August 2016 
In This Issue
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Stormwater Cooler Talk

Want more news? Visit the California Stormwater Quality Association's website for the state's leading news.  
Calendar of Events
Shred-Fest 2016 
Sat., Aug. 6
 8 a.m. - Noon
Victor Valley MRF Recycling Center
17000 Abbey Lane, Victorville, CA, 92394
 Faucet Fact:
Stormwater Shoutout!

We would like to give a stormwater shout out to all who attended our Low Impact Development workshop! We had a great time sharing ideas with experts who can help make the High Desert more stormwater savvy.

Find a Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Facility Near You!
Looking to trash your used paint containers, fertilizer, motor oil and more? Click here to find a HHW collection facility near you:

County of San Bernardino
Town of Apple Valley
City of Hesperia
City of Victorville
Contact MRWG
Do you have questions?

We'd love to hear from you!

(951) 462-1106
From the Pipes...
Welcome to the Mojave River Watershed Group's "The High Desert Droplet" - your source for stormwater pollution revolution news!

The High Desert Droplet is an educational resource for stormwater pollution prevention. Each month we'll bring you local and national stormwater news, useful at-home tips for prevention, updates on MRWG's school and community outreach, fun facts, and more!

Thirsty for more, check out our website!


Low Impact Development (LID) Workshop at Victorville City Hall

LID Workshop
Huge thanks to the 60+ businesses, builders, landscapers, environmentalists and City/County personnel who joined our Low Impact Development (LID) workshop at Victorville City Hall last month. Hosted by the Mojave River Watershed Group in partnership with the Lahontan Water Board, the purpose of this workshop was to invite developers and water experts who work together to discuss the statewide Phase II Stormwater Permit and post-construction best management practices for the High Desert region. The MRWG team encouraged feedback to get better understanding of successes and challenges, to make these regulations applicable in our arid region.

Attendees heard from experts such as:
  • Mark Grey, Building Industry Association of California; Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality
  • Sri Srirajan, San Bernardino County Public Works
  • Cynthia Gabaldon, San Bernardino County Public Works
  • Thomas Browne, Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board
  • Daniel Apt, Michael Baker International
  • David Garcia, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
We would like to give a special thank you to the Home Depot of Apple Valley and OSH Home and Garden in Hesperia for your generous donations of tool belts and tool boxes for our raffle. Your partnership is appreciated and our winners were thrilled to win great prizes.
Interested in learning more about LID compliance? Stay tuned! We are in the process of updating our website with a page full of resources from all of our permittee cities, the County of San Bernardino and the Lahanton Water Board. 

Water Quality Month
Do you ever wonder where the junk in your neighborhood storm drain ends up? August is the month dedicated to educating ourselves about water quality and best practices to take care of our local water supply. This is the time of year we seem to want water the most; to go for a swim or to keep us hydrated. For these reasons, it is important to take care of the water we have and protect every drop.

Here's what we can all do to better the water quality of the Mojave River Watershed.
  • Pick up pet waste and trash to prevent them from traveling into our watershed.
  • Do not throw away old medication - take it to a hazardous waste center.
  • Use organic fertilizers or compost and essential oils instead of spraying pesticides and fertilizers that contaminate groundwater.

What You Need to Know About the Mojave River Watershed

Located in San Bernardino County, the Mojave River Watershed is an underground waterway that provides water to the residents and wildlife within the High Desert communities. Unlike most rivers, the Mojave River flows upside down and travels inland rather than an outward toward an ocean. This water serves as the main waterway for the High Desert communities. The Mojave Desert is home to 1,000 plant variations and 600 animals, who also depend on the quality of the water. In addition, this 4,500 square mile watershed provides thousands of homes with water throughout the High Desert and beyond. Stormwater runoff collects debris such as trash, pet waste, lawn clippings, paint, pesticides, and motor oil. The water runoff then travels into the Mojave River Watershed causing the water to become polluted. For this reason, it is important to make a conscious effort to keep the High Desert pollution free!

Wacky Water: The High Desert Droplet's Source of Hilarity