"Making All Things New"September 2013
In This Issue
Students Return
Fr. Dan's Column
Mountain on the Road
Pictures from our Past

REMINDER: Auction tickets on sale now  


The 2013 Mountain Auction will be held at St. Bonaventure University Nov. 2


 Money raised helps fund the Mountain's general endowment and supports the general operating budget.

 Please contact Michelle Marcellin 

 to purchase tickets. 

Sustaining Mt. Irenaeus: Forming Faith & Leaders for the Future

Fr. Dan's Podcasts


Download and listen to Fr. Dan's audio reflections on our website or iTunes.

Mountain Wishlist 


Our community would be especially grateful for:

dish towels and tablecloths

spade shovels 

long-handle pruning shears


work gloves


eye protection

volunteers to work in the gardens and clean cabins

Contact Michelle (mmarc@sbu.edu)
for details



Mass at the Mountain 


 Sundays at 11 a.m.

Brunch immediately follows Mass. You're invited to bring a dish- to-pass.

Visit our website for directions to t
he Mountain.


Connect with us!
Students Return to the Mountain
St. Bonaventure student leaders plan several fall events
Students head out from the Main House to explore the grounds during the Sept. 7 Barbeque Bonanza Blitz.

As the student body returned to St. Bonaventure for the fall semester a few weeks ago, the grand opening of the Swan Business Center added a feeling of newness around campus.

This spirit parallels the message of the Mountain Community Leaders - to join with Jesus Christ in "making all things new!" (Revelation 21:5). Our campus group is dedicated to coordinating activities at the Mountain for students of all walks of life.


The Mountain Community Leaders gather in front of the House of Peace with Br. Kevin Kriso and Br. Joe Kotula.

So far this semester, student participation and excitement in what the Mountain has to offer has been exceptional. Whether it be 40 hungry rugby players indulging in a cookout while taking a respite from training or a group of curious freshmen taking the trip to West Clarksville to see for themselves what the Mountain is about, many have visited, made friends with the men in brown and experienced God's peace in a way only Mt. Irenaeus can provide.


In one 48-hour period, 87 students visited the Mountain friars ... Read more
St. Francis and Economics
As the feast of St. Francis approaches, Fr. Dan shares how we can bring the Franciscan spirit into our homes and marketplace

On Oct. 4, we will celebrate the feast of St. Francis of Assisi, often called the "Brother of all creation." 

A statue of St. Francis graces the woods of Mt. Irenaeus.
One of his gifts to us is our recognition of being sisters and brothers of one another invited into the dance of all of creation.

Francis celebrates Christ as the center, the core, the heart of everyone and everything.
The wagon wheel in our House of Peace, a Christ image, is a mandala (a dynamic symbol of integration in many traditions) that reflects this.


Francis of Assisi, with our early brothers and sisters, shows us the marketplace as a locus of reflection, a place of recognition and celebration of this unity ... Read more.

Mountain on the Road Events
An overview of upcoming gatherings throughout the Northeast

Fr. Dan offers Mass at a 2011 Mountain on the Road event in Boston.
Oct. 10 - Fayetteville, N.Y.
Evening Prayer/Twilight Retreat
7 to 9 p.m.
Immaculate Conception Parish
400 Salt Springs St. 
Contact: Joe Flanagan
Oct. 11 - Norwood, Mass.
Evening Prayer/Twilight Retreat
7 to 9 p.m.
Norwood Courtyard Marriott
300 River Ridge Dr.
Contact: Paul Kline
Oct. 12 - Chestnut Hill, Mass. (Boston College)
Discussion, conversation, prayer, Eucharist and simple meal
1:30 to 4 p.m.
Corcoran Commons, 2nd floor
Heights Room
A campus map can be found at www.bc.edu
Contact: Paul Kline
Oct. 13 - Loudonville, N.Y. (Siena College)
Mass, followed by reception
10 a.m.
Sarazen Student Union
515 Loudon Rd.
Contact: Joe Flanagan
Visit our calendar page on mounti.com to check for upcoming events in your hometown.
Friends are always welcome to visit us at our Mountain home in West Clarksville, N.Y. The "visit us" section of our website offers information on available accommodations, reservations, directions, mass schedule and more.  
Pictures from our Past

In each issue of our e-newsletter, we'll feature Pictures From Our Past, a collection of photos from throughout the Mountain's rich 30-year history.

This tradition of sharing photographs from years gone by began on our Facebook page, where you can keep up-to-date on all Mountain events, audio and written reflections, photos and more.


Fr. Dan Riley celebrates an outdoor Mass with students at the Mountain in
May 1988. 

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786