"Making All Things New" October 2015
In This Issue

Nature's Corner

In "Laudato Si," Pope Francis writes that the word "creation" has to do with God's loving plan and that every creature has its own value. The word "nature" often describes a system that can be studied, understood and controlled. Think about it.

Peace, Br. Joe Kotula, ofm

Online Auction Features Unique Items Up for Bid 

Continue the auction fun! Mark your calendars for Nov. 18 through Nov. 22, the dates of our third annual Online Mountain Auction.

Help us spread the word and tell your friends and family.  

Special featured items with Franciscan and Mountain themes include:
  • Original artwork and photography by Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, and artist Anne Conroy-Baiter
  • A leather-bound Bible with a special inscription from Fr. Dan.
  • A San Damiano Cross and plaque signed and blessed by the Mountain friars
  • Rosaries blessed by Pope Francis
  • Dinner with the friars and handmade items from the Mountain
  • Other unique items, such as athletic gear and signed sports memorabilia
Stay tuned to the Mountain Facebook page, website and e-newsletters for more exciting details on how you can take part in the fun and support the Mountain from your own home!

Mountain Community Service and Reflection Day

Saturday, Oct. 17, from about 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Lunch will be provided.

You might consider spending the night at the Mountain on Friday or Saturday. Please contact Fr. Lou at 585-973-2470 if you wish to make a reservation. 

While not necessary, an RSVP would be greatly appreciated so we can plan lunch and activities. 

We have many projects to accomplish for all interests and abilities, such as:
  • Preparing the garden and flower beds
  • Deep cleaning the cabins and house
  • Pruning fruit trees and bushes
  • Brush removal
  • Washing windows
  • Much more!

Fr. Dan's Podcasts

Connect with us!
Students Find What They Don't Know They're Looking For At the Mountain 
Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, reflects on the newest members of the Mountain community who will join us in "shouldering" the gift of the Mountain and its ministry.
St. Bonaventure students share a September meal at the Mountain.

Maybe you have noticed it about yourself. At times some of us are not consciously seeking what we find. A deep part of us is seeking and searching the richness of spirit, spirituality. When it arises, when we find it, we know we have always been looking for it.
The Mountain can be that way for people. I find myself seeing this in the eyes of you who come here and I have now for a long time. Groups of youths from Bona's and different colleges are on that deep same search we all are - not only for meaning, but the goodness and depth of life.
The amazing number of Bonaventure students shepherded here by Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm, this year and our Mountain companion, Joe Flynn, along with the rest of us, is quite outstanding. Just this past week we had nearly 60 students here in two different evenings, walking in the woods, harvesting vegetables, cooking meals and then having a rich Eucharist in our Chapel. Rich because of the Christ who is in our midst, rich because of the beautiful sharing and opening of hearts to this journey ... Read more.
Celebrating 30 Years
Visit our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter pages for more photos, videos and reflections about the Mountain's 30th Anniversary event held Sept. 19.

More than 160 people came to celebrate 30 years of "making all things new" at Mt. Irenaeus Sept. 19. 

Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm, led a beautiful memorial ceremony at the labyrinth (pictured below) for all who have gone before us, including those formerly involved with the Mountain and those whose loved ones asked they be remembered. Kim and Reggie Harris led all in attendance in song and prayer. 

Afterward, everyone celebrated Mass under a lighted tent behind the Main House, just as the rain that had held off all afternoon began its first sprinkling. In true "Mountain" form, Fr. Dan Riley's homily and many others' turns at the microphone, were filled with many laughs, fond memories and cheerful tears.

Following a shared meal with a heaping buffet, all returned to the tent to listen and sing to music in celebration. Led again by Kim and Reggie Harris, accompanied by Glen McClure, the faithful musicians continued to play even as "living waters" began to swell underneath their platform. The wealth of voices overtook the rain as the party carried on.

As we've remembered and reaffirmed the past 30 years of our life and ministry, we're preparing to move into the next 30-plus years and beyond. Please pray for our constant renewal of mission to "make all things new," while we pray for your daily movement toward the same shared goal. The Mountain is more than just a place in West Clarksville, N.Y. (you're always welcome to visit!) It's also a spirit that's deep within all of us at the Mountain, in a home, on the road and online. 

For more photos from the 30th Anniversary celebration, visit our Facebook page

The Bona Venture campus newspaper covered the event and featured an article on the Mountain's history in advance of the 30th Anniversary. Charlie Specht, St. Bonaventure class of 2010, also submitted a reflective op-ed piece about the Mountain in recognition of its anniversary. 

Attend Our Annual Auction Nov. 7
Great menu, wonderful gifts and traditional Mountain hospitality on tap for 15th Annual Mountain Auction.
What a year of anniversary celebrations for the Mountain! The Mountain Auction will hit its 15-year mark at this year's festivities Nov. 7 in Olean. 

Guests will have plenty of time to visit with one another, hit the buffet line and stroll among the more than 200 gifts offered during the silent portion of the auction. This year's goodies include an array of gift certificates for everything from doggy care to dining out, a selection of wines, prints by Br. Joe and Fr. Dan, and much more. If you're on Facebook, check out the Mountain's page for The Mountain Auction event for sneak peeks of items that will be up for bidding.
Once the silent auction has concluded, out come the bid cards and things start to heat up for the fast-paced verbal auction. You won't want to miss our verbal auction this year as we have cocktail and dessert parties, getaway trips and a surprise or two up for bid.
Reservations are now being accepted for the auction, which will be held Saturday, Nov. 7, at Premier Banquet Center on Constitution Avenue in Olean. Mass will begin at 5 p.m. followed by the auction at 6 p.m. For reservations, contact the Mountain Office at (716) 375-2096.
Ticket cost $60 per person, which includes cocktails, food stations and desserts.

The proceeds from the annual auction cover an important portion of the Mountain's operating budget and help fund myriad improvements and expenses. Most recently, auction proceeds helped fund the resurfacing of the Chapel's structure and window replacement.

This year's auction co-chairs are Kimberly Palmer of Allegany and Mike Sullivan of Elmira, SBU class of 1989 and a Mt. Irenaeus board member.
Welcome Back, Students!
This year at the Mountain, we have had hundreds of students pass through. Many came as part of a class requirement. However, as we see ourselves as a place of learning through experience, it has been a very rich time. 

Pope Francis has given us a great boost in his encyclical, Laudato Si, by elevating the Franciscan values of the dignity of each person and created being and the care for our common home. We at the Mountain have been promoting these ideas for many years, and they are now on many people's minds. Our students intuitively "get" the idea of the brotherhood and sisterhood of all. 

Many who have a distrustful view of religion are often giving religion a second look when they see the beautiful spirituality that underlies the Catholic Christian Franciscan tradition. 

The harvest is great - keep us in prayer!

- Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm
The Mountain on Instagram
Enjoy this recent post from Fr. Dan. For more, follow @mtirenaeus.

He seems to always be reaching out, joining his hand with others: young and older, of different nations, ethnicities.

Pope Francis reminds me and so many others of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron of peace and ecology. He speaks for and as the Gospel, eloquent simplicity, compassion and a call to justice

May we, too, extend our hands to others, encircling the Earth as you sisters and brothers! Bless us with rest, and may we "begin again" tomorrow, for as St. Francis said, looking before us..."up till now we have done nothing!"

Blessings my friends, Dan, ofm

***Fr. Dan reflected upon the Pope's visit, his own experience seeing him at Madison Square Garden, Thomas Merton and our call to be the light to the world a podcast titled, "This Little Light of Mine, Merton and Pope Francis."

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786