Monitor Technologies, LLC
On The Level
April / May 2013
In This Issue
Practical Tip...Level or Backed-Up Conveyor Chute Indication
Product Spotlight...Detects Filter Leaks or Failures In Dust Collection Systems
Word of the Month
Now Available...TrueCap® RF Capacitance Sensor with Quick-Connect Process Connection
Upcoming Holiday Schedule
Practical Tech Tip
Cost-Effective Level or Backed-Up Conveyor Chute Indication for Powder and Bulk Solids...Including Abrasive Dry Materials 
Diaphragm Level Switch
Binatrol� Model G/GX series
diaphragm switch
A diaphragm-style level switch is a reliable and cost-effective way to detect levels of powder and bulk solids in storage bins, silos and other vessels. Especially in tight spaces. In addition to level indication, the diaphragm switch can be used to detect plugged or backed-up conveyor chutes. For example, there are several companies that install Monitor Technologies' Binatrol� Model G/GX series of diaphragm switches with the optional Hycar� covers to be used as alarms for backed-up conveyors of powder or pulverized coal chutes that provide feedstock to boilers.

Use With Abrasive Materials 
The Hycar� (rubber nitrile) optional cover is designed to provide the Binatrol� Model G/GX series diaphragm bin level switch with additional durability for use with more abrasive dry materials like powder or pulverized coal and more.


About The Binatrol� Model G/GX Series
These diaphragm-style level switches are surface mounted, minimally intrusive units that make them ideal for vessels or chutes limited in size or internal clearance. Also, the diaphragm switch requires no input power.
Hycar Cover
Hycar� cover for diaphragm switch

More Information on Binatrol� Diaphragm-Style Switches:

View Binatrol� Diaphragm-Style Switch Product Brochure: 

Product Spotlight


DustAlarm� Detects Filter Leaks or Failures In Dust
Collection Systems 

Monitor Technologies' DustAlarm� particle emissions detector or "broken bag" detector is designed to detect filter failures and leaking filters in the exhaust ducts of bag houses, cartridge collectors, cyclones and other dust collection systems containing filters which may break or wear out with time.


The DustAlarm� broken bag detector uses time-proven triboelectric technology to continuously monitor the level of dust emission in dust collection system exhausts. When an increase in emission level exceeds the user adjusted setting, an alarm is triggered as indicated by the unit's output relay changing state.  The DustAlarm has a unique extended insulator to guard against material build-up problems, as well as, a unique quick-disconnect mounting coupling to provide quick and easy installation and maintenance when needed.

View Article on Selecting A Particle Emission Monitor
(Article in BioMass Products & Technology magazine and online)  

For more details on Monitor's DustAlarm please visit or


Word of the Month

Roseate (ro�se�ate)      [sounds like: ROH-zee-ut]  


adjective -
1) having a pink rose color
2) overly optimistic; cheerful or bright; viewed favorably
1) The juicy hamburger had a lovely char and an oozy, roseate-colored center. 
2) The couple watched the roseate glow of dawn.
3) Her memories of her childhood are pleasant, bordering on roseate.
4) The new parents have a roseate outlook of the future.


To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to


Now Available !!!

TrueCap� RF Capacitance Level Sensor Available with
Quick-Connect Process Connection

The now available "quick-connect" tri-clamp process connection option provides easy installation and removal of the TrueCap� unit for cleaning purposes. This connection has no exposed threads and offers an affordable solution for general sanitation situations not requiring 3-A rating. The tri-clamp connection is available for the Ryton� and Nylon (food grade) versions of the standard and stub probes. Plus, the quick-connect fitting can accommodate both a 1" and 1-1/2" ferrule size. Clamping accessories are available. 
  RF Capacitance with Optional Quick-Connect Process Connection 
TrueCap� Tri-clamp Connection
and Available Accessories
Monitor Technologies' TrueCap� Model MK-2 & MK-2e RF Capacitance point level sensors are designed to provide a superior and stable sensitivity threshold making them reliable solutions for a variety of powder and bulk solids, liquid and slurry applications. They both also include automatic immunity to material build-up on the probes by the driven shield design.

Advanced features of the TrueCap� Model MK-2 include push-button calibration & test, enhanced temperature compensation and maximized reliability via smart sensing algorithms like "self-validating" fail-safe protection.



View Product Sheet (PDF)
View "Practical Features/Applications" Sheet (PDF) 


Click here for more details on Monitor's TrueCap level sensors or e-mail:

Upcoming Holiday Schedule
Memorial Day

Monitor Technologies' facility in Elburn, IL will be closed Monday, May 27 for Memorial Day.

We hope that you and your family have a happy and safe Memorial weekend.


About Monitor

Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 50 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.

We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require.
Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you! (level measurement blog)




Tel: 1-800-601-5946 is US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide 

Fax: 1-630-365-9403

Elburn, IL 60119 USA



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