Monitor Technologies, LLC

Christmas Trees

Everyone at Monitor would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas   

and a Prosperous New Year.   

Thank you for all of your support!


Monitor Technologies' Holiday Schedule


Monitor's Elburn, IL facility will be closed
the following days for the upcoming holidays:


Thursday, Dec. 24th, 2015
Friday, Dec. 25th, 2015
New Year
Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2015  
Friday, Jan. 1st, 2016

Product News

SiloPatrol Level Sensor     

About SiloPatrol�... 
The SiloPatrol� SMU (silo monitoring unit) lowers a weight & cable into the silo until it contacts the material surface. Upon contact the weight & cable system is immediately retracted and the measurement is fed to the plant control system or operator interface. 

Inside the SiloPatrol�...
The SiloPatrol plumb bob unit combines Hall Effect sensor technology, sealed bi-directional optical sensing, a split-compartment enclosure, isolated outputs and other features to produce a reliable level measuring system designed for the harshest conditions.

Wireless Bluetooth� Set-up...
ConfigureSensor Screenshot
View of Main Menu ConfigureSensor App (for RS-485 Version)

The latest SiloPatrol� plumb bob style level sensors (RS-485 and Analog versions) now have set-up configurations that are simply programmed through a free app on an Android(TM)-based device with Bluetooth� capability.
In addition, the Bluetooth� set-up allows for a widened array of programmable features such as cable cycle distance limit, auto timer and relay output for high or low distance threshold setting, error indication or cycle operate.

Modbus Capability... 
The SiloPatrol� provides increased flexibility for control system integration with Modbus(TM) connectivity to communicate with Modbus-compatible control systems.

Typical Applications...
Target materials include, but are not limited to
: Feeds, Grains, Coffee, Food Ingredients, Plastic Pellets, Plastic Regrind, Limestone, Cement, Sand, Aggregates, Coal, Wood Products, Bulk Chemicals, Powders as well as some Liquids and Slurries.  
Additional Versatility Through Selection of Plumb Bobs                
Solid / Water Interface-Style Plumb Bob
A variety of optional plumb bobs are available to maximize the effectiveness of the SiloPatrol� in more specialized applications. For instance, there is the inverted plumb bob for level indication of lighter bulk solids or fluidized powders. Plus, there is the solid / water interface-style plumb bob to provide level measurement for settled solids in a blanket of water. Please contact Monitor
Technologies regarding specific applications.

Click Here to view available plumb bob styles. 

Inventory Management System... 
SiloTrack(TM) Inventory Management Software
In addition, the SiloPatrol can automate inventory management with the use of SiloTrack(TM) software or a variety of operator interface devices like the HMI2.

For more product details, please visit:

  Word of the Month

onomastics [ah-nuh-MAS-tiks


noun -
1the science or study of the origins and use of words especially for proper names or of words used in a specialized field
Word Used in a Sentence:
As a student of onomastics, Sara liked to keep track of the most popular baby names across generations.
To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to
Upcoming Trade Shows

IPPE - International Production & Processing Expo 2016 
January 26 - 28, 2016  
Georgia World Congress Center 
Atlanta, GA USA 
Booth #: A3220 (Hall A)

GEAPS Exchange Expo 2016
February 28 - March 1, 2016
Austin Convention Center
Austin, TX USA
Booth #: 650

International Powder & Bulk Solids Expo 2016
May 3 - 5, 2016
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center
Rosemont, IL USA
Booth #: 2407

Please stop by our booth if you are attending any of these shows.

About Monitor

Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 55 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.

We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require. Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you! (level measurement blog)




Tel: 1-800-601-5946 in US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide 

Fax: 1-630-365-9403

Elburn, IL 60119 USA



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