"Making All Things New"June 2015
In This Issue

  Nature's Corner 


  Many things in life can attract us and remind us of a wonderful, loving God. What attracts you? 


Peace, Br. Joe Kotula, ofm

Please join us at Mt. Irenaeus as we gather for 
the Mountain's 30th Anniversary Celebration!

Sept. 19-20, 2015

Saturday, Sept. 19
2 p.m. Memorial Celebration in the Labyrinth
3:30 p.m. Mass at Holy Peace Chapel followed by a dish-to-pass supper and concert

Sunday, Sept. 20
11 a.m. Mass followed by a dish-to-pass brunch.


 For more information, please contact the Mountain office at:

Annual Mountain Auction

Saturday, Nov. 7, at Premier Banquet Center

5 p.m. Mass

6 p.m. Silent auction opens, followed by live, verbal auction

$60 per person includes cocktails, dinner buffet and desserts.

The Auction is our largest fundraising gathering, raising more than $30,000 for the Mountain each year.

Please consider attending, contributing a gift to the auction or hosting a gift-gathering party. 

We welcome new products and gift certificates in all price ranges.


For gift ideas or more information, please visit our website, or contact the Mountain office at 716-375-2096 or mount.irenaeus@gmail.com 

Summer at the Mountain

Join us to rest and reflect this summer! Please call ahead to secure accommodations.

Our theme this summer is, "What is Franciscan About our Spirituality?"


Wednesday Evenings of Re-Creation

June 24 and July 1, 8, 15, 22


Transformational Retreat Weekend

July 31-Aug. 2

Family Retreat Weekend

June 26-28

Please visit our webpage for more details.  

Fr. Dan's Podcasts



Connect with us!
Come and Enjoy
Fr. Dan Riley invites all to join in the summer events at Mt. Irenaeus.
The altar at Holy Peace Chapel.

Once again, we begin. We begin as we always do by catching our breath! It has been "30 years and more" my friends, of breathing in the fresh air of Mt. Irenaeus here in West Clarksville, N.Y.


The spirit and life of Mt. Irenaeus is going well, as Fr. Lou would say, "in its daily flow." We are breathing like a mountain ... at least like members of the community of Mt. Irenaeus here today!


This past weekend was a wonderful time as people joined us - some for their first overnight and others who have had regular time beside us.  


Gospel life is given to us, not so much as something to think about, but to practice. Reflecting on it beside one another we find the Gospel's invitation deepening as we find ourselves blessed, called and sent to live its spirit through our summer experiences. The door is wide open and we need each other's hands to open the door to the Mountain, to live these days so that "the door of our heart" might be open and we might know, as Thomas Merton tells us, that "the gate of Heaven is everywhere!" ... Read more.

Mountain Fund Surpasses Goal

Thanks to all who donated to our annual Mountain Fund!  We surpassed our goal and raised an unprecedented amount of more than $201,000.

Many thanks to all of our phone-a-thon volunteers - you are terrific! 

Special thanks to Marv Stocker who once again chaired our Mountain Fund with his boundless enthusiasm and countless hours of dedication. We couldn't have done it without all of our volunteers and supporters!

Our Mountain Fund provided more than 34 percent of our 2014-15 budget of $509,880. Below is a chart showing the breakdown of all of our revenue sources.

Thank you for all you do to help us sustain the Mountain!




"What has Mt. Irenaeus Meant to You?"
Class of 2015 Bonaventure graduates reflect on their time at the Mountain


Fr. Dan shared this scene from the Holy Peace Chapel on June 12. 

"If I were to describe Mt. Irenaeus in one word, it would be home. I first went up to the Mountain my freshman year at the invitation of Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm. I must admit I was a bit nervous. I not only was going by myself, but there were three other students who were also attending and I didn't know any of them. 

I had heard so many wonderful stories from upperclassmen and St. Bonaventure faculty and staff on how wonderful the Mountain is. When I first walked the grounds and entered the Main House, all my fears and anxieties of what was to take place soon went away. I was immediately overcome with happiness and peace; a sense of God. Being new to college, this was a feeling that I have only when I am with my friends, family and loved ones - at home.

Since that remarkable evening, the Mountain and the friars have always been a huge part of my time at St. Bonaventure. Through the ministry of the Mountain I have met with hundreds of alumni on the road, students from SBU and students from other area colleges.

The Mountain is not only a place of solace, but it is a place of prominence and importance in our SBU community. As I move on from St. Bonaventure, it's hard to imagine my life without the Mountain and the friars, but because this ministry has penetrated my heart, the Mountain community will always be a part of my life. Thank you not only to the friars, but also to our benefactors, volunteers and community members. Because of your support, future Bonnies everywhere can experience this wonderful sanctuary and embark on their journey of becoming."

- Josh Maxey 


For another student reflection, visit our website.

Evenings of Re-Creation 
Take time out and join the Mountain friars Wednesday nights this summer to reflect and be renewed at Mt. Irenaeus.

Mt. Irenaeus - celebrating 30 years and more of welcoming people to a hilltop in Allegany County - welcomes you to join us here this summer.


We have been blessed with individuals, families and various church groups over the years joining us here. With you and others in mind, we have planned a series of Wednesdays for peaceful "Re-Creation" with dates and times noted below.

Every Sunday we also celebrate a Eucharist, open to everyone, at 11 a.m. with a dish-to-pass brunch following. You are also welcome to join us on most days for any of our prayer times or to take a walk in the  woods, visit our Chapel (open to women and men of all traditions), or find your own way around our labyrinth
 in a grove of trees near our Chapel.

We hope through this invitation to spark some interest, to open to "the Light that has overcome, cast out all darkness." This is Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Paz - practiced in many traditions and here for you in the quiet and homey comfort of Mt. Irenaeus. 

For all dates noted below, evening prayer begins at 5:15 p.m., with a dish-to-pass supper at 6:30 and Mass at 7:45. Everyone is invited to come early and spend time on the land or with the friars. 

June 24
- Living with Abundance, Welcoming People into the Summer

July 1 - Creation, Especially on the Land with Us

July 8 - The Presence of God, Contemplation, an Encounter in Silence

July 15 - Home, Hospitality, Creating a Space within Oneself for God to Dwell

July 22 - Hope and Healing, Stepping Out into the World


For more information, please call the Mountain at 585-973-2470.



Celebrating 30 Years
Each month through September, we'll feature photos from each decade of the Mountain's history to commemorate its 30th Anniversary. This month we've included photos from the 1990s (below). For more photos, a podcast and a graphic timeline of the Mountain's history, visit mounti.com.

Students pose in front of the House of Peace, during its construction in 1994.

Fr. Dan Riley, ofm (center) surrounded by students amidst the backdrop of the woods at Mt. Irenaeus in 1994.

Fr. Dan Riley and Fr. Dan Hurley, ofm, celebrating the start of construction of the House of Peace in 1994.

Cross-country skiing at the Mountain in 1996.
The Mountain on Instagram
Enjoy this June 13 post from Fr. Dan. For more, follow @mtirenaeus.

"MT IRENAEUS and all you can SEE...WAIT A MINUTE..PAUSE RIGHT HERE ....From a different vantage point and so a different point of view - and ability to see in a unique way - if I take time to SEE WITH MY HEART. I stood here yesterday beside this lovely perennial bed and looked out over the valley to the beautiful pond below. All of it..IN VIEW..., in one view.. all of it "taken in" opening to see. I find the fun of Instagram is to offer each of us another way of SEEING, REFLECTING ON SEEING - seeing what is before us...AS CONTEMPLATIVES.. pausing to see ALL-EACH, "ANEW". Like this view some views are striking, they "hit us over the head" and we pause.. or "ring the bell" in our HEART .... Having us to pause and open the eye of our heart! ... ~ "Goodbye," said the Fox. "And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: it is only WITH THE HEART that CAN ONE SEE RIGHTLY; what is ESSENTIAL IS INVISIBLE TO THE EYE". ~ " What is essential is invisible to the eye," the little prince repeated, so that he would be sure TO REMEMBER." ...ENJOY THE SIGHT YOUR BLESSED HEART gives you today! Dan ofm"

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786