New Products Announcement

QuantiMass Mass Flow Measurement System
for measuring flow of quantities in pneumatic conveying and free flowing processes

HumiCore Moisture Measurement System
for automating drying processes to ensure
product quality and minimize energy costs
Monitor Technologies LLC is proud to introduce the QuantiMass in-line mass flow sensor and the HumiCore in-line moisture measurement sensor to complement our level indicators for powders and bulk solids.
These new measurement sensors are designed to further automate your processes to improve efficiencies and maximize profits.

To further discuss these items, please contact our Application Support team at:


Tel.: 1-800-601-5946 or 1-630-365-9403
Web site:    


Locate Nearest Representative:

Thank you for your time!

GEAPS 2015
Join Us At GEAPS Exchange Expo 2015
February 22 - 24, 2015

America's Center
St. Louis, MO  USA
Booth #: 1513

Coupon for Expo Hall Admission... 
Click Here for easy online registration of a one day expo-only pass and pay the
discounted rate of $25
.  Make sure to use Coupon Code: YCH454 

We hope to see you at the expo! 

Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 55 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.


Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you!


Tel.: 1-800-601-5946 or 1-630-365-9403