Monitor Technologies, LLC.
On The Level  
September / October 2015 eNewsletter 
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Practical Tech Tip #1 -------------------
Binatrol� Model G/GX series diaphragm switch
Looking for Cost-Effective Bin Level or Backed-Up Conveyor Chute Indication of Powders and Bulk Solids? 
A diaphragm-style level switch is a reliable and cost-effective way to detect levels of powders and bulk solids in storage bins, silos and other vessels. They are minimally intrusive units that make them ideal for vessels or chutes limited in size or internal clearance. In addition to level indication, the diaphragm switch can be used to detect plugged or backed-up conveyor chutes. For example, there are several companies that install Monitor Technologies' Binatrol� Model G/GX series of diaphragm switches with the optional Hycar� covers to be used as alarms for backed-up conveyors of powder or pulverized coal chutes that provide feedstock to boilers. To learn more about plugged chute detection using level sensors, please visit:  

Benefits of the Binatrol� Model G/GX Series:
^ Low-profile, non-intrusive surface mounted sensor fits in
   tighter areas
^ Affordable, basic pressure sensing device provides durable,
   reliable and low-maintenance operation
^ Adjustable sensitivity allows for use with a variety of powders
   and bulk solids
^ Can be adjusted from outside the bin without removing the unit
   from the vessel
^ Over-pressure protection prevents damage to the unit due to
   a heavy load that could cause excessive pressure on switch 
^ Requires no input power...provides "green" operation
^ Selection of diaphragm materials: Neoprene�, Teflon� or
   Stainless Steel
^ Optional Hazardous Location approvals for dust (Model GX) 
^ Optional ultra-sensitive switch for lightweight materials

Use With Abrasive Materials
The Hycar� (rubber nitrile) optional cover is designed to provide the Binatrol� Model G/GX series diaphragm bin level switch with additional durability for use with more abrasive dry materials like pulverized coal, corn / grains, sand, powders and more.

Hycar� cover for diaphragm switch
More Information on Model G Diaphragm-Style Switches: 

View More Details on Plugged Chute Detection: 
Word of the Month ----------------------
darkle (dar�kle)
sounds like:


verb - 
> to become clouded or gloomy; to grow dark
> to become concealed in the dark

verb -
Turning the lights off makes the room darkle.

Other Examples:
adjective -
An example of the adjective "darkling" is found in Joseph Conrad's The Secret Sharer: "The side of the ship made an opaque belt of shadow on the darkling glassy shimmer of the sea."

adverb -
And the adverb appears in Shakespeare's King Lear: "So out went the candle, and we were left darkling." 
To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to
Practical Tech Tip #2 --------------------

Now is a good time to inspect your silo level indicators 
SiloPatrol Level Sensors
Silo level sensors usually do not need much attention; However, the occasional (spot) maintenance inspection on your level indicators may be useful to prevent any future mishaps. Now might be a good time to check, especially in regions that will be cold soon. Nobody enjoys climbing silos in "freezing" weather.

Example Checklist for SiloPatrol� Level Sensor
SiloPatrol The SiloPatrol� plumb bob level sensors do not require a lot of "fussing" with. Therefore a regularly scheduled maintenance procedure for these units is not necessary. We do, however, recommend for optimum performance that the following things be checked and performed on the SiloPatrol from time to time, especially before the snowy season fully arrives for some areas.
For the Wiper Seal & Brush: 
* Ensure cable freely travels through the entire wiper seal assembly.
* Clean wiper seal and brush as needed (compressed air or a 
   toothbrush or similar works great) or replace if excessively worn.
For the Cable: 
* Ensure there are no kinks, bends, "fish hooks" and knots on the
* Ensure the jacketing is not fraying or peeling off the cable.
   Replace as needed.
For the Rollers: 
* The white rollers on the cable side of the SiloPatrol unit should spin in
   both directions freely. 
* The black wheel should spin freely. Ensure that it is tight on its 'Z'
   axis. (You can't push the black wheel in and out a significant distance.)
   Also, check the silicone tire in the measurement wheel for cracks or
   wear. Replace measurement wheel if worn.
For the Plumb Bob: 
* Ensure the plumb bob is clean and securely attached to the cable.
* Verify that plumb bob attachment hardware is in good condition.

For more information on the SiloPatrol� cable-based level sensor, please visit:
r e-mail:

John Mish
Technical Support
Upcoming Holiday Schedule ------
Below is a list of upcoming holiday closings for Monitor Technologies' facility in Elburn, IL:

Thursday, Nov. 26th, 2015
Friday, Nov. 27th, 2015 
Thursday, Dec. 24th, 2015
Friday, Dec. 25th, 2015 
New Year
Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2015
Friday, Jan. 1st, 2016

About Monitor 


Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 55 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.


We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require. 
Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you! (level measurement blog)


Tel: 1-800-601-5946 in US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide 

Fax: 1-630-365-5646

Elburn, IL 60119 USA


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Level Flow Moisture Sensors