Monitor Technologies, LLC
On The Level
August / September 2012
In This Issue
Practical Tip...Lowering Energy Costs on Pneumatic Unloading Systems Using Solids Flow Monitors
Product Spotlight...DustAlarm® Particle Emissions Detector
Word of the Month
News from Customer Service Team...Best Ways to Contact Monitor
Practical Tech Tip

Lowering Energy Costs on Pneumatic Unloading Systems Using Solids Flow Detectors

Solids Flow Monitor
Solids Flow Detector Installed in a Pneumatic Railcar Unloading System
Installing solids flow detectors can help automate pneumatic unloading systems and reduce energy costs. For example, once there is no more material in a railcar to unload, the solids flow detector can provide an output to automatically shut down the pumps used to unload the railcars. Benefits of this type of set-up include:
> Can prevent the pump motor from additional run-time when a car is empty which reduces energy costs.
> Less wear and tear on equipment.
Allows the operator to step away from the railcar
Solids Flow Monitor
Railcar Unloading System
to complete another task or to work on multiple railcars at one time.

Another resulting advantage of using a solids flow monitor is that it can alert the operator to any plugged areas the system (no flow in the line).

Plus, a solids flow detector can be installed to notify the operator while unloading that there is flow going to a certain silo / vessel to ensure that the material is being placed into the correct silo.

Monitor's line of microwave solids flow detectors are high quality, industrial grade instruments capable of providing a signal indicating the flow/no-flow condition of solids and powders in pneumatic pipelines, gravity chutes and feeders.  The Model SFD-2 Solids Flow Detector provides relay outputs that can be setup to indicate changes in the target flow stream (on/off).  The Model SFI Solids Flow Indicator provides an analog output which varies with changing conditions of the material flow stream.  These low-contact monitors contain no moving parts or probes that can wear out or break off in the material flow, thus ensuring process integrity.

Solids Flow Monitors 

more technical / application details on Monitor's solids flow detectors please feel free to visit or e-mail us at: 

Product Spotlight
Flexar� Guided Wave Radar Level Sensor
Real-Time Level Measurement
Flexar� Guided Wave Radar

For operations requiring real-time (on the moment) continuous level measurement indications, Flexar� Guided Wave Radar is a practical choice. Flexar uses TDR (time domain reflectometry) principles where radar pulses are focused down to the material surface by the unit's wave guide (a heavy duty cable) where the time-of-flight of the pulse reflection back to the instrument electronics is directly related to the empty distance in the vessel and the material level.

Guided wave radar technology has proven successful for most powder and bulk solids applications, including dusty conditions. The real-time measurement ability of the Flexar works well for dynamic storage situations like concrete batch plants, grain elevators and more.  The Smart RS-485 version of Flexar can be combined with SiloTrack software to provide a remote inventory management system.

Click here for more details on Monitor's Flexar or e-mail:   

    Word of the Month

Loquacious (lo�qua�cious)      [sounds like: loh-kwey-shuhs]
adjective -
To be very talkative.
Example: the loquacious host of a radio talk show 

loquaciously  (adverb)
loquacity , loquaciousness (noun)

To translate this word into a different language using Google translate please go to


News from Customer Service Team
Customer ServiceE-mail Addresses for Customer Support 


To help make sure you receive the most efficient support for the inquiries listed below, Monitor has set up some easy-to-remember e-mailboxes. Please direct all future communications to these e-mailboxes and our Customer Service Team will assist you in a timely manner.

> For Technical Support, Application Review, Warranty / Return Questions:  

> For Quotes, Availability / Ship Date, Purchase Orders within the US:

> For Quotes, Availability / Ship Date, Purchase Orders outside the US: 


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Thank you!

from Monitor Technologies' Customer Service Team -
Heather (Office Mgr.), Andy, Diane, Gwen, John and Tonda
About Monitor

Monitor Technologies, LLC

Practical solutions at every level!


For over 50 years we have been providing high quality, reliable product experiences for the worldwide powder and bulk solids markets, backed by trusted customer service.

We believe that a practical solution is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense, delivering the "exact" value that you require. Contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you! (level measurement blog)




Tel: 1-800-601-5946 is US & CA or 1-630-365-9403 Worldwide 

Fax: 1-630-365-9403

Elburn, IL 60119 USA



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