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November 16th,

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Greetings to our 8,701 subscribers,


It has been a hot November and the question everyone is asking in town is: "when will it cool down?"  The water is the place to keep cool! Happy American Thanksgiving to all our readers and contributors who will be celebrating either here in Sayulita or afar!  



If you are out on the beach and water today, don't miss the Chica Locca trimaran parked out on the bay for a few hours beginning at 1pm this afternoon and you can paddle out, surf out, or take a panga boat out and jump on board.  The Chica Locca party boat has had some recent upgrades including two fun water slides this season. For more information visit: www.sayulitalife.com/magical   



El Sayulero brings you a great feel-good article about a tourist who had her purse stolen, along with the local authorities and other helpful Sayulita people, she was able to catch the perpetrator. Read below for more details in Sarah's own words.   


Thank you for reading.


Lindsay Walter 

Editor, El Sayulero



Saludos a nuestros 8,701 lectores

Ha sido un noviembre caliente y todos pregunta cuando cambiara el clima? El mar es el lugar donde regrescarse ahorita. Feliz Dia de la Accion de Gracias a todos nuestros lectores y contribuyentes que van a estar celebrando en Sayulita o en donde sea.

Si estas por la playa hoy, llega padelando y por barco a la Chica Locca, el trimaran que estara estacionado en la bahia por un par de horas hoy empezando a la una. La Chica Locca ha recibido varias actualizaciones esta temporada incluyendo toboganes muy divirtidos. Para mas informacion visita: www.sayulitalife.com/magical 

El Sayulero le trae una historia bonita de una turista se le robaron su bolsa, pero con la ayuda de las autoridades locales y la ayuda de gente aqui en Sayulita pudo encontrar el que lo robo. Lee todo el articulo para los detalles en las palabras de Sarah. 
Gracias por leer El Sayulero. 


Lindsay Walter 

Editora:  El Sayulero


Best of Sayulita!
SayulitaLife.com launches a constantly updating report of visitor-recommended rentals and businesses 

Sayulita As part of its ongoing effort to continually market Sayulita to the rest of the world, Sayulita Life has just launched a new Recommended section on the website.  The new page automatically updates itself based on user reviews of local businesses and rentals.   The page is divided into two sections:


Top 5 Most Recent

New recommendations are posted to the list immediately after owner approval.  Check out the page anytime to see the newest reviews, live as they are posted.  


Top 5 in the Last 30 Days

The system keeps track of all reviews and lists the top five rentals/businesses that have received the most reviews in the last 30 days.  Again, this is a continually changing list depending upon user input.


Users are also able to quickly and easily write a review for any rental or business from this page.  www.sayulitalife.com/top-reviews  

With over 1,000 live reviews posted to SayulitaLife.com in the year, we expect even more great success for local rentals and business since this new section is accessible from EVERY page on SayulitaLife.com.

Sayulita Police Arrest Thieves
(with the help of a determined tourist)  


Publisher note:  Every once in a while I get wind of a story I feel represents Sayulita's sense of community and also demonstrates the results of individual and group efforts to make our village a better place to live and vacation.  After learning of the following incident, I tracked down Sarah and was able to call her in California to take down some notes for Lindsay to create an article.  At the end of the call, Sarah volunteered to send me a quick summary of the ordeal.  After reading her email we decided to run this story without any edits or formatting in hopes of allowing our 8,700+ readers to hear it in Sarah's own words.  I hope you enjoy the read.   

Ian Hodge, Publisher

El Sayulero

  travis[excerpt] by this time, my guard was certainly down.  The music was great, I was excited to dance, and so was Travis (he isn't much of a dancer)!  Unfortunately, the night didn't go as we thought, and this is where the party ended.  With my guard let down, I set my purse to the side to pay for a cocktail, and it was stolen as I paid.  At that point, my evening was pretty much done, and I was thinking -- so was my vacation.  But little did I know what the next two days would bring! Immediately after I realized my purse was missing, I began to back track my steps.  To the bartender at Camarones, to the pathway into the bar, to the streets we meandered to get there, to Miro Vino.  Miro Vino was closed, but that didn't matter.  Lucca and the entire staff let me in, helped me look for my purse.  Unfortunately, it did not turn up.


 Read the entire story here 


Nota de Editorial: De vez en cuando me entero de una historia que siento que representa el sentido de la comunidad y demuestra los resultados de los esfuerzos hechos por grupos y individuos para hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar. Después de escuchar de la historia a continuación, encontré a Sarah y le hable en California para tomar notas y pasarlas a Lindsay para crear un artículo. Después de leer lo que me envió Sarah, decidimos dejar su versión tal como esta escrito sin editarlo con la esperanza que nuestros 8,700+ lectores pudieran escuchar lo que paso a través de las palabras de Sarah. Espero que les guste leerlo.

Ian Hodge, Editorial

El Sayulero


La música era genial, me ha emocionado la danza, y así fue Travis también (¡no es muy bailarín!) Por desgracia, la noche no salió como esperábamos, y allí es donde la fiesta terminó. Puse mi bolso a un lado para pagar un cóctel, y alguien me lo robó mientras pagaba. La noche estaba arruinada, igual que mis vacaciones, pensaba. ¡Nunca me imaginaba lo que sucediera en los próximos dos días!

Comencé a retroceder mis pasos - hablé con el camarero en Camarones, pasamos por las calles que habíamos recorrido y regresamos a Miro Vino. Estaba cerrado, pero Lucca me dejó entrar y me ayudó a buscar mi bolso. Por desgracia, no se me presentó.


Leer toda la historia 

 Casa Los Maizes For Sale By Owner
$700,000 USD 


Los Maizes Los Maizes is a beautiful house on the beach and/or lot for sale by owner. Properties can be sold together or separately $700,000 USD for the home and $295,000 USD for the lot.


The house has 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. 400 sq mt land and 270 sq mt of construction. Contiguous land 460sq mt. Casa Los Maizes boasts amazing views from every point at the property. The master bedroom is located on the second level with a large patio and private bathroom. The ground level consists of a large second bedroom, a small third bedroom with twin bunk beds, dining room, living room, kitchen, entrance hall, and laundry area.


More information and seller's contact 


Advertise your real estate on SayulitaLife.com and El Sayulero  

Top Recommendations of the Week

Aaleyah's Nachos & Wings       Casa Higuera  

Aaleyah's                                       Casa Higuera  

2 recommendation                                                  3 recommendations

Join the Sayulita group of proud owners of  

photovoltaic systems 

Carr. Tepic, 5725. Plaza Canalán (Just past the Ameca Bridge)
Puerto Vallarta, Jal.  Tel 322- 2091160
Upcoming Events in Sayulita 

Community Calendar 

Monday November 19th
- Don Pedro's Salsa Night

Don Pedro's Restaurant & Bar 8pm - 11pm. 

Live Cuban Salsa Band, Salsa dancers, mojitos, Cuban cigars and dinner specials!   www.sayulitalife.com/donpedros


Thursday November 22nd- Don Pedro's Latcho & Andrea Gypsy Flamenco

At Don Pedro's Restaurant. 7:00 PM Gypsy Flamenco Music with Latcho & Andrea. www.sayulitalife.com/donpedro. for reservations please call 329-291-3090   

Add your upcoming event to the Sayulita Community Calendar 

Sayulita's First Government Health Fair  

By Nicki Cooper



Health coordinator for Bahia de Banderas, Gloria Francisca Cuevas Tello, and a group of forty volunteers filled the plaza Thursday afternoon to teach physical and mental wellness to the locals of Sayulita. Doctors, dentists, fumigators, teachers, and government officials sat at tables filled with free literature covering mental illnesses such as depression, alcohol and drug abuse, STDs, cancer, dengue, the importance of cleanliness, and much more.  More


Coordinador de Salud para Bahía de Banderas, Gloria Francisca Cuevas Tello, y un grupo de cuarenta voluntarios llenaron la plaza por la tarde el jueves para enseñar bienestar físico y mental de los habitantes de Sayulita. Los médicos, dentistas, los fumigadores, los maestros, y funcionarios del gobierno sentamos en mesas llenas de literatura gratuita que cubre enfermedades mentales como la depresión abuso, alcohol y drogas, enfermedades de transmisión sexual, el cáncer, el dengue, la importancia de la limpieza, y mucho más. Mas
CVIS Night of Music  

 By Nicki Cooper


The third annual Costa Verde music program fundraiser was held yesterday evening at Los Afortunados. Talent radiated as students performed vocal pieces with music accompaniment by the Tikilyches. With a sold out show, all funds will make an incredible difference in creating and maintaining a regular music program at the school. More 


El tercer recaudador de fondos anual para el programa de música de la Costa Verde se llevó a cabo ayer por la noche en Los Afortunados. Talento radiada como estudiantes interpretaron piezas vocales con acompañamiento de música de los Tikilyches. Con un show vendido todos los fondos hará una diferencia increíble en la creación y mantenimiento de un programa regular de música en la escuela.  Mas
Pacifico Smoked Meats   

 By Lindsay Walter

Pacifico Smoked Meats

Pacific Smoked Meats, based in Punta de Mita, is getting ready for the upcoming holiday season, with Thanksgiving next week and Christmas just around the corner. Owner of Pacific Smoked Meats, Darrell Douglas, says his packaged smoked meat selection have become a popular food item in the Punta de Mita and Sayulita areas.  More


Pacifico Smoked Meats , con sede en Punta de Mita, se está preparando para las próximas temporadas de vacaciones, con la Acción de Graciasla semana que viene y la Navidad in diciembre. El dueño de Carnes Ahumadas, Darrell Douglas, dice que su selección de paquetes de carnes ahumadasse han convertido en un alimento popular en las áreas Punta de Mita y Sayulita.  Mas
  Sayulero Sponsor (gracias!) 


Punta Mita Expeditions
Stand Up Paddleboarding Experience 


Stand Up Paddleboarding, a new sensation in water sports which originated in Hawaii, has really taken off around the world. Sayulita and its surrounding areas are no exception, as the Riviera Nayarit coast, particularly Punta de Mita, are a paradise for Stand Up Paddleboarders. Punta de Mita Expeditions has become the leader in SUP excursions in the Punta de Mita area where you can enjoy the "two faces" of the sea ALL YEAR long; an untamed sea and a quiet one offering the perfect conditions for this amazing activity, whatever your age or gender. More 
Stand Up Paddleboarding, una nueva sensación en los deportes acuáticos que originó en Hawaii, ha tenido mucho éxito en todo mundo. Sayulita y sus alrededores no son la excepción, ya que la costa de la Riviera Nayarit, Punta de Mita en particular, es un paraíso para Stand Up Paddleboarders. Punta de Mita Expediciones se ha convertido en el líder en SUP excursiones en la zona de Punta de Mita, donde se puede disfrutar de las "dos caras" del mar durante todo el año -  un indómito mar y un mar tranquilo que ofrecen las condiciones perfectas para esta increíble actividad, un deporte bueno para todas las edades.  Mas
GPS: Town Priorities 


Traditionally, each year GPS volunteers state their interests and priorities for the town.  Most of the suggestions have fallen into one of six categories.  In no particular order, they are: a. cleaning the town of trash and dust (with recycling) b. helping the public schools c. full-time lifeguards on the beach  d. helping with long-term town planning for traffic, parking, recreational facilities e. adequate ambulance and emergency/medical response services. More 
Cada año los voluntarios de GPS indican en lo que les interesa y trabajar para el pueblo. La mayor parte de las sugerencias se dividen en seis categorías: limpiar el pueblo de basura y polvo (con el reciclaje), ayudar las escuelas públicas, emplear a salvavidas a pleno tiempo en la playa, planificar a largo plazo para el tránsito, estacionamiento, y las facilidades de recreo, proporcionar ambulancia/emergencia/médicos.  Mas


Bite This: Wines With Thanksgiving Dinner  

Chile Relleno

This is the time of year when a lot of wine writers chip in about what wines to have with Thanksgiving dinner. They set you up with the idea that choosing these wines for the groaning board will be the most frightening, intimidating, scary, painful, mind bending, nerve wracking, difficult, cliff hanging task that ever existed in the world of wine and food pairings. More
Estamos en la época del año cuando muchos escritores de vino comentan qué tipos de vinos son mejores para disfrutar con la cena de Acción de Gracias. Se configura con la idea de que la elección de vinos para esa banquete popular será la más aterradora, intimidora, miedosa, dolorosa, y difícil tarea que jamás haya existido en el mundo del maridaje de vino y comida.  Mas
Serendipitous Sayulita Tales 

I love hearing stories about intertwined lives, how after long separations people come together again effortlessly, mysteriously showing up together on a different stage in another space and time. Decades after their first contact, completely without planning or forethought, destinies float on capricious winds of chance: More
Me encanta escuchar historias sobre las vidas entrelazadas, que después de largas separaciones las personas se reúnen de nuevo sin planear, misteriosamente apareciéndose en un escenario diferente en otro espacio y tiempo. Décadas después del primer encuentro, hay una nueva experiencia inesperada:  Mas
Sayulitanimals: Give Time and Change a Life  

By Nicki Cooper


Sayulitanimals is an organization completely run by volunteers, and currently it is functioning with less than ten! Life is a very busy thing, and they understand that, but if you could assist in small ways, it would make all the difference. Perhaps simply providing rides to and from the airport when animals are traveling out or vets are coming in. This may only be once a month, but the assistance is huge.  More


Sayulitanimals es una organización completamente de voluntarios, y actualmente está funcionando con menos de diez! La vida es una cosa muy ocupada, pero si pudiera ayudar en pequeñas cosas, haría toda la diferencia. Tal vez simplemente proporcionar paseos al aeropuerto, cuando los animales sean transportados fuera del país o veterinarios vienen a ayudar. Esto puede ser sólo una vez al mes, pero la asistencia es enorme.  Mas 

Pet of the Week:  "Blue" 


Blue is one amazing dog! She used to live in front of the taco stands but has now adopted the volunteers at Sayulitanimals and lives her days in front of the building. She is healthy, spayed, strong, and has a very docile temperament. She is great with all people and other dogs. She would be an excellent indoor pet for an individual or a family. She is not a high energy dog and would be happy with minimal exercise. She is extremely loyal and waits for humans to return to her. Blue is waiting patiently for her Fur-ever home. Let us know if you would like to meet this black beauty!


To adopt an animal or donate to Sayulitanimals contact: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com 


Blue es un perro asombroso! Vivia en frente los puestos de tacos pero ahora tiene voluntarios adoptivos en Sayulitanimals y vive durante los dias en frente el edificio. Es saludable, castrada, fuerte y muy tranquila. Se lleva bien con toda la gente y con otros perros. Seria una mascota excelente para tener dentro de la casa para cualquier persona o familia. No es un perro con mucha energia y estaria contenta con poco ejercisio. Es muy leal y espera hasta que regresen los humanos. Blue esta esperando con paciencia para llegar a una casa. Avisanos si quieres conocer esta hermosura.


Para adoptar un animal o donar a Sayultianimals contacta: sayulitanimals@hotmail.com

Photo of the Week:  Sayulita Farmer's Market 


The local market opened a couple of weeks ago in their new location close to the corner of Revolution on Avenida Palmar and everything looks great! Lots of new vendors and the same great ones who've been here all along. Come for breakfast or lunch--but hurry-- it all goes fast!  See more photos  



El mercado local abrio hace unas semanas en su nueva ubicacion en la esquina de Revolution y Avenida Palmar y todo se ve genial! Hay muchos mas vendedores y unos que regresaron del ano pasado. Llega a desayunar o a comer - pero date prisa, todo se va rapido.  Ver mas fotos 


Thanks for reading.  Please let us know your opinions, suggestions, complaints or anything else you feel will help make Sayulita a better place in which to live and vacation.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Owners: SayulitaLife.com and ElSayulero.com

Gracias por leer.  Favor de hacernos saber sus opiniones, sugerencias, quejas o cualquier otra cosa que usted cree que ayudaria a hacer que Sayulita sea un mejor lugar donde vivir y vacacionar.


Ian & Kerry Hodge
Duenos: SayulitaLife.com y ElSayulero.com