Need a level sensor with a fast way to remove for periodic cleanings without using tools?
TrueCap shown with optional tri-clamp, Viton� gasket and ferrule.
Monitor's TrueCap� RF capacitance level sensors are available with "quick-connect" tri-clamp process connections to provide easy installation and removal of the unit for cleaning purposes. This connection has no exposed threads and offers an affordable solution for basic sanitation situations not requiring 3A rating. Also, it can accommodate both a 1" and 1-1/2" ferrule size. Optional tri-clamp mounting accessories are available.
Monitor Technologies' TrueCap� RF capacitance point level sensors are designed to provide superior and stable sensitivity threshold making them suitable for a variety of powder & bulk solids storage applications as well as for some liquids & slurries. Other attributes include temperature compensation, visible status LED (except Haz Loc), push-button calibration (MK-2 Versions), no moving parts and provide automatic immunity to material build-up on the probe by its driven shield design.
Q...We are thinking of using the DustAlarm broken bag detector as a safeguard with our current dust collection system. But there's a concern. The clean air line size for all of the filters is only about 3" I.D. (Inner Dimension). Can we shorten the probe length to accommodate this dimension? Any thoughts?
A...Yes, we can modify the standard probe to 1-1/2 inches on the DustAlarm. We actually use a "short" probe like this on our DustAlarm demonstration unit and it works quite impressively. Answer provided by Monitor's Technical Support Department
Please feel free to contact one of our technical support / application engineers at: if you have questions regarding an application.
Product Spotlight ------------------
Cost-Effective Indication of Bin Level or Backed-Up Conveyor Chute for Powder and Bulk Solids...Including Abrasive Dry Materials
Binatrol� Model G/GX series diaphragm switch
A diaphragm-style level switch is a durable, reliable and cost-effective way to detect levels of powder and bulk solids in storage bins, silos and other vessels...especially in tight spaces. In addition to level indication, the diaphragm switch can be used to detect plugged or backed-up conveyor chutes.
For example, there are several companies that install Monitor Technologies' Binatrol� Model G/GX series of diaphragm switches with the optional Hycar� covers to be used as alarms for backed-up conveyors of powder or pulverized coal chutes that provide feedstock to boilers.
Use Switch With Abrasive Materials
The Hycar� (rubber nitrile) optional cover is designed to provide the Binatrol� Model G/GX series diaphragm bin level switch with additional durability for use with more abrasive dry materials like powder or pulverized coal and more.
About The Binatrol� Model G/GX Series
These diaphragm-style level switches are surface mounted, minimally intrusive units that make them ideal for vessels or chutes limited in size or internal clearance. Also, the diaphragm switch requires no input power.
Diaphragm switch with optional Hycar� cover
More Information on Binatrol� Diaphragm-Style Switches:
There is now a section on Monitor's Web site that contains PDF's of technical references / Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for many of Monitor's products. Topics covered include:
The "Tech Notes" section can also be accessed from Monitor Technologies' Web site from the top navigation bar under "Products".
Word of the Month ----------------------
Satiate (sa�ti�ate) sounds like: sey-shee-eyt
verb -
1) to fully satisfy (a need, desire, etc.). adjective -
1) a feeling or condition of being fully gratified or satisfied (especially after eating food).
verb - 1) The ballpark offers a wide variety of refreshments which can easily satiate the appetite of an avid fan. adjective -
1) A couple of satiate dinner guests had moved from the dining room to the living room sofa.
To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to
About Monitor
Monitor Technologies, LLC
Practical solutions at every level!
For over 50 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.
We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require.
Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you!