A Publication of Wexner Heritage Village
July 2013
Village eNews
Zusman Named VA Hospice Provider
Zusman Hospice has partnered with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to provide hospice benefits to U.S. service men and women.
Conversations Before the Crisis

Are you facing the challenges of caring for an aging parent or loved one, either now or in the future? Join our panel of local experts as they discuss what you need to know to be prepared.

Urban Zen Integrated Therapy at WHV

Zusman Hospice patients and Wexner Heritage House residents, along with their families and caregivers, are finding relief from their symptoms in the form of Urban Zen Integrated Therapy, or UZIT.

Learn more

A message from David Rosen, WHV President & CEO

Dear Friends,


Welcome to the first edition of the Village eNews.


We created this monthly newsletter as a way to share with you all the great things happening at Wexner Heritage Village. Much of what we do here is about serving our entire community, and I hope you will take a few moments each month to learn about the interesting and engaging programs our staff has put together for you. If you do, I am confident you will find there really is something for just about everyone here. Whether you are beginning your search for your next home, attending a class at our Huntington Education Center, or in need support during a difficult time, I look forward to seeing you at Wexner Heritage Village.


Wishing you all the best,

David Rosen, President & CEO

Now at WHV
Youth philanthropy takes root at WHV
Intergenerational Programs

Chloe Wasserstrom (far left), 12, was so deeply moved by the experience of spending quality time with Wexner Heritage Village residents that she was inspired to take action so others have the same opportunity for years to come.

Learn more

Love & Hugs

Zusman Hospice patients are getting an extra measure of Love & Hugs, thanks to the leadership, dedication and hard work of Emily Cammeyer, 13, and her family.

Learn more
Mark your calendar... you won't want to miss these upcoming events
  • CCalendaronversations Before the Crisis, July 30, 6:00 pm
  • Grief Support Group, Mondays in August, 6:30 pm
  • Diabetes Academy, August 5, 2:00 pm

       Click here for the entire WHV Calendar of Events

Health & Wellness
Facts and recipes to support your healthy lifestyle


The Mediterranean Diet

The latest headlines may have you thinking the key to health is sitting at a caf�, sipping wine and eating cheese and olives. While the research supporting the health benefits of the Mediterranean diet are promising, there is more to it than wine and high fat foods. 

Learn more 


Chickpea Burger with Arugula
Chickpeas, also known as garbanzo beans, are a great source of protein, zinc, folate and fiber. They are low in fat and recent studies have shown they can be helpful in lowering cholesterol.
This grilling season, try this recipe for a healthy alternative to hamburgers.
If you have any questions regarding the Mediterranean diet or other nutrition needs, in-home nutrition counseling by Wexner Heritage Village Wellness Coordinator Becky Kraynek, RD, LD, CNWC, is available. Services include individual diet counseling, weight loss planning, fitness programs, meal planning and disease management. For information or to request an appointment, contact Becky at rkraynek@whv.org or 614-559-0335.
Call to find out how you can save

Creekside at the Village
Your Life...Your Style
  • Spacious 1 & 2 bedroom apartments
  • Beautiful, park-like grounds
  • Preferred access to WHV's extensive resources, including geriatric care management, rehabilitation and on-site primary care services
Find your lifestyle. Call 559-5500

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Wexner Heritage Village
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1151 College Avenue, Columbus, Ohio  43209
whv.org � 614.231.4900

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