"Making All Things New"October 2013
In This Issue
Fr. Dan's Column
Br. Kevin on Gardening
What is a Secular Franciscan?
Pictures from our Past

Mountain Wishlist 


Our community would be especially grateful for:

canning jars


dish towels and tablecloths

spade shovels 


work gloves


eye protection

Contact Michelle (mmarc@sbu.edu)
for details



Fr. Dan's Podcasts


Download and listen to Fr. Dan's audio reflections on our website or iTunes.

REMINDER: Auction tickets on sale now  


The 2013 Mountain Auction will be held at St. Bonaventure University Nov. 2


 Auction proceeds aid the Mountain's endowment and support the general operating fund.


Visit our website to learn more about the great travel packages, sports memorabilia and other gifts available at this year's event. 

 Tickets will go fast! Contact Michelle

 for reservations. 

Sustaining Mt. Irenaeus: Forming Faith & Leaders for the Future

Mass at the Mountain 


 Sundays at 11 a.m.

Brunch immediately follows Mass. You're invited to bring a dish-to-pass.

Visit our website for directions to t
he Mountain.


Connect with us!
Lessons from a child's game
Fr. Dan offers words on how we can reach high and wide to open our hearts and minds to God's grace and to others

How big? ... So big! With hands held high and wide. Remember? How big? So big! ... With a taller, older relative or friend towering over you? It's one of the earliest of games, and small as we may have been, we smiled and believed we were "oh so big!"  


Today, size, openness and expansiveness of self and others in institutions are questioned more and more, followed by a sober look, sadness or a dullness of disposition rather than a child's smile. We often doubt our capacities for acceptance.


Today's questions ask for a childlike heart, to stretch up and out, to reach beyond our judgment of feelings like, "not enough" or "sorry, no room for you." They ask us, my friend, to be seriously playful, with a childlike reception of the grace God gives us - the blessing of one another and the needs we present ... Read more.

Fall gardening at the Mountain
As the Mountain friars prepare the garden for winter, Br. Kevin shares insight on the four seasons of vegetable growing
People often ask us, "when do you start your vegetable garden?" The expected answer is, "sometime in the spring." It's true that in early spring we'll be planting spinach and peas after the snow melts, but by then our garden has been growing for several months.
Students tend the garden at the Mountain during an Oct. 8 service day.

The truth is there never is a start or finish time to a vegetable garden. 

This fall we will clear out spent plants that provided for our table in spring and summer. However, these leftover piles of organic matter will be composted over the winter to add nourishment to the soil in the spring. Not only that, in the next few weeks we will be planting garlic cloves for next year's crop. The winter gives the garlic a chance to develop strong roots so they can grow in earnest in the warm weather. There is no beginning or end, just different seasons ... Read more.

What is a Secular Franciscan?
Suzanne English describes the spiritual journey involved in becoming, and living as, a member of the Third Order of St. Francis
Suzanne English makes her profession as a Secular Franciscan at Holy Peace Chapel in September 2011.

A Secular Franciscan is an

ordinary person like you and I, who attempts to follow Jesus in living the Gospel, just as St. Francis did.


The Order of Franciscans Secular, often called the Third Order of St. Francis, is an official Order within the Catholic Church, established by St. Francis of Assisi himself in the 13th century.


Members of the OFS do not usually live in community; we live with our families and hold ordinary jobs, gathering with our fraternity brothers and sisters for monthly meetings and keeping in touch by email or phone in between.


After a time of inquiry and candidacy, we profess (or promise) to follow a Rule of Life. Like all Christians, but with the support of our brothers and sisters, we seek to turn away from sin and to be faithful to the Gospel, helping one another in this journey to be closer to Christ ... Read more.

Members of the St. Irenaeus Fraternity of the Order of Franciscans Secular come together to celebrate Suzanne's profession.
Mountain in Your Home: an overview of upcoming events
Oct. 23 - Buffalo, N.Y.
The prepared altar at an Oct. 12 Mountain event at Siena College.

Contact: Dave Rust
Nov. 16 - Silver Spring, Md.
Contact: Michelle Marcellin
Nov. 17 - Northern Va.
Contact: Michelle Marcellin
Visit our calendar page on mounti.com to check for upcoming events in your hometown.
Friends are always welcome to visit us at our Mountain home in West Clarksville, N.Y. The "visit us" section of our website offers information on available accommodations, reservations, directions, Mass schedule and more.  
Pictures from our Past
Taking a break from building the Mountain's now flourishing garden.

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786