A company that has been in business
since the early 1900’s, and is a leading producer of
value added cellulose-based specialty products, approached
Monitor Technologies at the “World of Concrete” trade
show in January of 2005 looking for a solution to their level
detection problem. They needed someone that could help them
find a product that would be able to detect a low-level material
condition in the storage vessel they supply to their customers
for dispensing the cellulose-based product they manufacture.
The material that they are detecting is a lightweight
fiber. The fiber is mixed with concrete to help prevent cracking
improve the surface finish. Without a level detector that could
sense this lightweight material the end use customers were
having to shutdown their concrete batch operation whenever
there was
no more material in the hopper. This resulted in production
downtime and cost the end user time
and money. 
The company was very happy to see that Monitor
Technologies was more than willing to help
assist them in this application.
Lewis, Vice President of Sales & Marketing for Monitor
Technologies, recommended the use of Monitor’s TrueCap® Model
MK-2e RF capacitance level sensor. The MK-2e is a probe that
is designed
to be used with powder and bulk solid materials and |
excellent sensitivity to detect low dielectric materials. A
preliminary test was conducted immediately on
site at the trade show. Within a few weeks after the World
of Concrete trade show, the company had a solution in place
provided by Monitor Technologies and the TrueCap Model MK-2e.
The engineer heading up this project for the
company had this to say about his experience with Monitor Technologies
and the
TrueCap® Model MK-2e; “We could not get another company
to talk to us when we needed help. In using this product we
could not be more pleased with its’ performance”.
How can Monitor help you? Give us a call and
truly experience Monitor’s SecureCareSM customer service. We are dedicated
to providing you with the best service, most durable and high
performance instrumentation, lowest total cost and the right
solution for your needs.  |