"Making All Things New"March 2014
In This Issue
Fr. Dan's Column
Upcoming Events
Reading the Book of Creation
Voices from the Valley
Remembering Hurls
Simple Lenten Prayer
Nature's Corner


Nature has a way of teaching us to slow down.

She has enchanted us with Sister Snow. One way to appreciate her gift is to put on snow shoes and slowly walk around and be amazed at her beauty, especially when Brother Sun is shining bright and speaking to our hearts about the love that comes to us through nature.

Wow! What a gift. 

- Br. Joe Kotula, ofm
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The Mountain on Twitter
Follow the Mountain Twitter feed, featuring live tweets and beautiful photos from Fr. Dan.
Fr. Dan's Podcasts

Mass Schedule

Mass at the Mountain is regularly celebrated
Sundays at 11 a.m.


Connect with us!
Renewal and Connection 
Fr. Dan Riley, ofm, Writes About His Time on the West Coast 


Big Sur, Calif.

The coastal beauty; the rough glory of God's ongoing creation between earth, sky and ocean along Big Sur, Calif., continues to be a place of renewal for me. Over the years we have grown a wonderful relationship as friars and hermit monks - the Franciscan tradition and the Benedict/Camaldoli way of life. ... Read more.

Upcoming Gatherings
Mountain on the Road
April 4 - Erie, Pa. // Register
April 5 - Cleveland, Ohio // Register
April 6 - Pittsburgh, Pa. // Register   
More info, contact Joe Flanagan at jflanagan@sbu.edu 


Mountain in Your Home
April 8 - Livonia, N.Y.
Home of Paul and Alice Nation
Contact Alice at 585-350-8434
Holy Week at the Mountain

Holy Thursday

April 17

* 6:30 p.m.: Dish to pass supper

* 8:00 p.m.: Liturgy of the Lord's Supper


Good Friday

April 18

* Noon: Simple lunch

* 1:00 p.m.: Meditative walk

* 3:00 p.m.: Liturgy of the Passion - followed by silence on the land and in the Chapel


Holy Saturday

April 19

* 11:00 a.m.: Morning Prayer by the pond

* 9:00 p.m:  Easter Vigil


Easter Sunday

April 20

* Sunrise service on the Knoll

* 11:00 a.m. Easter Sunday Mass followed by dish to pass brunch

Visit our calendar page on mounti.com to check for upcoming gatherings in your hometown.
Reading the Book of Creation
Br. Kevin Kriso, ofm, Highlights a Recent Overnight

A blanket of snow from a late winter storm beautifully magnified the light of a full moon a few weeks ago at a new Mountain overnight for St. Bonaventure University students. The overnight was based on St. Bonaventure of Bornareggio's important book, "The Soul's Journey into God." ...

Talking about the beauty of God during this special overnight.

Voices from the Valley
Erin Cicatelli Shares a Reflection from California
At a recent Napa event, we were saying we are the Mountain in the West. We have a great group of SBU alumni from '67 to '09 and it's all about being one family. We continue to keep our Mountain relationship alive. ... Read more.


A recent gathering this month in California. 

Remembering Hurls 


In March, all the Mountain family holds in loving memory Daniel A. Hurley, ofm, on the anniversary of his passing four years ago. We give thanks for the many ways in which his own life and way of living both helped begin and confirm the life and purpose of Mt. Irenaeus. Dan brought a special light and delight to everybody -- welcoming every guest, young or old. May his memory and spirit, still abiding among us on the Mountain, always stir us to new life and his intercession help us "to join with Jesus Christ to make all things new!"  

  Painting of Hurls in the House of Peace.

Simple Lenten Prayer

As we journey through Lent together, here's a simple prayer to consider. It's from St. Francis and it's how we conclude gatherings in the chapel:

"We adore You, most holy Lord Jesus Christ, 

here and in all Your churches throughout the world, 

and we bless You, 

because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world."





Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786