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 In This Issue


The President's Perspective

Hear from The Pyramid Society president on the importance of Member Feedback!  


Pyramid Society News 



Save the Date: Breeders' Classic show to benefit The Pyramid Society     


Business Partner Offers 

Our Business Partners offer discounts to Members on products and services! 


Pyramid Society Dates

Review important deadlines for Pyramid Society programs, events and Member services.


Member News   

See the latest updates from Pyramid Society Members from around the world


Member Events

See what Members are up to in the coming months and RSVP to attend open houses, shows, and more! 


Member Spotlight

Susan Snyder, Avila Arabians, Pendleton, SC


Congratulations New Life Members

Abdulrahman M. Aljasmi; Dr. Nasr Marei; and Marion Richmond!


Welcome New Members

Reach out and get to know The Society's newest members from around the world! 


Featured Item

The 2013 Egyptian Event Show Program & HERITAGE MARES GUIDE: Exclusive and available in limited quantities while supplies last! Order TODAY!   


Upcoming Shows

See where Pyramid Society members will most likely be in the coming months


Recent Web Features

Click through to last month's featured Pyramid Society Stallions, Horses, and Farms 


 DATESDates & Deadlines 

November 1-3, 2013


The 6th National Breeders' Conference: The Global Influence of the Straight Egyptian Arabian

Details coming soon... stay tuned to The Chariot   



June 2-7, 2014


The 34th Annual Egyptian Event

Details coming soon... stay tuned to The Chariot






The 2013 Show Program & HERITAGE MARES GUIDE

by The Pyramid Society, 2013


 Own this highly applauded re-design by The Pyramid Society, featuring tabbed sections, a spiral binding, expanded daily class-entry listings, a full pictorial directory of 2013 EBC Stallions, and a specially-themed, EXCLUSIVE, 73-page section showcasing our Heritage Mares and their representative offspring in our members' breeding programs today.

Don't miss your chance to own this PREMIUM 2013 publication of The Pyramid Society, including the elegant and highly valuable 2013 Heritage Mares Guide

plus shipping & handling 


 WEBFEATURES Web Features     

 Thank you to the following June Featured Web Advertisers!







 SEMENTIONSUpcoming Shows    

 Check out these upcoming Arabian horse shows and make plans to connect with your fellow Pyramid Society members!



GAHA Summer Classic

August 9 - 11, 2013


Georgia International Horse Park, Conyers, GA  




Egyptian Event Europe  

August 31 - September 1, 2013

Castle of Pietersheim Lanaken, VLI, Belgium 




Israeli Egyptian Event    

September 11, 2013

Kibbutz Alonims, Israel




The Egyptian Breeders Classic at DeShazer Arabians 

September 27-29, 2013

Tomball, TX 




Straight Egyptian World Championships 

October 4-6, 2013

Rome, Italy




Arabian Breeder Finals

October 9-12, 2013

Scottsdale, AZ 


  BPSIDEBARBusiness Partners 

 Take a look online TODAY for exclusive Member Offers from the following 2013 Business Partners!     

Lesley Bennett

Bennett Fine Jewelry

Cheryl Corcoran

Cheryl's Natural Living

Jamie Roberts

Nirvana Natural Nutrition

Samantha Mattox

The Arabian Magazine

Colleen Patton

Total Horse Channel

Heather Puzan

Heather Puzan Art

Polly Knoll

Equine Photography

Chris Kassay

Western Indulgences

Gabriele Pollmeier

Eulenburg Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Nancy Gates

Heirloom Arabian Halters

Debra & David Geiser

Pack & Mail

Jim & Christy Egan

Arabian Results, Ltd. 

Robert & Linda Stephenson

Select Solutions US, LLC  

Jillian Fogelsanger

Endeavor Horsemanship 


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  • Search for News by Keyword, Member, and Country/State
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Have some news to share? Member News is published for FREE by The Pyramid Society online and in the next Chariot! Click Here to read our News Submission guidelines and get started sending in your news!

Now available in The Pyramid Society Marketplace!


Dear Pyramid Society Members and Egyptian Arabian Enthusiasts:

At the close of another Egyptian Event, I am proud to speak on behalf of the Board and Pyramid Society staff in saying thank you for making our Event stand out among other horse shows. I was very pleased with the positivity and member pride that was showcased at The Egyptian Event and online throughout the week.

By choosing The Egyptian Event as the premier gathering of Straight Egyptian horses in the world, each exhibitor, sponsor, vendor, volunteer, staff member, honoree, guest, live-stream viewer, and even Facebook follower made a genuine, lasting impact on the breed at large. No matter the outcome, there are very few shows where so many different people with so many different perspectives can get behind one another with such a common purpose. This is your show, and I am pleased to congratulate each of you on a job well done.

As we look ahead to another great year and another great Event, scheduled for June 2-7, 2014, I hope each member of The Pyramid Society will take time to participate in our 2013 Membership and Post-Event Survey (non-members may send feedback by clicking here). Won't you please take 10 minutes and let us know how we're doing? I can promise you that the results of this survey are reviewed very carefully by our staff and Board of Directors in our continued efforts to improve both our organization and our Event.



Bob Miars

The Pyramid Society


photo Kim Cornelius
The 33rd Annual Egyptian Event

The dust in the Kentucky Horse Park Covered Arena has settled, and exhibitors and horses have arrived safely back home. Summer in Lexington, Kentucky, blazes on. Is it possible that another Egyptian Event has come and gone? These wonderful memories are quite alive in our mind's eye...

Always the first week in June, the 33rd Annual Egyptian Event kicked off on Monday morning in a beautifully-turned-out arena, resplendent with lush ferns, bright flowers, elegant banners and draperies and, of course, the ethereal presence of our beloved Egyptian Arabians! "Mares: Queens of the Nile" was our theme for the 2013 Event; at every turn, we paid tribute to the "Heritage Mares," the matriarchs of dynasties from which the current generation descends...



All proceeds benefit The Pyramid Society



The Egyptian Breeders' Classic

September 27-29, 2013

at DeShazer Arabians, Tomball, TX 



Traci DeStena 

Fort Worth, TX

John & Marilyn Grindell    

JM Farms  

Prairieville, LA

Life Membership in any organization makes a definitive statement about one's commitment. We are pleased to welcome the following members to the growing ranks of Pyramid Society Life Membership. For more information about the benefits of Life Membership, or to see a listing of all Life Members, click here.



 Abdulrahman M. Aljasmi

Al Rashediah Stud 

Kingdom of Bahrain




Dr. Nasr Marei 

Albadeia Stud




Marion Richmond 

Simeon Stud





Don't forget: STRAIGHT EGYPTIAN CLASSES added to the GAHA Summer Classic, August 9th-11th, 2013
The Georgia Arabian Horse Association (a proud Pyramid Society Member) invites you to join us! We are very excited about the 2013 Summer Classic. In addition to the traditional classes we have at our show, we are pleased to announce that we are adding Straight Egyptian halter AND performance classes. Coolers, sponsored by Kimberly Douglas and Markel Insurance, will be presented to the SE High Point horses for both halter and performance. The Saturday evening session will have Grand Champion Mare and Stallion classes, with the winner of each awarded a $500 prize sponsored by Talaria Farms. Click to learn more...

Fall Ride for Literacy September 28th, 2013, 10am-5pm
Members Laura and Gene of Round Mountain Arabians and The Horse Tales Literacy Project write: "We truly hope you will join us September 28th in the Batesville, AR, area for a day of riding, a grand silent auction and outstanding fellowship! Please call or e-mail if we may be of help. Registration is required. Click to learn more...

Susan Snyder, Avila Arabians, Pendleton, SC

"...everyone I've ever contacted has always been so helpful, interested and kind... It's great to know you are connected to so many people that share your passion."

2013 Champion World Class Yearling Colt, Avilas Phoenix (Imperial Phinaali x Dakars Destinee)
Our June Member Spotlight shines on Susan Snyder of Avila Arabians, located in Pendleton, South Carolina. Susan writes, "I guess my Father's love for Arabian horses was contagious, as I have loved them ever since I can remember..."

Susan's father raised Polish Arabians when she was child, but as an adult, for the most part, Susan's life did not lend itself to having horses. "Shortly after my father passed away, I became aware that if I didn't pursue my dream of having Arabs again, it would soon be too late. As I began my search, I found myself drawn to the Egyptian Arabian."


Susan attended several seminars and became acquainted with other Egyptian Arabian owners, and it was not long until she learned of Imperial Egyptian Stud. "I knew I had to go there, so I flew to Maryland. Beverly Sziraky hosted me around the farm and introduced me to Imperial Baarez, Imperial Al Kamar and Ibn Safinaz."


Then, Susan looked at the mares. "I fell in love with Imperial Karree. Her big, dark eyes looked right into my soul, and I was hooked." At the time of Susan's visit, Karree had a long-legged, four-day-old colt by her side. "He was very curious and wanted to know everything about me, and he stole my heart, as well." So, Susan proceeded to purchase Imperial Karree and her just-born colt, in addition to a breeding back to Imperial Baarez. Today, that colt is Susan's star stallion, Imperial Phinaali (pictured left) Karree also gave to Avila Arabians a full sister to Phinaali, Avila Baarezah, who is now in foal to Kamal Ibn Adeed... (continued) 





SE Legacy Bloodstock Announces the Lease of IH Safeer !
IH Safeer (Ansata Al Shahraf x IH Judith x Ansata Sokar) has been leased by Charles and Carey Niman of SE Legacy Bloodstock in Bell Buckle, TN, for the 2014 breeding season and will be offered at public stud.

"I am never surprised when I get calls from Carey about an SE Arabian mare that we must add to our program," says Charles, thinking about the call he got from Carey about Safeer, "What did surprise me, the day she saw IH Safeer, is that her call was not about a broodmare, but rather a bay SE Stallion that had grabbed her in a way that was different..."

Safeer, a beautiful, dark bay Straight Egyptian stallion is owned by members Marion Murphy and Christina Murphy of Phoenix Rising Egyptian Stud in South Carolina. Carey first visited Phoenix Rising Egyptian Stud in early 2013, where she selected three top-quality mares to breed to their own stallion, Amer Shahed. During her visit, Carey was introduced to one of the farm's herd sires, IH Safeer.

Says Carey, "When I saw Safeer in his stall, I was excited by his presence and charisma. Safeer immediately "grabbed" me, and I asked Christina if she could turn him out for me." Carey's instant love affair for Safeer did not stop there. "I watched Safeer intently as he moved beautifully and carried his tail high with pride."

Carey continues, "For me, Safeer represented a fantastic outcross via his daughters. I saw an opportunity to elevate our program five years in the future when we were able to breed Safeer's daughters back to Shahed. Our plan at SE Legacy Bloodstock has never been about this year's breedings or what are we doing next year. We have a vision of future generations that requires planning to achieve the vision."

Charles and Carey are grateful to Marion and Christina for agreeing to lease them IH Safeer. Look for professional photos, coming soon. For details on breeding to IH Safeer in 2014, please contact Carey Niman at 615.525.3327.  

Gerzanne Arabian Stud Receives the NZAHBS Breeders' Cup
Sue Spratt of Gerzanne Arabian Stud in New Zealand is proud to announce that at the recent 2013 New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders' Society annual General Meeting, Gerzanne was awarded the New Zealand Breeders' Cup. Pictured with the trophy here are Sue Spratt (also a Life Member of the New Zealand Arab Horse Breeders' Society) and Bev Jones, the principals of Gerzanne."

A Thee Infidel Daughter is In Foal!
Donna Bagar of Asante Arabians in Shelbyville, TN, is happy to announce that Infidels Angel (Thee Infidel x Desperados Sheba) is in foal!

"KMF Ali Calypso (Calypso Dance x C Princess Rakia) has been bred to Infidels Angel (pictured right)," writes Donna, "The foal is due next spring. Asante Arabians is looking forward to a foal that reflects the finest qualities of these two beautiful horses."  

Sharmel Arabians off to a Great Start in 2013!
Sharon Redman of Sharmel Arabians in Weatherford, TX, writes in to share of her first successful foaling season...

"I am very excited that I have my first Sharmel Arabians bred Straight Egyptian and Egyptian-sired babies, including a Mishaal HP colt out of my champion World Class Filly, Kareena RCA, as well as two Bellagio RCA fillies," she writes, "Like any new mom, I have a lot of baby pics on my website:"

Madinah Moniet Goes to Saudi Arabia
John & Jeri Merryman or Merryman Arabians in Waco, TX congratulate Mr. Waleed Saud from Saudi Arabia on his acquisition of the beautiful Mishaal HP daughter, Madinah Moniet (pictured right), in foal to Pimlico RCA and due in 2014."

Tricomm Announces EBC Breeding Plans to Amer Shahed
New Pyramid Society members Penelope Smith and Catherine Springer of Tricomm in Henderson, NV, are pleased to share their 2013 EBC Auction purchase of breeding rights to Amer Shahed (pictured here, owned by Carey & Charles Niman of SE Legacy Bloodstock) and subsequent plans...

"We feel that the decision to breed and bring a Straight Egyptian Arabian foal into the world is not to be taken lightly," says Catherine, "we are grateful for the guidance and information that the Pyramid Society offers." Catherine and Penelope have made the decision to use their EBC Breeding to Amer Shahed with the beautiful, grey mare, Miss Universe PR, owned by Marion and Christina Murphy of Phoenix Rising Egyptian Stud...

Catherine and Penelope add, "We would like to thank Carey at SE Legacy Bloodstock for taking the time to answer all of our questions and for graciously sharing her years of breeding experience to help us get our breeding program off to a proper and exciting start." 

Hyatt Arabians Announces New Filly
Yvonne Hyatt of Hyatt Arabians in Stormville, NY writes, "I had an exceptional filly born on May 19th out of my mare, Madera Jaserra, and sired by my Imdal grandson, Shiekh El Nil. We are really excited about this girl! She is huge - all legs and big hip - short, dishy head, and big, flaring nostrils... plus eyes to melt you!"

Yvonne is pleased to offer 2013 EBC auctioned breedings to both Shiekh El Nil and Madera Jamoon. Contact Hyatt Arabians for details.

Horse Tales Literacy Project Succeeds for Second Year in Polk County, Arkansas
Judith Forbis of Ansata Arabian Stud in Mena, AR, writes to update members on her continued involvement with The Horse Tales Literacy Project...

"Horse Tales was enthusiastically received in Polk County, Arkansas, for the second year," writes Judi, "Over 400 students in second and fourth grades were gifted the Walter Farley Black Stallion and Little Black Pony books, and a curriculum which teaches children to read, based on these books, was taught in these grades."

One day during the school year was also devoted to this project at the Polk County Public Library, where Judith Forbis and Sheila Theriot read to the children on-site. In addition, the library offered crafts using horse shoes and clay, and a live black pony was brought near the front door for the children to pet and "ooh and aah" over. "Public libraries are often short of funds, especially when it comes to equine literature, so a major contribution of horse books for children and young adults was donated in the name of Ansata Arabian Stud to this Polk County Public Library," Judi reports. When it comes to reading about horses, Forbis wants the kids to have plenty to choose from... (continued) 

Big Summer Updates from LD Arabians!
Louise DeRuseeau of LD Arabians in Cedar Creek, TX, has some news to share from three of LD Arabians' horses residing overseas and at home...

"The European show circuit is just ramping up for the year, and Al Aneed LDA (Alixir x Illa Magidaa LDA) (pictured right) has already added another group of wins to his impressive list!" writes Louise. Aneed was named National Gold Senior Champion Austria and International Senior Silver Champion at the Austrian National Championship/International Championships Wels - B! "He also won the title Best Egyptian Horse at the Show!" exclaims Louise, "Congratulations to his proud owner, Nayla Hayek." Al Aneed LDA was born and bred by LD Arabians at Dan & Louise DeRusseau's small farm in Cedar Creek, TX, and was exported to Nayla's Hanaya Stud in Switzerland in July, 2011.

At the 2013 US Egyptian Event, LD Arabians showed a two year old filly, Karimah Magidaa LDA (Mishaal HP X Illa Magidaa LDA), who secured the Championship in the "Kalkata Stakes" Two Year Old Futurity Fillies class out of 20 entries. "She was also the highest scoring junior filly at the show with two scores of 20 in both Type and Head! We couldn't be more proud of our girl! And to top it off, she also sold, right after her class, also to Nayla Hayak. So, Karimah will be making the trip overseas as soon as arrangements can be made..."  (continued) 

Personal Thanks and Exciting News from David Myers and REA El Kaream+
David Myers of Renaissance Arabians in South Charleston, OH, sends in a personal note and some excellent news regarding his Silver Egyptian Event Champion and Highest Honors Stallion, REA El Kaream+...

"I would like to thank Johanna Ullstrom and Talaria Farms for their kindness and generosity during the 2013 Egyptian Event," says David, "it was by far the best Event for me personally and for Renaissance Arabians." In 2013 Renaissance Arabians celebrated its 30th year breeding Straight Egyptian Arabians. "I was thrilled when REA El Kaream was crowned the Supreme Silver Champion Stallion and the highest scoring Straight Egyptian stallion of the 2013 Egyptian Event with Johanna."

David goes on to report that following The Event in June, REA El Kaream, and his daughter, REA Kiyara, were both named Region 13 Reserve Champion horses with Doug Burger... (continued)  

Paradise Arabians Welcomes Rich & Amy Simpkins
Wanda Kenworthy of Paradise Arabians in Lafayette, GA, shares, "Rich & Amy Simpkins have moved to our area with their two beautiful children, Ava & Ryder, to be full-time trainers for Paradise Arabians!" Rich Simpkins will work with halter horses and Amy will work with performance horses. Wanda continues, "They would love to pay you a visit to see your horses if you have something you would like to introduce to them." Paradise Arabians is a breeding, training, educational and marketing facility, and all Arabians are welcome.  

Polly Knoll Grateful for the 2013 Trustees' Award Honor
Polly J. Knoll of Beaver Dam, WI, recently sent in a beautiful thank you for and first-hand account of her recent Trustees' Award honor at the 2013 Egyptian Event...

"Receiving the Trustees' Award at the Event in June was surely one of the, if not the most exhilarating happening in my life!" Polly exclaims.

"Jaleen Hacklander's choice of my photos for the Gallery, and the display itself, were so beautifully presented. Many, many people complimented me on the photos and wanted to have their photo taken with me there! I was not used to being in front of the camera! So many other people stopped to compliment me during the entire Event; it was overwhelming."

Polly was equally overwhelmed at the Gala & Fundraiser, where she was busy taking photos of new Life Members... "when someone mentioned that I was next..." (continued)  

Have some news to share? Have an event or open house coming up? We want to hear from you! 

CLICK HERE to contact us directly, or CLICK HERE to submit your Member News right from The Pyramid Society website!

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