com 


Scarlet se encontro en Sayulita abandonada, hambriente y tenia parasitos. Ahora se ve muy bien despues de haber pasado unas semanas en su casa acogida. Es muy dulce y un poco timida cuando conoce a personas por primera vez. Le encanta jugar con otros perros, le gustan los carinos e ir a caminar en la playa. Urgentemente ocupa un lugar seguro en una casa amorosa donde puede sentir segura y crear confianza. No puede quedarse donde se esta quedando por much tiempo porque los que la cuidan viven en un departamento pequeno con dos otros perros y trabajan todos los dias. Avisanos si quieres conocer a esta hermosura.

Para adoptar un animal o donar a Sayultianimals contacta: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com

The 2nd GPS Beer Pong Tournament April 6th


Come and meet us, hear about how we can help you, how you can help us. Talk to your social peers and exchange pong shots. Let's all make Sayulita a better place to play.

Saturday April 6th at the Iguana Gardens.
Sign up is at 1:30 PM
Game starts at 2:00 PM
$100 pesos entry fee for contestants and cheerleaders
Cash prizes for both categories

Your hosts:

Stand Up Paddle Mexico, Leyla Morris; GPS Fun Committee
Nick Sherman - President
Damien Porter - Strategic Planning
Marcos Scot - Commissioner
Oswaldo Vallejo - Liaison



  Donate pleaseThanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com