Monitor Technologies, LLC.
On The Level  
July / August 2015 eNewsletter 
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Practical Tech Tip -----------------------

Looking for continuous, real-time level measurement?   
Flexar Guided Wave Radar 
Flexar Guided Wave Radar Level Sensor
A real-time continuous level sensor can provide instantaneous level measurements and better control over re-ordering materials to help cut inventory costs.
Monitor Technologies' Flexar� guided wave radar sensor is a continuous level measurement system that uses TDR (time domain reflectometry) principles. Basically, the radar pulses are focused down to the material surface by the unit's wave guide
(a heavy duty cable) and the time-of-flight of the pulse reflection back to the instrument electronics is directly related to the empty distance in the vessel and the material level. The Flexar guided wave radar system has proven successful for many powder and bulk solids applications, including dusty conditions. It is also suitable for a variety of liquid applications.  

Benefits of Flexar:   
^ TDR technology is unaffected by dust, bulk density and temperature.
Focused / directed energy field prevents undesired detection of obstructions within the vessel.
No moving parts for less wear and tear.

Easy installation and setup with minimal to no field calibration required. 
^ A universal power supply for high or low voltage options and a choice of RS-485 or analog 4-20mA output.
^ Flexar can be interfaced with the SiloTrack inventory management software, HMI2 local operator indicator and WirelessEZ communication interface.

Applications include: 
^ Dynamic situations that need real-time, continuous level measurements. Examples include: concrete batch plants, grain elevators during peak times and for balancing material levels in surge bins that supply pellets to fuel furnaces or boiler fires
^ Inventory management applications.
^ Target materials / internal vessel atmospheres that are dusty.   
^ Most powder and bulk solid materials including:
Feed & Grain, Food Ingredients, Cement, Fly Ash, Lime, Sand / Aggregates, Pellets, Coal, Pigments, Carbon Black, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, etc.  
^ Some liquids and slurries.
^ Measuring range up to 100 ft (30m) for powder & bulk solids and up to 200 ft (60m) for some liquids.  
(Range dependent on target material's dielectric constant.)  
>> For more details on Flexar� guided wave radar level sensors, please visit:

>> For information on other continuous level options, please visit:
Word of the Month ----------------------
capacious (ca�pa�cious)
sounds like:


adjective - 
> able to hold or contain a lot; large in capacity
> spacious
and roomy; ample

adjective -

> The couple lived in a capacious house.  

> That car has a capacious trunk that makes it a good choice for families.   


To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to
Product Spotlight -------------------
In-Line Moisture Measurement System 

Moisture Measurement System with
Optional Controller or DIN Transmitter
The HumiCore in-line moisture measuring system for process monitoring provides trouble-free measurement of the internal product moisture of solids, powders and emulsions. The HumiCore moisture sensor circuitry principle is centered around an electrical high frequency field.

Features and Advantages Include:
^ Compact design for easy calibration and installation in conveyor belts, screw conveyors, drag conveyors, etc.
Measure moisture inside the material core (not just the surface) to ensure product quality for most powders / bulk solids

Automate drying or moisturizing control to minimize energy costs & maximize profits
Continuous, in-line monitoring eliminates need for frequent laboratory samples

High frequency field technology to provide fast, reliable measurements with typical accuracies of 0.1% to 0.3%
The area of material influence is typically up to 7.75 inches (200mm) from the sensor surface

Available with a controller for local and data logging (ULTRA version) or  with output through a DIN-Rail transmitter to provide communication with an existing control system (PRO version) 
For more information on Monitor's moisture measurement devices, please visit:

To confirm that the HumiCore would be a fit for your application, please feel free to complete an application questionnaire and contact our App Support Team at: 
Download HumiCore application questionnaire
In-Line Moisture Measurement Application Examples
Moisture sensor mounted on a sled in
a silica sand conveyor application
Moisture measurement of
wood chips
Moisture sensor mounted on a ship in
a potato granules application
Moisture measurement of grain
Upcoming Holiday Schedule ------

Monitor Technologies' facility in Elburn, IL will be closed Monday, September 7th, 2015 for Labor Day.

Everyone at Monitor Technologies would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe Labor Day holiday weekend.

Regular business hours will resume on Tuesday, September 8th at 8am CST.

About Monitor 


Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 55 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.


We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require. 
Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you! (level measurement blog)


Tel: 1-800-601-5946 in US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide 

Fax: 1-630-365-5646

Elburn, IL 60119 USA


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