In This Issue
Insurance Issues Involved In Business Transfers
SEO Agency- Digital Marketing Firm
Profile # 1114
Internet Marketing - Triple digit sales growth, 3 years in a row.
This digital marketing firm provides subscription-based SEO, SEM, and social media services to businesses seeking a better online presence. Recurring revenue streams account for more than 98% of the company's monthly income. Monthly service fees are pre-paid by the client, leaving minimal A/R or bad debt. The seller maintains 100% ownership and the business is debt free. The founder is a pioneer to the industry and the firm has an excellent reputation. There are currently over 120 customers and customer longevity is excellent and well documented. The firm has clean books and a solid business plan. January - June 2014 Sales: $726,752 (up over 40% over 2013); SDE $241,353 (up 65% over 2013).
Purchase Price ..............TBS
Down Payment .........TBS
Gross Sales....$1,268,794
Business Summary
For more information,
contact Lynn Lage
Dance & Music Studio
Profile # 614
This well-established service business provides dancing and musical instruction to students of all ages. Whether a customer wants to learn ballroom for a wedding dance or wants to get in shape with athletic hip hop, they will find everything they need right here. The instructors can help with dance or instrument instructions. The building includes state of the art floors, mirrors, sound systems, and security cameras. A central lobby has a boutique for selling dancewear and costumes. Two dance studios offer space for classes to be offered at the same time. The space is actually under-utilized, offering opportunities for growth for a new owner. Price includes real estate valued at $190,000.
Purchase Price........$250,000
Down Payment ......$62,500
For more information,
contact Jennifer Stevenson
Quick Links Confidential Purchaser Profile


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In this month's article, I will address insurance issues involved in business transfers. There are numerous types of insurance components involved in a transfer and some of them can take a long time to put in place, so addressing these items should be attended to shortly after the Letter of Intent is executed or the terms are finalized. Below is a brief discussion of some of the various insurance issues to consider. From a transactional perspective, even though summer is usually one of the slower times of the year, we remain extremely active and are optimistic that activity will continue into the fall season, and last until we bump into the traditionally slower holiday season. The majority of our business is derived from referrals. Please consider referring our services if you encounter a situation involving the potential purchase or sale of a business. Sincerely, Ronald V. Chernak President Inspiring business relationships since 1982!
Insurance Issues Involved In Business Transfers
Property and Casualty ("P&C") - In addition to the general need for insurance coverage for loss protection, most transactions involve financing, with the business' assets being used as collateral. Prior to closing, the lender will require proof, in the form of a certificate, that the lender is named as an additional insured on a policy with sufficient coverage amounts. If a lease is involved in the transfer, the Landlord will also require appropriate insurance protection. Often times, the Seller's existing insurance agent is the most efficient source for coverage, as the agent is familiar with the business and the facility.
Health Insurance - One of the tenets of a smooth transition of ownership is to make the transfer as transparent as possible for the employees, and a change in health insurance coverage can be disruptive. Discreet conversations with the Seller's existing agent to ensure a smooth transfer of coverage without gaps in coverage will go a long way in providing assurance to the employees that the change in ownership will not negatively impact them or their families. With the scheduled implementation of mandated employee coverage provisions of the Affordable Care Act taking place in 2015, businesses with the appropriate number of employees may be required to provide different coverage. It may be important to visit with a knowledgeable professional to calculate the cost ramifications of that change and implement appropriate coverage.
Life Insurance - In addition to protecting the economic needs of his or her family, the buyer of a business obtaining SBA financing may be required to provide a life insurance policy in the amount of the loan to the lender as a prerequisite to closing. If the buyer has an existing policy with sufficient coverage in place, the assignment of that policy can be fairly routine. If a new policy is required, the process can be time consuming and postpone closing, as the buyer will probably be required to undergo a physical and address any preexisting medical conditions.
Representation and Warranty Insurance - In special circumstances, usually on larger, more complex transactions, the buyer and seller may confront a deal-breaking issue, such as a potential tax or environmental liability. In those circumstances, it might be feasible to purchase a special policy to insure over that event. Although expensive and time consuming, it can be an option to save the deal.
Tail Insurance - Although most insurance matters impact the buyer more than the seller, in certain situations, such as the sale of a manufacturing business, it might be appropriate for the seller to purchase a "Tail Policy" to protect the seller against post-closing claims. In the case of the manufacturing business, this could include a tort claim due to a defective product.
Insurance matters can be very complex and it is important to deal with experienced professionals with access to different insurance options for the parties.
Ron Chernak will be a presenter at this event
in Denver on August 21, 2014
The Exit Factor
7th Annual Guest Lecture Series Presents:
"We Mean Business" Forum
Congratulations Ron Brasch!
The UCCS Galleries of Contemporary Art (GOCA) awarded Ron Brasch the inaugural "Ron Brasch 'Kick-Ass' for the Arts" award at their recent gala event BRILLIANT. The award was created to honor the service and spirit of long-serving GOCA board member Ron Brasch, whose trademark necklace of the same phrase and passionate commitment to the arts in the Pikes Peak region inspired the name. GOCA plans to bestow this award annually on an individual who embodies the spirit of commitment and dedication to furthering contemporary arts and culture in the region. Said GOCA Director Daisy McConnell of the award, "Ron Brasch made a tremendous impact on GOCA during his tenure on our board and has served many other arts organizations in the region in similar fashion. We wanted to recognize his contributions to not just the arts and culture sector, but to the entire Pikes Peak region."