"Making All Things New" June 2016
In This Issue

Nature's Corner 

Nature's Corner is about creation. According to Michael D. Guinan, ofm, we need to consider what we mean by creation. Creation is not the same as nature. Creation is a thoroughly religious concept.

Creation means that to understand everything that exists at its deepest level, it must be seen in relationship to God. Creation is concerned not only with beginnings, but with every single moment of existence.

Creation always implies a Creator; the two go together and mutually imply each other.

Something to ponder as you reflect on these two photos. 
Peace, Br. Joe Kotula, ofm

Save the Dates:
Evenings of Re-creation

Wednesdays this summer:
June 29
July 6, 13, 27
Aug. 3

Theme: Franciscan Spirituality; a Practical Approach to the "Real World"

5:15 evening prayer followed by quiet time on the land
6:30 dish-to-pass supper
7:30 Mass & discussion  

 For more information please contact Michelle Marcellin (mmarc@sbu.edu or 716-375-2096)

Prayer & Scripture

Fr. Dan offers a prayer and suggested scripture reading for this weekend.
Luke 7:36 - 8:3

You might take some time with this gospel passage. It will appear as one of the readings for the upcoming weekend.  

Loving God, you claim us and hold us as the apple of your eye. Look upon us now, alert and awake as you are to all of creation. 

Please pay attention to us and the needs we have so that we may be attentive to one another and the world we live in. 

Guide us through Sister Wisdom to find places and times when we can both rest and reflect through these summer days. 

Help us to take advantage and find a vantage point so as to see and dream, to act and care for others in new ways with grace and loving attentiveness, modeled for us by your Son and our Lord and brother, Jesus Christ.


Spring 2016 Newsletter

Access the latest print newsletter online. 

Fr. Dan's Podcast

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Our Awakening 
Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, invites us to strive to be more attentive to the beauty of life.

These June mornings have a gracious ease about them. They invite us to wake early enough to drink in the summer's warm quiet with a hot cup of coffee possibly, or a few moments of reflection and prayer.

Sunrise at Mt. Irenaeus.
Waking is at the core of our lives, the joy of coming awake is the pleasure of the moment in which we see things with greater definition, with greater openness and appreciation. Waking, or to be attentive, is one of the richest, fullest tasks a human being can practice.

Ironically, as we move into our adult years, much of the world around us asks us to become somewhat numb to things as life moves more quickly. We barely have a moment to open our hearts and see, to listen to life or to be attentive.

During this time of year, there is so much beauty emerging around us, showing itself in so many ways - in form, shape and color. If we lack attentiveness - the ability to see and take it in as St. Bonaventure reflects upon and certainly St. Francis celebrated - life seems to pass us by. Actually, we are passing life by without watching much of it!
Executive Director's Corner
Mike Fenn updates readers about news and initiatives at the Mountain.
Hello everyone! I've now been in the role of executive director for Mt. Irenaeus for about a month-and-a-half. I still wake up each day thrilled to be working to help sustain the Mountain for generations to come. 

This past weekend was especially fun, celebrating my 25th reunion at St. Bonaventure. I enjoyed explaining to classmates the decision I made to move from a corporate life to working for the Mountain. It also gave me a chance to tell folks about all the great things we have cooking.

In this space of the e-newsletter, I'll regularly share what's going on at the Mountain from my perspective. This week I want to tell you the outcome of a wonderful event we held back in April. Fr. Dan called together a Spring Convocation - the calling of the Holy Spirit to draw many from near and far. Part of the weekend was spent developing our strategy for the future, which included the following initiatives:
  • Attract others to live life on the Mountain - we want to connect and raise awareness of the Mountain with the global friar population, attracting some of them to join us in residence. We also want to formalize our Mountain Companion Ministry as a way to complement our friar community in support of all the good work done by the Mountain team.
  • Focus on Faith Transformation - the phrase "train the trainers" was used many times during our weekend. We know the Mountain is not just a place, but a way of life and ministry that can be passed on to one another. As its animator, Fr. Dan has formed a Council for Spirit and Life that will have the objective to develop the resources to help us bring this life forward to all.
Many other exciting ideas were brought forward during this weekend, which I look to share in future pieces. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to reach out to me at mfenn@sbu.edu. Peace!
Meet Our Summer Companions
Two of Mt. Irenaeus' new companions introduce themselves and share what they're most looking forward to this summer. 

Meet Isaac Rys
Meet Isaac Rys

Meet Natalie Wasek
Saying Goodbye
After spending a year as a Mountain Companion, living in community with the friars at Mt. Irenaeus, Joe Flynn takes his experience at the Mountain to Buffalo as he seeks a job in the non-profit sector.

Joe Flynn
I've spent a lot of time over the past month saying goodbye. First to undergraduates, then to graduating seniors, and then here and there to everyone else I know through the Mountain.

I know after two college graduations of my own that stepping out into the world, away from a familiar group of people, is not so much a severing of connections as it is a loosening of the bonds that keep our relationships tied to one place.

Friendships are by far the most important thing I've gained at Mt. Irenaeus. I'll always be able to find God, nature, and community wherever I go, but the specific and countless people I've gotten to know won't be the same anywhere else. One by one, you've been the motivation for every bit of time and effort I've given to the community here.

That's why I'd like to dedicate this farewell to you: the people who come to Mass on Sunday; the students from Houghton and St. Bonaventure who participate in retreats and worship; those who have come here on retreat; and the people I might never have seen here on the Mountain, but "On the Road" or in someone's home. Let's stay in touch! I'm on my way to Buffalo, N.Y. to find a career the non-profit world. It's easy to leave knowing the ministry is in the hands of good and caring leaders and volunteers in every area. God bless you all.
Mountain on the Phone - Tonight at 8 p.m.

As we continue to seek ways of bringing the spirit of the Mountain to all in new and different ways, please consider joining us for Mountain on the Phone! 
  • Next call: Thursday, June 9, at 8 p.m.
These calls will be led by Bill Coffey, who will take us through a shared time together that includes:
  • Opening prayer 
  • Gospel passage read three different times by different readers (also known as Lectio Devina) 
  • Sharing on the passage
  • Petitions
  • Our Father 
  • Closing prayer 
If you are interested in joining the Mountain community through your telephone, please contact Bill (wcoffey2@gmail.com) for more details, including the conference call information.
Weekends of Transformation 
Join with Jesus Christ - Make All Things New! June 10-12 & Aug. 5-7
Listening to our convocation and guided by what we heard, we invite you to join us as we continue to rediscover our origins; the roots of Franciscan Life in the person of Christ, who makes all things new.
Through this weekend we will:
1.     Reflect on our own lives, the root of our own religious experience and the desire to serve others and its challenges.
2.     Draw energy and wisdom from one another and our origins.
3.     Experience practices and recipes that can be brought to others, so we might be agents of transformation.
Join us during these Weekends of Transformation:
*      June 10 - 12
*      August 5 - 7
Please contact Michelle at mmarc@sbu.edu or 716-375-2096 for more information or to RSVP.

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786