"Making All Things New" January 2016
In This Issue

Nature's Corner

Mother Nature has a way 
with art. One of the basic elements of life: water in all its forms. In its frozen form, we are blessed with works of beauty.
Peace, Br. Joe Kotula, ofm

Be Still

As you move through your daily life, consider taking time out of your day to slow down, listen and meditate.

Visit our "Be Still" webpage, which features prayer resources and audio meditations for you to engage in this practice.

Fr. Dan's Podcasts

Winter 2015 Newsletter
Access the latest print newsletter online.

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Each time you purchase from Amazon, we encourage you to shop at smile.amazon.com
where you can select Mt. Irenaeus to receive 0.5 percent of your total purchase price.

Many small donations can make a big difference! 

We would greatly appreciate your participation!

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Sharing Our Story 
Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, offers an in-depth summary of the history of the Mountain's manner of life and ministry.

The hilltop we call Mt. Irenaeus - our acres of trees and valleys, springs and meadows, and ponds is the most familiar story we tell; the story of how I found the land and it found us. 

We also often speak about "our life and ministry," though focusing especially on our lively collaboration with St. Bonaventure University and our undergraduates who fill out a lot of the leadership in ministry with us. We note that upward of 80 percent of our life and energy - sometimes I think it's more than that - is really spent, and wonderfully so, in our ministry with St. Bonaventure University in the richness of our Franciscan heritage.

However, another story helps us understand that we have a prior history to what we call "the Mountain." It is a longer story, but it is worth noting at least some of it here. It is really the core of all of our stories
 ... Read more.
A shot of the beautiful land at Mt. Irenaeus.

Welcoming a New Companion

Jason Damon, the newest Mountain Companion, pictured second from left with (from left) Kyle Sterling, Br. Joe Kotula, ofm, and Mike Madonna.
Mt. Irenaeus welcomes Jason Damon, a December 2015 St. Bonaventure
University graduate, as a short-term Mountain Companion. Jason had been very active in the Mountain Community Leaders while a student at Bona's. He will take part in all aspects of the Mountain's Gospel Manner of Life and Ministry over the next several months. Welcome Jason!

If you or someone you know is interested in spending some time at the Mountain as a long-term or short-term Mountain Companion, contact Br. Kevin Kriso at kkriso@sbu.edu so we can begin a mutual discernment and look at the possibilities.
Picture From Our Past

Bob and Ann McCarthy take their son Daniel skiing at the Mountain in late 1989.

New Year's Greeting 
Click below to watch a special, brief video message from Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, and Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm.

2016 New Year's Video Greeting from Mt. Irenaeus.

The Mountain on Instagram 
Enjoy this recent post from Fr. Dan. For more, follow @mtirenaeus.

Our world awakes now - even those of us who would choose more sleep begin to wake with lists and thoughts. More things shake us, wake us to this day. Now we are called into "a free and open space." We have many things to do - to stand here, to sit before this revelation that draws us into wonder and out of worry. This is so much of what it is to be human.

To You, Light for all, I call, "Holy and marvelous Creator, Father and Savior, hear the sound of my pleading when I cry to you for help." I will rejoice and be glad in your mercy. Once you have seen my misery, and gotten to know the distress of my soul and of our world, you will not abandon us into the hands of trickery or darkness, but will set our feet in a free and open space!

Be gracious to us, Lord, for we open - as the sky has - our hearts to you and long for you. Bless us as we go about our way today, being open to light as it shows itself in the face of others, in the fast-moving moments that invite us to be still - be still and know that you are God!

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786