"Making All Things New"July 2013
In This Issue
Fr. Dan's Introduction
Fr. Bob's Farewell
Upcoming Events
Mass at the Mountain

Fr. Dan's Podcasts


Listen to Fr. Dan's latest audio reflections on our website or iTunes.

Summer Evenings  of Re-Creation 

"Unfolding the Good News for Today's World"


July 17, 24 & 31
5:15 pm - Prayer
Quiet time
on the land
6:30 pm - Dish-to-pass supper 
7:30 p.m. - Eucharist 



Summer Needs 


This season, we would be especially grateful for:

spade shovels 

long-handle pruning shears

volunteers to work in the gardens and clean cabins
Contact Michelle (mmarc@sbu.edu)
for details


Sustaining Mt. Irenaeus: Forming Faith & Leaders for the Future
Sustaining Mt. Irenaeus: Forming Faith & Leaders for the Future
Connect with us!
Opening the Door to a New Path
Fr. Dan Riley, OFM

Hello my friends!

Thirty years ago, in June of 1983, at the encouragement of those who would become our first board of trustees, Fr. Dan Hurley, ofm, a few Bona students and I opened the doors to "Collins Hall" down the road from St. Bonaventure University. We began Mt. Irenaeus as
"the Mountain in the valley!" 

Moving from there with the energy of many to a wooded hilltop in Allegany County, N.Y. in the fall of 1984, we chose to never lock our doors, but instead reach beyond the land to engage many, sharing our faith and friendship. Just as women and men open their homes to our community, electronic media has allowed us to open doors and hearts, and engage our friends in "prayer and peaceful Re-Creation." 


Inspired by Sts. Clare and Francis of Assisi and their early sisters and brothers, we believe we all are "of one family."  We seek a common path of deep and joyful conversation, wishing to join with others and with Jesus Christ to make "all things new," the title and inspiration of this email newsletter. "Making All Things New" is the opportunity to expand the ways we can reach each other, which is more and more the intent of the Mountain community ...
Read more.

Fr. Bob's Farewell
Fr. Bob Struzynski, ofm, shares his reflections on being part of the Mountain family after retiring to New Jersey

To put it in a popular word of students, my time at Mt. Irenaeus has been awesome!   


I came seven-and-a-half years ago because of a desire to deepen my prayer life, live a more intense community life and participate in the ministry to students at St. Bona's and all those who come to the Mountain. 


All of that has happened for me in a most wonderful way. 

The prayer life of the Mountain is exceptional. The pace of verbal prayer has a contemplative touch to it. No rushing to get words in, but slow and thoughtful so that the words prayed sink into the heart. The chance for silent prayer at the Mountain has been most meaningful for me ... Read more.

Weekends of Spiritual Renewal
"We are Mountain people readying for the marketplace. We are marketplace people looking for the Mountain."

Aug. 2-4, 2013 & Sept. 27-29, 2013  


Come back to the Mountain for a weekend of rest, renewal and enrichment with friends old and new. Experience again God's gentle presence in the stillness and beauty of the woods and the Holy Peace Chapel! 


We invite all persons who are now, or would like to be, in leadership with us as we carry the life and spirit of the Mountain into homes in various regions, to join us. Opening Eucharist begins at 4:45 p.m. Aug. 2 and Sept. 27, though participants may come when they are able. If you can't complete the whole weekend, join us for an overnight or a day! 


Register and reserve your space on the Mountain. Email Michelle Marcellin at mmarc@sbu.edu.


Mass at the Mountain
Sunday Mass is celebrated at 11 a.m., which includes time for shared homilies during which you are invited to express your thoughts.

Brunch immediately follows the Mass. You are invited to bring food to help celebrate brunch! Visit our website for directions to t
he Mountain.

Contact Us


Mt. Irenaeus
P.O. Box 100
West Clarksville, NY 14786