April 24, 2015 ... Volume 5, Issue 17

The Story of Jesus and His Church
The new sermon series will continue where the previous one left off and will cover the rest of the New Testament.  In three sweeping messages, we will explore the timeline of events and some overarching truths for life application.
  • Paul's Mission - 
  • Paul's Final Days - April 26
  • The End of Time 

Please pray for our middle school and high school youth this weekend.  They'll be attending a retreat for all Alliance youth in the district.  Pray that each one will have a personal encounter with the Lord and come home from the weekend with a renewed zeal for living a life for Him!

Beacon Logo

No Middle School and High School Sunday School on Sunday morning.

No Middle School Youth Group on Sunday evening.

"Spring Clean Up" here at church on Saturday, May 2
from 9:00-11:00 a.m. We're still looking for 10 more people to help!  Projects will focus primarily on outside work. Bring work gloves, garden tools and a good spirit to work together and even have some fun in the meantime. 
Click here to sign up!

On Sunday, May 3, we will collect a special offering to help support the work of our missionaries here at home and around the world.

We also want to continue to help people know God right here at home and reach out to the next generation of children and youth.

Would you commit this to prayer and ask God to show you how you might participate? More information will be coming between now and then!


There will be a New Member Orientation meeting after church on Sunday, May 3, to introduce an on-line membership class. 

Want a preview of the course? 
Read the Membership Covenant and see how you can help fulfill God's design and purpose for the church.

The class can be completed at home and on your own time.  It will conclude with an interview with a church elder. Consider joining the wonderful family of First Alliance! Click here to sign up.


Save these dates!!!
Camp Hashawha.   Saturday, June 20 - Sunday, June 21
*our AWESOME annual adventure into the woods!  K-2nd grade w/ parent, 3rd-5th on your own

Camp Sonshine.  Monday, July 27 - Friday, July 31.  9am to 4pm
*join us for the best week of the summer!  we head to the day camp right up the road

Thank you very much to all that helped out and attended the shower that was held for me last Saturday at Derwood Alliance Church.  Everything was absolutely beautiful, and I am still very much touched by everyone's love and generosity!  It was a very special and meaningful day! 


Thank you so much! Linnea  


Todd Peterson has a missionary friend who is returning from the field this summer.  The missionary is looking to buy a vehicle - a van or SUV is preferred.  If you have a vehicle or know someone who is selling one, please let Pastor Mike know and he can connect you with Todd. 

WEEK AT A GLANCE           
  • Friday - 24
    • 09:30 a.m. - Little Learners 
    • 10:00 a.m. - Living Waters (Women) Prayer Group 
    • 03:30 p.m. - District Youth Retreat Departure
  •  Sunday - 26
    • 11:00 a.m. - Worship Service 
  • Wednesday - 29
    • 09:30 a.m. - Little Learners Co-op
    • 07:00 p.m. - Prayer Meeting
    • 07:00 p.m. - High School Youth Group
  • Friday - 1
    • 09:30 a.m. - Little Learners 
    • 10:00 a.m. - Living Waters (Women) Prayer Group 
Et cetera
  • Did you miss last week's sermon? If so, click here for the podcast. 
  • Did you miss one of our eNews Letters? Click here to access archived issues.  

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