 October / November 2012
| Practical Tech Tip |
Have you inspected your SiloPatrol� cable-based bin level sensors?
The SiloPatrol� cable-based level sensors do not require a lot of "fussing" with. Therefore a regularly scheduled maintenance procedure for these units is not necessary. We do, however, recommend that the following things be checked and performed on the SiloPatrol from time to time, especially before the cold & snowy season fully arrives for some areas.
For the Wiper Seal & Brush: * Ensure cable freely travels through the entire wiper seal assembly. * Clean wiper seal and brush as needed (compressed air or a toothbrush or similar works great) or replace if excessively worn.
For the Cable: * Ensure there are no kinks, bends, "fish hooks" and knots on the cable. * Ensure the jacketing is not fraying or peeling off the cable. Replace as needed.
For the Rollers: * The white rollers on the cable side of the SiloPatrol unit should spin in both directions freely. * The black wheel should spin freely. Ensure that it is tight on its 'Z' axis. (You can't push the black wheel in and out a significant distance.) Also, check the silicone tire in the measurement wheel for cracks or wear. Replace measurement wheel if worn.
For the Plumb Bob: * Ensure the plumb bob is clean and securely attached to the cable. * Verify that plumb bob attachment hardware is in good condition.
For more information on the SiloPatrol� cable-based level sensor, please visit: http://www.monitortech.com/product_c_c_sp.shtml or e-mail: customerservice@monitortech.com.
John Mish Technical Support
Product Spotlight
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TrueCap� RF Capacitance Level Sensor Available with
Quick-Connect Process Connection
TrueCap� Tri-clamp Connection and Available Accessories
The now available "quick-connect" tri-clamp process connection option provides easy installation and removal of the TrueCap� unit for cleaning purposes. This connection has no exposed threads and offers an affordable solution for general sanitation situations not requiring 3-A rating. The tri-clamp connection is available for the Ryton� and Nylon (food grade) versions of the standard and stub probes. Plus, the quick-connect fitting can accommodate both a 1" and 1-1/2" ferrule size. Clamping accessories are available.
Monitor Technologies' TrueCap� Model MK-2 & MK-2e RF Capacitance point level sensors are designed to provide a superior and stable sensitivity threshold making them reliable solutions for a variety of powder and bulk solids, liquid and slurry applications. They both also include automatic immunity to material build-up on the probes by the driven shield design. Advanced features of the TrueCap� Model MK-2 include push-button calibration & test and maximized reliability via smart sensing algorithms like "self-validating" fail-safe protection. View Product Sheet (PDF) View "Practical Features/Applications" Sheet (PDF) Click here for more details on Monitor's TrueCap� level senors or e-mail: customerservice@monitortech.com.

| Holiday Schedule
Everyone at Monitor Technologies would like to wish you and your family a happy and safe holiday season. Below is a schedule of the days Monitor will be closed in observance of the upcoming holidays.
2012 Holiday Schedule:
Holiday Dates Closed (Business Days)
Thanksgiving Thursday, November 22, 2012 and Friday, November 23, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Christmas Monday, December 24, 2012 and Tuesday, December 25, 2012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Year Monday, December 31, 2012 and Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Word of the Month
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Capricious (ca�pri�cious) [sounds like: kuh-pree-shuhs]
Meaning: adjective - To be unpredictable or impulsive. Characterized by or subject to whim. Determined by impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason. Tending to make sudden changes.
Example: The weather in Illinois can be capricious; they say if you wait a moment the weather will change!
capriciously (adverb) caprice, capriciousness (noun) To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to http://translate.google.com. |

| Upcoming Trade Shows
Please stop by our booth if you are attending any of these shows.
 | About Monitor |  |
Monitor Technologies, LLC Practical solutions at every level! For over 50 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service. We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require. Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you!
www.monitortech.com http://monitortech.typepad.com (level measurement blog) Email: monitor@monitortech.com Tel: 1-800-601-5946 is US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide Fax: 1-630-365-9403 Elburn, IL 60119 USA
> Find a Local Representative in the US at http://www.monitortech.com/rep.shtml
> Locate an International Representative at http://www.monitortech.com/locator_intl.shtml |