The FBB Group, Ltd.
FBB eNews
November 2013
In This Issue
2013 Business and Arts Award





Professional Geriatric Care Management Company

Profile #313

Established in 1994, this professional geriatric management care company arranges affordable services for older adults and their families.  By providing short- or long-term arrangements for care, independence is encouraged with the least restrictive living situation.  This company's business model has proven to be successful and, combined with the projected population surge of elderly, this business is ideally positioned for significant growth in an already booming marketplace.


Gross Sales.........$719,136


For more information,
contact Jennifer Stevenson

Plumbing Service Business

Profile #2012


This well-established, growing, financially stable business has been the "go-to" company in the area for years. It enjoys primarily high margin service work. Customers include homeowners, property managers, remodeling companies, real estate brokers, and commercial building owners. Employees are well trained and most have been with the company for years. SDE and Gross Sales reflect a 3-year average. January - September 2013 SDE is up approximately 41.5% of the same period of 2012.


Gross Sales ......$3,080,175


 Business Summary 


For more information,

contact Lynn Lage



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Unless you are a new reader to this publication, you will recall that I have commented that the market for business acquisitions has become more active.   A recent article in the October 24, 2013 edition of the Wall Street Journal addresses that topic. You can read it at "Finally A Good Time To Sell A Business."  Although the market is better, it is still a competitive environment and businesses that are better positioned are commanding better prices.


Most privately held businesses, including Sub S Corporations and LLCs, have calendar year ends for tax reporting purposes. As we approach the end of the year, it is important to consider year end tax planning strategies. This is particularly important if you are considering the sale of your business within the next three years. Although most of us dislike paying taxes, business acquirers and lenders look at tax returns to verify profitability and the ability to service debt. Generally speaking, the most recent two full years of financial performance will be the most significant drivers of business value. With that in mind, if you have not already done so, we would suggest that you schedule a discussion with your tax advisor to address year end tax planning.


There is an old saying that "Timing is everything," and that can be particularly true at the end of the year. The complexity of tax related decisions can be compounded if you are considering the sale of your business in the near future. For example: You may be considering the acquisition of some equipment. Do you purchase it before year end? Is it better for you to buy or lease? Although we can provide some general guidance to you, as we don't know the details of your specific situation, we would suggest that a call or visit with your tax planner would be appropriate.


One of the best ways to increase the value and marketability of your business is to upgrade your financial statements. Although audited financial statements are best, the cost of the audit can be prohibitive for smaller businesses. Alternatively, reviewed statements, or even compiled statements with footnotes, can add value. Most accountants get busy at the end of the year and the beginning of the new year, and the upgraded financial statements may require some additional work, such as reviewing year end inventory procedures. Because of this, we would suggest getting on your accountant's schedule sooner, rather than later.

The majority of our business is derived from referrals.  Please consider referring our services if you encounter a situation involving the potential purchase or sale of a business.  




                         RV Chernak Signature




Ronald V. Chernak


 Inspiring business relationships since 1982! 









Ron Brasch and Una Ng-Brasch were recently recognized as the Business Arts Leaders of the year at the sixth annual Business and Arts Lunch. The lunch, co-presented by the Colorado Springs Regional Business Alliance and COPPeR, the Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region, honors businesses and business leaders that support the arts and integrate arts and creativity into their companies.


Ron and Una Brasch
2013 Business Leader in the Arts Award

Ron Brasch is a Merger and Acquisitions Specialist at The FBB Group, Ltd., and Una Ng-Brasch works in the Education Department at Colorado College. 


Brasch is an award-winning poet who participates in the Smokebrush Foundation's Story Project and the Pikes Peak Library District's Poet Laureate program.  He serves on the boards of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center and UCCS's Galleries of Contemporary Art (GOCA).  Una and Ron are avid collectors of contemporary artwork and fervent supporters of the visual arts.


The Business Leader in the Arts Award honors a person who shows leadership in the arts community in ways that go beyond financial giving and may include board experience, arts advocacy, or individual creativity.  This individual supports mutual economic and community interests, helps build the capacity of the arts sector, and increases awareness of the benefits of the arts.


Congratulations Ron and Una, and thank you for supporting the arts community.