Newsletter of the Ferguson Youth Initiative * August 2012 Edition * Ferguson, MO

Featured Event - Ferguson Youth Advisory Board

Calling All Youth - We know you have ideas of what you want to see go on in your neighborhood. The Ferguson Youth Advisory Board (FYAB) gives you the chance to voice those ideas and help make your community better.

You must be a Ferguson resident between 8th & 12th grades to be on FYAB.  In addition to bettering the Ferguson Community for youth, you will take part in 'design thinking' project - trust us, it is beyond exciting - AND board members will be eligible to receive one of three scholarships / stipends (meaning MONEY) at the end of this 2012-2013 term.   


To learn more about FYAB and for an application, click here.  Deadline is Sept 10.

C a l e n d a r    o f    U p c o m i n g    E v e n t s

Fergy wants you to know about these upcoming events for Youth in Ferguson
- Aug 18th, Live Well Ferguson Youth Bike Club;7:30am
- Aug 23rd, Ferg Middle School Open House; 6-7:30pm
- Aug 24th, Parks & Rec Teen Night at the Splash; 8-10pm
- Aug 25th, Live Well Ferguson Youth Bike Club; 11:00am  


Sept 8th, Challenger Learning Center
                      Return to the Moon
; 12:30-2:30pm 
- Sept 10th,
Youth Advisory Board Applications Due   
TBD, Wellspring Church College Prep Information 


Coming in October
, Spot 394


- Sundays, 
Wellspring Church Future-in-Action; 10:00am
- Mondays,
Emerson Family Y Teen Leaders Club; 6:30pm


For more youth events around Ferguson, click here.     

A d d i t i o n a l  Y o u t h  P r o g r a m s
Tie-Dying at Sunday Parkways

People of all ages (toddlers to seniors) visited the FYI Tie-Dye booth at the Oct 5th Live Well Sunday Parkways.   Be sure to check out the next Parkways Oct. 7 at McCluer South-Berkeley. Wear your new shirts.
A Free Teen Event 

FYI will host three mock youth center events in different places throughout Ferguson.  The first event is set to take place in mid October . Only 100 tickets will be available. Activities and location still being determined.  
Support FYI

Lend your support by volunteering at an FYI meeting, function, and/or event ... or donate monetary funds to help Support Young People in the Ferguson Community.  For more information, click here or email
The Ferguson Youth Advisory Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month
in the Council Chambers of Ferguson City Hall at 5pm 
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