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Jan 17th: Christmas Tree Bonfire 5:30pm ~ LBP

RESCHEDULED due to weather for the 17th. Enjoy your runs down the Minturn Mile!  Stay Safe!


Coming Soon:

February 22nd & 23rd

Skijoring returns

Featured Business:  
Minturn Anglers ( will continue it's Winter tradition of hosting FREE Fly Tying Night at their Minturn location every Thursday from from 5:30 to 7:30pm. With the expansion of their Minturn fly shop, they have plenty of room so make sure to tell your family and friends. Their Fly Tying Night is a "laissez-faire" event where they will be free-tying whatever they are in the mood to tie as well as help with whatever patterns you are working on yourself. Need a tutorial? No problem! Have a question about a Colorado fly tying recipe? Ask away! 
Bring your favorite beverages/snack and pull up a chair. All that they ask is you bring your own vise, light, tools and materials. They will provide the tunes, fun and instruction/help. Come spend an evening with your friends at Minturn Anglers to sharpen your fly tying skills and catch up on the latest Colorado fishing reports. ALL EXPERIENCE LEVELS WELCOME! This is a great way to swap patterns with new friends and learn some killer local patterns for the Eagle River, Colorado River, Roaring Fork, Yampa and Gore Creek! 

2015 FIS Alpine World Ski Championships
Stay Informed.  Click on the logo for the latest news and countdown to this amazing 2015 event in the Valley.

Naming the Minturn 
Open Space

Minturn recently acquired the 4+ acre parcel of land formerly owned by the United States Forest Service and commonly known as "The Boneyard." The Town is in the process of giving the open space a formal name and your feedback is appreciated. Current suggestions are:

  • Minturn Open Space
  • The Boneyard
  • River Haven
  • Cliff Park
  • Gandy Dancer Park
CLICK HERE to vote or submit your suggestion.

It's YOUR 'TURN! We're accepting your personal announcements for possible submission in our January newsletter. Birthdays, anniversaries, new job? We'd love to share YOUR NEWS. Send an email to with the SUBJECT: YOUR 'TURN

Snow Removal 
A friendly reminder to be aware of the street "no parking" signs, they are there to help public works remove and haul snow more efficiently.
Water Works 
Public works continuously treats our pristine, mountain water to serve the Town of Minturn. The Town has received a matching grant for a new, "Master Meter" building, which is used for the Town's main water line meter. The meter counts our gallons of treated water that the town uses per day. The project is almost complete. 

The Town of Minturn has Recycling Program!  We accept all metals, batteries and refrigerators (freezers too!) at no cost to you. We do not accept any kind of liquids or hazardous materials. Just call Town Hall at 970-827-5645 for pick-up.

Meet Lyn Teach

Minturn Planning Commission:

President of Gemini Gardens, Minturn business since 1983.  Moved to Vail in 1976 and resident of Minturn since 1983.  Her business includes the local gift shop and serves customers with floral and plant maintenance.  Loves being creative!  Enjoys hiking through the beautiful mountains.  Loves animals, especially birds and cats.  Highlight is vacationing in Hawaii! 
Meet more members of the Planning Commission...READ MORE.


Planning & Zoning Updates 

We are in the process of writing grants for various Minturn projects including:  sidewalks, public restrooms, trails, park enhancements and community garden. 



Feb 15th

Candidate material available 
for Town Council elections

Budget and Financial Update:

The 2013 year end is rapidly coming to a close and with it several very exciting events are astir in the Treasurer's office:


On December 4, 2014 the Town Council approved the financial budget for the 2014 calendar year. This included setting fees, setting the Mill Levy, and adopting the budget. This document will help to guide the Town through 2014 by outlining revenue sources, labor needs, and special projects.


December 31st is the fiscal year end for the Town. With that, all accounts, both revenue and expense, will be settled up and prepared for the annual audit.


In mid to late February, the Town will undergo its annual audit. As a governmental agency of the State of Colorado, we are required by law to conduct a financial audit by an outside entity.


Any and all of these documents are available during regular business hours in the Treasurer's Office.


Clerk's Office Update:

Again, a very exciting time of the year for the Clerk's Office as well. Aside from the normal work of liquor licenses, business licenses, and records, 2014 is an election year. The Town of Minturn elections are held the first Tuesday following the first Monday in April of odd years. Therefore, Election Day is April 8, 2014. Four Council seats and the Mayor's seat will be up for election. Of those running for Council the candidate winning the fourth place slot will be elected to a two year term; the top three vote winners will be elected to four year terms. The Mayor is a two year term.


Those interested in running for Council may contact the Clerk's Office during regular business hours for information.

Jim White, Town Manager
Welcome to our 1st 
Town of Minturn Newsletter! 

We hope to inform you, remind you, and inspire you by helping to keep you up to date on what is going on at Town Hall and around town. We will be reviewing some of the projects completed this past year and others that are still in progress. We are especially proud of our Minturn Summer and Winter Markets; we completed the Eagle/Toledo Street and Drainage Project this past summer. We also have made great progress on construction of the Minturn Fitness Center at Maloit in partnership with the Ski and Snowboard Club Vail. Be sure to connect with us on Facebook for the latest and greatest news too.


Eagle County Community 
Notification System
Have you registered for ECAlerts?


EC ALERT is an alert notification system to immediately contact you during urgent or emergency situations with useful information and updates by sending text messages to your devices:

  • E-mail account (work, home, school, other)
  • Cell phone, pager
  • Smartphone, PDA, and other handheld devices
CLICK HERE to register.

This newsletter is created by the Town of Minturn in conjunction with Downtown Minturn to inform residents and visitors about the 
Town of Minturn, Colorado.