News on Level, Flow & Inventory Management
Practical Tech Tip -----------------------
The "Whats" and "Whys" of the Versatile RF Capacitance Bin Level Sensor
Monitor's MK-2 Series RF Capacitance Level Sensors
A RF capacitance probe is a point level sensor that uses the principles of capacitance to detect or measure the level of a powder, solid or a liquid / slurry. Capacitance is defined as 1) the property which permits storage of electrically separated charges when potential differences exist between conductors, and 2) the magnitude of such a charge in relation to an applied voltage. A common device in which such a phenomena occurs is a capacitor, an electronic device able to store a charge. By utilizing radio frequency (RF) energy to determine & indicate the influence caused by the surrounding environment (increase or decrease in capacitance), Monitor's TrueCap� RF capacitance probes can detect the difference between air and the target material to provide accurate level monitoring. In addition, the driven shield portion of the TrueCap probe enables it to "ignore" product build-up on the probe that would otherwise cause false sensing. Therefore RF probes with build up immunity can be used successfully with target materials that are sticky, viscous, or clingy. For full details on the principle of operation for the TrueCap RF capacitance series, please visit: http://www.monitortech.com/product_p_rf2.shtml#po
TrueCap� MK-2 Series with Stub Probe for Tighter Areas
Why...There are many advantages to using a TrueCap� MK-2 or MK-2e RF capacitance probe, including...
> Low Maintenance. Aside from calibration, a capacitance probe requires practically no attention since there are no moving parts.
> Sealed Probe. Material will not infiltrate the probe through the housing.
> Versatile. Capacitance probes are appropriate for most powders / solids, as well as, many liquids and slurries. The units are also available in a variety of models and configurations (stub probe, cable extension, Haz Loc, high temp, etc.) to fit a large number of applications.
> Reliable. TrueCap RF capacitance probes are designed to provide reliable operation in applications requiring exceptional sensitivity and stability over wide temperature ranges.
> Long Life. RF capacitance probes can last much longer than electromechanical products.
> Built-in Fail Safe Selection. A fail safe selection is standard on MK-2 / MK-2e RF capacitance probes. Additional "Self-Validating" fail safe protection is available with the MK-2 (monitors sensor health as well as power failures).
> Built-in Delays. The MK-2 / MK-2e RF capacitance probes have built-in time delays so no external relays are needed.
> Automatic Material Build-Up Immunity. The TrueCap MK-2 and MK-2e contain driven shield technology that allows the sensor to "ignore" material build-up on the probe. Build-up on a probe without this type of technology can cause false sensing. For more details visit: http://www.monitortech.com/product_p_rf2.shtml#po
> Easily Sense In Silos That Regularly Change Materials. Push-button calibration and sensitivity selection allow the TrueCap MK-2 to be easily used in storage bins / silos that, on a regular basis, hold a variety of materials with different characteristics.
> Stable During Temperature Changes. The TrueCap series include temperature compensation. The MK-2 has enhanced, automatic temperature compensation for unmatched calibration stability. > Universal power supply.
Typical applications include:
> High, low and intermediate level sensing in bins, silos, tanks, hoppers, and other vessels.
> Target materials that are sticky, viscous, or clingy.
> Sensor can be used to turn ON or OFF critical processes based on the detected presence or non-presence of material. This can reduce energy costs and overfills. (See below photos.)
> The MK-2 / MK-2e can also be used for plugged chute detection.
> Most powder and bulk solid materials including:
Pellets, Food Ingredients, Feed and Grain, Granular Solids, Cement, Sand / Gravel, Plastics, Coal, Pigments, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, etc.
> Liquids and slurries including: Waste waters, Chemicals, Paints, Coatings and more.
Inside view and outside view of a TrueCap� sensor in a grain receiving pit. As the pit fills ups, the TrueCap detects the material and prompts the drag conveyor to turn on and send grain to a storage bin.
Grain load-out / receiving set-up.
Monitor Technologies offers a complete line of RF
capacitance probes. We offer two models: the top of the line TrueCap� MK-2 and the cost-minded MK-2e.
Units are available with many options to handle the most
demanding applications including a tri-clamp connection version, stub probe version, cable extension version, hazardous location option, remote electronics version and more.
Word of the Month ----------------------
badinage (bad�i�nage) sounds like: bad-n-ij
noun -
light, witty and playful banter / conversation
noun -
Sometimes there's no harm in a little badinage among friends, like if one of the friends is wearing an unflattering shirt.
To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to http://translate.google.com.
Product Spotlight -------------------
SiloPatrol� can provide level measurement for solid / water interface applications
 The SiloPatrol� plumb bob "smart" level sensor from Monitor Technologies can be equipped with an optional stainless steel interface style plumb bob in order to provide level measurement for settled solids in a blanket of water. The interface style plumb bob will
Solid / Water Interface-Style Plumb Bob
penetrate through the water, make contact with the surface of the solid material and then retract to provide a level measurement. Examples of material applications that have been successful include sand, salt, potatoes, corn, rice and similar items that are covered by a layer of water. Interface with other liquids besides water may also be possible. Please contact Monitor regarding specific applications.
The SiloPatrol� uses time-proven weight and cable techniques and combines Hall Effect sensor technology, state-of-the-art sealed bi-directional optical sensing, a split-compartment enclosure design, isolated outputs, SMT (surface mount electronic technology) and other valuable features to produce a rugged, reliable and accurate measuring system designed for the harshest and most dynamic conditions. The SiloPatrol sensor is easy to install and is also virtually maintenance free, requiring only a periodic inspection usually once or twice per year. In addition, a variety of operator interface devices and software, like SiloTrack(TM) software, are available to calculate and display material level inventory data.
Upcoming Holiday Schedule ------
Monitor Technologies' facility in Elburn, IL will be closed Friday, July 3rd for Independence Day (4th of July). Everyone at Monitor Technologies would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe 4th of July holiday weekend.
Regular business hours will resume on Monday, July 6th at 8 am CST.
About Monitor
Monitor Technologies, LLC
Practical solutions at every level!
For over 55 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.
We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require.
Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you!
http://monitortech.typepad.com (level measurement blog)
Email: customerservice@monitortech.com
Tel: 1-800-601-5946 in US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide
Fax: 1-630-365-5646
Elburn, IL 60119 USA
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