"Making All Things New"June 2014
In This Issue
Fr. Dan's Column
The Mountain Fund
Br. Joe's Sabbatical
Upcoming Events
HNP Leadership Changes
Pictures from Our Past

Nature's Corner


Nature has a way of telling us life is beautiful. Awesome!  

- Br. Joe Kotula, ofm

Fr. Dan's Podcasts

 Save the Date!
Our annual Mountain Auction will be held November 1 at St. Bonaventure University. Tickets will be available in September. Look for more information on our Facebook page and in upcoming newsletters.
Mass Schedule

Mass at the Mountain is regularly celebrated Sundays at 11 a.m. with brunch to follow. 

Visit our website for directions to the Mountain. 

Connect with us!
Peace with Every Step 
Fr. Dan Riley reflects on the Mountain's 30th Anniversary and bringing the spirit of the celebration to West Clarksville and beyond.
The sun rises at the Mountain. 
Does it sound too bold?
Does it seem presumptuous to claim a life, a call "to all the earth?" It was Jesus, the Risen One, who calls us out and gave us our vocation - not only we who are involved in the Mountain, but all of us who hear the Gospel and wish to "keep it" and live it as St. Francis and St. Clare would inspire us to.
Our Mountain community journeys - almost breathless! - into this year and more of celebrating over 30 years of being missioned and joining with Jesus Christ, and many others, as he calls us together to "make all things new." 

It's with our mission and vision in mind that we celebrate our anniversary under the slogan, "Peace with every step for 30 years. Go out to all the earth" ... Read more.
Mountain Fund Surpasses Goal 

Thank you to all our supporters who helped us exceed this year's Mountain Fund goal to raise a total of more than $177,000. Special thanks to our Mountain Fund chairperson, Marv Stocker! Through his dedicated and tireless effort, we exceeded our goal by more than 12 percent. 
We would also like to thank our many phone-a-thon volunteers for their continued time and effort in assuring our success. Last, but not least, thank you to an anonymous donor who contributed $10,000 to match all new, increased and renewed givers!
We could not have achieved such wonderful success without each and every one of you. As of June 1, we are already busy working toward this year's Mountain Fund goal of $187,000. If you would like to make a gift at this time, please visit the Give & Support page of our website. 
Many thanks for all of your continued support!

Mary Schlosser, Coordinator of Development and Volunteers

Embarking on Sabbatical
Br. Joseph Kotula, ofm, remarks on his upcoming journey and reflects on its purpose.
Br. Joe Kotula, pictured while on a hike through the Appalachian Trail.


A Sabbatical is a time for rest and renewal. I am very grateful to have the opportunity to go on a sabbatical from July 25 to November 15. 

In preparation for it, I have been reflecting on what a great gift it is. I feel called to be open to God's Holy Spirit so I might become more aware of how God delights in surprising us. I feel compelled to carry in my heart a prayer of St. Francis: "Who are you, oh God? And who am I?" It's a very simple but profound prayer ... Read more.

Upcoming Events
Thomas Merton Conference at St. Bonaventure University

June 19-22

Registration available online


Summer Evenings of Re-Creation 

Wednesday evenings - July 9, 16, 23, 30 beginning at 5:15 p.m.

July 9 - "The Spiritual Movement of Wonder"

July 16 - "The Spiritual Movement of Giving Thanks"

July 23 - "The Spiritual Movement of Praise"

July 30 - "The Spiritual Movement of Inspired Action"

For more information, call 585-973-2470.


Sojourners' Formation Weekend  

Aug. 1-3 
For details, contact Michelle Marcellin at mmarc@sbu.edu 
Holy Name Province Elects New Leadership

The Mountain friars traveled to Albany last month for a Franciscan Friars of Holy Name Province meeting, where the friars elected Kevin Mullen, OFM, as provincial minister. Mullen, who has served as president of Siena College since 2007, will be replaced in that role on an interim basis by St. Bonaventure's own Edward Coughlin, OFM, the vice president for Franciscan mission at the university. 
More on the province's meeting can be found on their website
Pictures from Our Past 
As the Mountain celebrates 30 years, we look back on its rich history.
Holy Peace Chapel, as it was being constructed 25 years ago.


Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786