Question: “I am getting
ready to install Monitor’s wireless communications
interface, SiloTrack™ software and six (6) SiloPatrol® “smart” SMU
sensors. Having never done a wireless installation, is there
any advice?”
Answer: Be sure to read and
adhere to the Installation & Operation
manuals that came with the equipment.
Since wireless is new
to you I recommend that you do some bench testing. Install
SiloTrack on your PC.
If you were shipped
an RS-485 PCI bus card, be certain that you install the drivers
for the PCI card BEFORE installing
the card or you may have trouble getting the system to work.
connect together one SMU and one wireless communication interface.
Use the I&O’s to set switches and jumpers.
Then, temporarily connect the other wireless interface to
either your DB9 serial port or to your RS-485 PCI card, depending
on your system.


Once everything is connected and the software
installed, start SiloTrack and setup one silo for testing purposes.
If there is no “Com” error, your wireless transceivers
are properly configured. If it does not work (Com error), your
bench test setup will greatly expedite and simplify the diagnostic
process. This is especially true if you utilize Monitor’s
SecureCare(SM) technical support services.
Once working, be certain to label the wireless
transceivers so there is no mistake as to which one gets connected
to your PC and which one gets connected to your SMU network.
Now you will be able to do the actual physical
installation with confidence!