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Greetings to our 8,547 subscribers


The annual Grupo Pro Sayulita Fundraiser this past Wednesday evening was a success with a sold out venue at Palapa Brisa Mar and an overall community goal to raise funds for our town in an on-going effort to make Sayulita a better place to live and vacation. Congratulations to all the volunteers of GPS who organized and made the event a fun and delightful evening for all who came out to support GPS and the cause. El Sayulero extends a huge GRACIAS to Don Pedro's for hosting the event and donating all the food and service for over 300 attendees.  Thank you!  For more information on the night's events and funds raised, read article below.

The past weekend in Sayulita was a busy one with crowded beaches and people visiting from all over for the 4th annual Punta Sayulita Longboard Classic competition. Raggae artist Mishka performed at last Saturday night's concert on the beach and many of our local surfers and stand up paddleboard enthusiasts participated in the competition and represented Sayulita. Congratulations to all the participants in last weekend's competition event!

Also this past weekend, Sayulita welcomed the town's own ambulance and firetruck with a parade through town last Sunday and a thorough demonstration on how the Jaws of Life work to saves lives and how our ambulance and firefighter crew are on call for local emergencies. See Donna Day's photos of the week below if you missed Sunday's demonstration.


Thank you for reading El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero




P.S.  If you like what we are doing with this free community newsletter, please consider making a small donation to help keep us funded.  We use the money to pay contributors for quality articles as well as translation services.  Gracias!

Saludos a nuestros 8,547 lectores
La recaudacion de fondos para Grupo Pro Sayulita este miércoles pasado por la noche fue un éxito que se llevo a cabo en la Palapa Brisa Mar y un evento fabuloso para que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar para vivir y vacaciones. Felicidades a todos los voluntarios de GPS que organizaron e hicieron caso una divertida y agradable noche para todos los que fuerson a apoyar GPS y la causa. Para obtener más información sobre los eventos de esta noche y los fondos recaudados, lea el artículo a continuacion.

El fin de semana pasado en Sayulita las playas se econtraron llenas de gente y las personas que visitaron de todas partes para ver la 4 ª concurso anual de Punta Sayulita Longboard Classic. Artista de Raggae Mishka toco en el concierto en la noche el sábado en la playa y muchos de nuestros surfistas locales y los entusiastas de Paddleboard participaron en el concurso y representaron Sayulita. Felicitaciones a todos los participantes en el evento competencia del fin de semana!

También este fin de semana pasado, dio la bienvenida a Sayulita ambulancia propia de la ciudad y camión de bomberos con un desfile por la ciudad el domingo pasado y una demostración cabal de cómo las quijadas de la vida para el trabajo salva vidas y cómo nuestra ambulancia y equipo de bombero están de guardia para emergencias locales. Ver fotos de la semana por Donna Day si te perdiste la demostracion el domingo.


Gracias por leer El Sayulero.


Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero


Grupo Pro Sayulita Fiesta Fundraiser 2013 

 By Nicki Cooper 

Photo by Georgia Glennon
With a special gracias to all volunteers and Don Pedro's, on Wednesday night Grupo Pro Sayulita threw the bash of the year to raise funds to protect, clean, and serve Sayulita.  The Palapa Brisa Mar was radiant with lavish tables, a sold out gathering to support our community, and an exquisite sunset followed by soft lighting, music, and dancing.  Tables were filled with silent auction choices from fine art to taco dinners affording everyone the ability to bid, donate, and win. People of all ages and social backgrounds mingled and found new friends over cold drinks and a mutual cause to benefit Sayulita.  More

Fundraising Goal:  $70K USD

Amount raised:  $55K USD

Short:  $15K USD


Its not too late to donate to Sayulita's most important charitable group that helps keep Sayulita clean, safe, healthy and productive.  Here is a few more expenses they need to cover:


$10K USD:  New ATV for Sayulita's police force

$5K  USD: Retaining wall and drainage system to keep kindergarten from flooding

$4K  USD:  Kitchen for firemen and medical techs

$500 USD:  Appliances for new Sayulita Firehouse

$350 USD:  New tires for police ATV

$100 USD Personal or Business membership with GPS.  (If 50 people joined today GPS would be $5K closer to its Fundraising goal.)

La noche del miércoles Grupo Pro Sayulita lanzó la fiesta del año para recaudar fondos para proteger, limpiar y servir a Sayulita. La Palapa Brisa Mar estaba radiante con mesas de lujo, un vendido reunir para apoyar a nuestra comunidad, y una puesta de sol exquisito seguida de una suave iluminación, la música y el baile. Las mesas estaban llenas de opciones subasta silenciosa de obras de arte, cenas de tacos que ofrezcan a todos la posibilidad de hacer una oferta, donar, y ganar. Personas de todas las edades y clases sociales se mezclaban y encontró nuevos amigos a través de bebidas frías y una causa común en beneficio de Sayulita.  Mas


Sayulita Salud Fiesta
Welcoming Our Town's Fire Truck and Ambulance 


Once upon a time, Brian Singleton, a member of Firefighters without Borders, arrived at a Grupo Pro Sayulita (GPS) meeting and proposed that Sayulita obtain an ambulance and fire truck. This is now not a fairy tale, but a reality. GPS under the direction of our past president, Eric Rudd, along with the Zach Chambers Foundation and Firefighters without Borders supported the purchase of these emergency vehicles
Érase una vez, Brian Singleton, miembro de Bomberos sin Fronteras, llegó a una reunión de Grupo Pro Sayulita (GPS)  y propuso que Sayulita debe obtener una ambulancia y camión de bomberos. Esto ya no es un cuento de hadas, sino una realidad. GPS bajo la dirección de nuestro ex presidente, Eric Rudd, junto con la Fundación Zach Chambers y Bomberos sin Fronteras apoyaron la compra de estos vehículos de emergencia. Leer mas


   PAIRS Relationship Tune-up Offers
Skills That Work in Many Situations


The PAIRS seminar being held In Sayulita March 20, 21, and 22 is not only good for couples, it's also a great tune-up for any relationship -- friends, co-workers, parents and adult children -- even siblings, according to Holly Weaver, a part-time resident of San Pancho. "I have known Robin (Robin Temple, facilitator of the seminar) for 30 years and have participated in PAIRS seminars a number of times," Weaver said. "I attribute most of the healthy communication skills I have to what I learned in PAIRS. Personally, I don't know how people can maintain loving, nurturing, fulfilling and supportive relationships without these skills."   Read more

El seminario de PAIRS se celebra en Sayulita el 20, 21 y 22 de marzo no sólo es bueno para todo público, también es una puesta a punto ideal para cualquier relación - amigos, compañeros de trabajo, padres e hijos adultos - incluso los hermanos, de acuerdo con acebo Weaver, un residente a tiempo parcial de San Pancho. "He conocido a Robin (Robin Temple, facilitador del seminario) durante 30 años y ha participado en seminarios PARES varias veces", dijo Weaver. "Yo atribuyo la mayor parte de las habilidades de comunicación saludables que tengo a lo que aprendí en parejas. Personalmente, yo no sé cómo la gente puede mantener amar, nutrir, satisfactoria y relaciones de apoyo sin estas habilidades."  Leer mas
Sayulita Is for Everybody:
Interview with Nora Hernandez Torres

By Timothy Kelly 

Photo by Georgia Glennon
If you walk by the office of Ally Cat Sailing Adventures and see an angelic face at the desk, you have met Nora. Even if you don't like boats or the ocean, you will be tempted to stop in just to talk with this enchanting woman. And, if she smiles at you, you are "hooked". I first met Nora onboard the Ally Cat on a day cruise to the Marietta Islands as she led the courteous crew in their duties while her husband, Noah (next week's interview), was at the helm of this magnificent catamaran. When I first asked Nora to tell me about herself, she asked me whether I wanted the "long" or "short" version. Here is what we settled on, although I am sure we could have talked for many more minutes.  Read entire interview

Si pasas por la oficina de Ally Cat Sailing Adventures y ves una cara angelica en el escritorio, entonces has visto a Nora. Aun si no te gusten los barcos o el mar, querras parar a hablar con esta mujer encantadora. Y si te sonrie, te encanchara. Conoci a Nora por primera vez a bordo del Ally Cat un dia que viajamos a las islas Mariettas. Ella se encargaba de la tripulacion mientras su esposo Noah navegaba el barco (el entrevistado de la proxima semana). Cuando pregunte a Nora si me podria platicar algo de ella, me pregunto si queria la version corta o larga. Aqui es lo que me platico, y de seguro pudieramos habernos quedado platicando por un rato mas.  Leer toda la entrevista
GPS Beer Pong Tournament  



GPS is holding a Beer Pong tournament on Saturday, March 16, 2pm Iguana Gardens. We will play 6 cup not 10 cup pong. Each cup will have 1/3 of a beer. We will find out who in Sayulita has the skills to have fun, drink beer and perform at the ping pong table. Please join us for an afternoon of delight. The sign up rules and tournament rules are below. Bring a two person team. Each two person team may have either 2 male or female cheerleaders who will be recognized with the winners. Cheerleaders will be judged subjectively on cheer routines, costumes and skill of their contestants but will not necessarily be given the same placement as their contestants. More 


GPS organizara un torneo de Ping Pong de la cerveza el sábado,16 de marzo a las 14:00 en las Iguana Gardens. Vamos a jugar con 6 tazas, no con 10 tazas. Cada copa tendrá 1/3 de cerveza. Vamos a averiguar quién en Sayulita tiene las habilidades para divertirse, beber cerveza y jugar en la mesa de ping pong. Por favor, únase a nosotros para una tarde de placer. Lees sobre las reglas y normas del torneo a continuacion. Trae un equipo de dos personas. Cada equipo de dos personas podrán disponer de dos porristas masculinos o femeninos que serán reconocidos con los ganadores. Porristas serán juzgados subjetivamente en las rutinas de porristas, trajes y la habilidad de sus competidores, pero no necesariamente tener la misma ubicación que sus competidores.  Mas

Property Regularization in Sayulita  

By Lindsay Walter 



The Sayulita Ejido board, recognized by the agricultural authorities, and JH Constructores, a private company has begun with the process to regularize the area known as " Nanzal", in Sayulita, with the purpose of providing legal ownership over current Ejido land. More 


La mesa directiva del ejido Sayulita, reconocida por las autoridades agrarias, iniciaron con el proceso para regularizar el área conocida como "EL NANZAL", en el poblado de Sayulita, con la finalidad de brindar certeza legal sobre sus terrenos, a los pobladores de dicha área.  Mas

Women's Shelter Brought a  Little Closer to Completion with Support From
Sayulita Live Theatre
Women's Shelter

David Zude (pictured left) receives a check for $17,000 pesos to go to construction of the women's shelter for Bahia de Banderas from Donna Evans-Deyermond and Peter Glass. The funds were the proceeds of two performances of the
Vagina Monologues, produced by Live Theater Sayulita in February
Letter to the Editor 

I must take some exception to the last letter to the editor about the tragedy on our beach. A few years ago, there was another tragedy and I, too, became upset that something like that was allowed to happen. It seemed senseless. A friend of mine took another attitude-- "this is Mexico, and you look after yourself." I completely disagreed with him. When hundreds of thousands of people use the beach each year, services must be provided-- including bathrooms, medical response and lifeguards.  More

Casa de Risa For Sale By Owner
End of Season Price Reduction: $188,750.00 USD 


 Best priced casa in Sayulita final price reduction to $188,750.00 USD

Casa De Risa is a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom property in immaculate condition located on the quiet south end of Sayulita. Casa de Risa is move-in ready and fully furnished. This well-maintained property is a great family home due to it's great location, fabulous outdoor living space and open-floor plan.


Casa De Risa in Sayulita is newly renovated, boasts great outdoor lighting, wrap-around pillow-loaded seating, natural stone and stained concrete bathroom with walk-in shower, king size bed in master bedroom with twin beds in the second bedroom. You will love this property for the hammock filled front porch and native vegetation. New appliances and an outdoor grill complete the home. It is completely gated and private, including an enclosed parking space.


More photos and seller's contact information 


Sayulita's Hottest New Trend  

By Nicki Cooper



Well for women that is... boudoir photography by Dekker Studios in Sayulita has been sweeping the girls up around town to make them their most sensual selves creating a photo package that will last a lifetime.Unfortunately each morning we wake, we do not get younger, so now is the time to realize just how exquisite you are and create something you can treasure for years as a reminder and reward later on. More 


Pues solo para las mujeres ... la fotografía boudoir por los estudios de Dekker en Sayulita se ha sido encontrar mujeres en torno a la ciudad para hacer su yo más sensuales que crean un paquete de fotos que va a durar toda la vida. Por desgracia, cada mañana nos despertamos, no obtenemos más joven, por lo que ahora es el momento de darse cuenta de lo exquisito que eres y crear algo que se puede atesorar durante años como un recordatorio y recompensa en el futuro.  Mas

Casa Limon For Sale in Sayulita
$219,000 USD


Casa Limon - Excellent location at north end of town, awesome rental history! This newly remodeled property is located just two blocks from the beach and has ocean view from the upper deck. Great multi-level floorplan, fully furnished, ready to move in.



Casa Limon is located in a very nice neighborhood of homes and is literally walking distance to everything... the beach, downtown, restaurants, shopping... no need for a car!  Don't miss this great opportunity to own a piece of paradise at an affordable price!



Bite This: The Fajitas at Aaleyah's 

This cozy spot is noted for buffalo wings and nachos, but the menu at Aaleyah's has expanded to include really delicious specialties and this is one of them-beef fajitas. My only beef about this tempting plate is that is a huge amount of food! Approach this menu item with either a very good appetite or a friend who will share this bounty. More
Este lugar comodo es famoso por sus alitas estilo buffalo y sus nachos, pero el menu en Aaleyah's se ha ampliado e incluye especialidades deliciosas y esta es una de ellas. Las fajitas de res. Es un monton de comida. Pide este platillo si tienes mucha hambre o si tienes a un amigo ahi para ayudarte comparirlo.  Mas
Top Recommendations of the Week
      Georgia Glennon Photography                  Casa Markel
Georgia Glennon Photography                               Casa Markel  

SIR Banner     

Sayulita Investment Realty
Pueblo Magico: A Car Story     


Those of us who live here need transportation.  Those who drove here in their own cars have their own stories and issues-- cars brought in have to leave again.  We flew here so we had no choice.  Our architect/builder said on our very first day that we needed wheels, so he took us to various dealers and we opted for an inexpensive one-year old blue Platina Nissan with 16,000 miles on it and scratches all over.  That was fine with us; we just wanted something that would work and not have to worry about.  We had several wonderful trips around the country in this car.  More 


Aquellos de nosotros que vivimos aquí necesitan transporte. Los que condujo hasta aquí en sus propios coches tienen sus propias historias y temas - coches traídos tiene que salir de nuevo. Volamos aquí, así que no tenía opción. Nuestro arquitecto / constructor dijo en nuestro primer día que necesitábamos ruedas, así que nos llevó a varios distribuidores y nos decidimos por un bajo costo de un año de edad Nissan Platina azul con 16.000 millas en él y arañazos por todas partes. Que estaba bien con nosotros, lo único que queríamos algo que funcione y no tener que preocuparse. Tuvimos varios viajes maravillosos de todo el país en este coche. Mas 

Upcoming Events in Sayulita 


Sayulita Community Calendar  


The Sayulita Community Calendar is a tool to help bring us all together.  Now there is a central place to find out when, what, and where events are taking place.  View, read, sort and post every Sayulita-related event.


view calendar 


 Date: Satruday March 16 and Sunday March 17th
Time: 10 AM - 6 PM
Sacred Beach Art by Elena Harder - Magical Wisdom Shells and Painted Palm Pods Visions by Ricardo Moreno Fertile Ground by Kristine Hill - Compost Dyed and Eco Printed Cloth 11 am to 10 pm Reception 5 pm to 10 pm Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Artists in Residence Sunday

GPS Beer Pong Tournament at the Iguana Gardens
 Date: Saturday March 16th
Time: 2 PM
Please join us for an afternoon of delight. Bring a two person team. Each two person team may have either 2 male or female cheerleaders who will be recognized with the winners. Cheerleaders will be judged subjectively on cheer routines, costumes and skill. We will play 6 cup not 10 cup pong. Each cup will have 1/3 of a beer. We will find out who in Sayulita has the skills to have fun, drink beer and perform at the ping pong table.   Serious prize money will be awarded, 100 Pesos per person entry fee for players and cheerleaders. Equal prize money for both categories. Proceeds will be split 50% to contestants and 50% to GPS, also 50% to Cheerleaders and 50% to GPS.

Spring Polo Cup at La Patrona Polo Club
Date: Saturday March 16th
Time: 6 PM
Spring Polo Cup to benefit the Mexican Red Cross. Call to reserve dinner and watch the polo match. (311) 258 4378



Add your upcoming event to the Sayulita Community Calendar 

Pet of the Week:  "Paco" 



Paco is a healthy and happy, orange and white, 2 year old, male kitty.  He is a very friendly beach cat and would love to have a real home.  He is neutered, de-wormed and de-flead.  


To adopt an animal or donate to Sayulitanimals contact: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com 


Paco es un gato feliz de color naranja y blanco, tiene dos anos y es macho. Es muy amigable y vive en la playa pero le encantaria tener una verdadera casa. Es esterilizado, desparacitado y ya se le han quitado las pulgas. 


Para adoptar un animal o donar a Sayultianimals contacta: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com

Photo of the Week: 
The Jaws of Life Demonstration in Sayulita  

Photos by Donna Day Photography


Sayulita got their long awaited Firetruck, Ambulence and last, but not least....The Jaws Of Life!! Sunday while most people were watching the surf contest, some lucky people go to see a demo of the fire truck, Fire fighters cutting a "wrecked" car open with The Jaws of Life tool and rescuing and stablizing a boy and safely delivering him to the ambulance. Yay for the Bomberos and yay Sayulita and the Groupo Pro Sayulita money and people that made this happen.


More photos 


La ambulancia y el camion de bomberos para el pueblo por fin llegaron a Sayulita incluyendo las quijadas de la vida. El domingo mientras mucha gente veia el concurso de surf, algunos tenian la oportunidad de ver la demostracion del camion de bomberos y las quijadas de la vida cortar un carro y rescatar y estabelizar un nino. Felicidades a los bomberos y Sayulita, y Grupo Pro Sayulita por realizar esto.


Mas fotos

  Donate pleaseThanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com