In This Issue
Pyramid Society News
2013 Futurities Reminder
Members Shine at Music City
See our EBC & GSS Stallions!
Business Partner Program
Our Business Partners offer discounts to Members on products and services!
Pyramid Society Dates
Member Directory Ads and Member updates:
December 31st
Futurity Deadline:
December 31st
Member Benefits!
Are you taking advantage of your Membership?
Member News
See the latest updates from Pyramid Society Members from around the world
Member Events
See what's happening in your area! Upcoming Member-hosted activities are listed here!
Welcome New Members
Reach out and get to know The Society's newest members from around the world!
December Featured Item
The Manual of Straight Egyptian Horses: Limited 1st edition copies available while supplies last.
December Member Spotlight
John & Jeri Merryman - Merryman Arabians, Waco, TX
Upcoming Shows
See where Pyramid Society members will most likely be in the coming months
Recent Web Features
Click through to last month's featured Pyramid Society Stallions, Horses, and Farms
Dates & Deadlines
November 1, 2012
2013 Membership Year Effective
Become a member or renew your membership online TODAY! CLICK HERE!
December 31, 2012 2013 Futurities Due Download the Futurity Packet HERE! 2013 Member Directory If you have not already done so, please update your 2013 Printed Member Directory listing by December 31st by clicking HERE! CALL 859-231-0771 TO BOOK YOUR 2013 MEMBER DIRECTORY ADS BY DECEMBER 31st FOR GUARANTEED INCLUSION! |
Featured Items
The Manual of Straight Egyptian Horses
1st Edition, 1997
The Manual of Straight Egyptian Horses was compiled by master researcher Martha Murdoch and first published by The Pyramid Society in 1997 in an effort to compile in one publication a comprehensive listing of Straight Egyptian horses registered in the United States and Canada. The Manual is a one-of-a-kind resource for pedigree research and includes information on Strains, Foundation Horses, and key Ancestors.
Web Features
Upcoming Shows
Check out these upcoming international-level Arabian horse shows and make plans to connect with your fellow Pyramid Society members! 58th Annual Scottsdale Arabian Horse Show February 14-24, 2013 Scottsdale, AZ 22nd Qatar International Purebred Arabian Horse Show & 3rd Qatar International Straight Egyptian Arabian Horse Show February 21-25, 2013 Doha, Qatar 2nd International Horse Festival Kuwait and Egyptian Event Kuwait March 13-18, 2013 Safat, Kuwait 2013 Alabama All Arabian Horse Show March 22-24, 2013 Rainsville, AL 7th Annual AHBA Arabian Breeders World Cup April 18-21, 2013 Las Vegas, NV |
Business Partners
Take a look online TODAY and in the upcoming 2013 Stallion Guide for exclusive Member Offers offers from the following 2013 Business Partners! Lesley Bennett Bennett's Fine Jewelry
Cheryl Corcoran Cheryl's Natural Living
Jamie Roberts Nirvana Natural Nutrition
Samantha Mattox The Arabian Magazine
Colleen Patton Total Horse Channel
Heather Puzan Heather Puzan Art
Polly Knoll Equine Photography
Chris Kassay Western Indulgences
Gabriele Pollmeier Eulenburg Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
Nancy Gates Heirloom Arabian Halters
Debra & David Geiser Pack & Mail
Jim & Christy Egan Arabian Results, Ltd. |
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4067 Iron Works Parkway,Suite 2
Lexington, KY 40511
Ph: 859.231.0771
Did you know? The MEMBER NEWS SECTION on The Pyramid Society's NEW WEBSITE lets you search for News by Keyword, Member, and Country/State! Plus, all Member News articles are linked to your Member Profile and related Horse Profiles (if listed)
Have some news to share? Members who are logged in can now SUBMIT MEMBER NEWS ONLINE for publication by The Pyramid Society online and in the next Chariot! Click Here to read our News Submission guidelines and get started sending in your news!
Click the banner above for super savings on Peter Upton, Authentic Arabian Horse Names, and Pyramid Society Reference Handbooks! Limited time only!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all of our Members and Friends around the globe. We wish you success in 2013 as we strive together for the advancement of the Egyptian Arabian horse!
**December 31st DEADLINES**
ALL Pyramid Society Futurity Nomination & Sustaining Fees, including EBC Foals due in 2013, must be received by DECEMBER 31st, 2012! Join or Renew your Membership by December 31st and SUBMIT YOUR NOMINATIONS using one of the following methods:
Target your Advertising in our 2013 Membership Directory! BOOK BY DECEMBER 31st for Guaranteed Placement! CALL 859-231-0771!
Don't forget to UPDATE your printed Member Directory Listing by December 31st to ensure accurate printing in our 2013 Membership Directory!
Society Members Make Waves at the 2012 Music City Show!
(Theresa Weaver, Sandy Miller, Beth Witt, Zan Economopolous, Abby Miller, Carey Niman, Missy Head, Melissa Huprich, and Nancy Bliss gather at The Pyramid Society's Booth for a snapshot! Photo by Valerie Clinkenbeard)
The Pyramid Society's Membership Committee was pleased to host a highly visible and active booth at the 2012 Music City Show in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, November 17 & 18. Pyramid Society members enjoyed having a place to catch up with friends, and many non -members got to enjoy video and materials about Straight Egyptian horses. Deb & Rusty Orweller from Hampshire, Tennessee were the lucky winners of The Pyramid Society's raffle for a 3-DVD set of the Desert Legends Series!It was also exciting to see the halter classes at the show dominated by Pyramid Society members and their Straight Egyptian horses, led by Senior Champion Stallion and Supreme Champion Jadoube Ibn Lahab SMF! (bred by Pyramid Society members David & Debra Geiser of Dara Meadows Farm) CLICK HERE TO SEE MORE PHOTOS AND GET A LIST OF ALL THE STRAIGHT EGYPTIAN WINNERS!Special thanks to Jeanne Abernathy (Brookhill Farm, LLC), Cheryl Corcoran (Al Ameen Arabians), and Valerie Clinkenbeard (Bloodstone Farms) for organizing and manning this exceptional presence at the Music City show. Members make it possible!
Research Your Next Breeding ONLINE!
IN 2015, ALL EYES WILL BE ON THE GOLDEN SCARAB PRIZE... Still researching your 2013 breedings? The Pyramid Society's GOLDEN SCARAB SWEEPSTAKES offers a brand new opportunity to WIN BIG at The Egyptian Event by breeding to proven, high-profile EBC Stallions. Breed your Purebred or Straight Egyptian Mare to one of THESE GSS NOMINATED EBC STALLIONS in 2013, nominate your Mare-in-foal by December 31, 2013, and compete in the inaugural Golden Scarab Amateur to Handle Yearling classes at the 2015 Event.
LOOKING AHEAD TO YOUR 2014 BREEDINGS? Rise to "The Challenge"in The Pyramid Society's EBC!CLICK HERE to log on to The Pyramid Soceity's website and begin researching this year's enrolled 2013 EBC Stallions, with 2014 breedings available for bid during the 33rd Annual Egyptian Event, June 3-8, 2013 in Lexington, KY, USA. Last year's EBC Classes paid out over $111,000. Make plans to take part today for a shot at 2016 Egyptian Event EBC Class winnings - join us for the world's premier Straight Egyptian Stallion breeding auction at the 2013 Egyptian Event! CALL 859-231-0771 or VISIT www.pyramidsociety.org for more information on enrolling your Straight Egyptian stallions in The Pyramid Society's EBC & GSS programs.
Arabians Ltd. January "Learning Day" - A Day in the Country - JANUARY 19th, 10am - 4pm: A day for those that have always had a passion for horses but find it hard to get good information on how to become a horse owner. It is a fun day that begins with a light breakfast. You will see the mares with new foals and the afternoon wraps up with a Texas wine and cheese tasting and a showing of the Arabians Ltd. stallions. Cost: FREE. RSVP required. Learn more...
Save the Date: New Mexico Egyptian Breeders' Alliance 2013 Seminar Project - Jake Gutierrez reports: "Our very first project as an Alliance will be coming next October 4-5-6 when our Alliance will sponsor a Seminar to be held at the same time as the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta. Plans are now in the works to organize this Regional Seminar, and we invite you to participate. Learn more...
Marci & Larry Kirby Bayou Angel Arabians, LLC New Orleans, LA ldkirby@earthlink.net Paul Duane George Arabians by George What Cheer, IA georgescyte@yahoo.com |
Kerstin Schaab Valentina Arabians Ehingen, Germany www.valentina-arabians.de |
"We enjoy the hospitality of The Society, the people we meet, and those we see every year. The Event is like a big family reunion. We all have the love of the horses in common..."
 Waco, Texas is the setting for our December Member Spotlight on John and Jeri Merryman of Merryman Arabians. The Merrymans first became involved with the Egyptian Arabian horse in 1995 at a newcomer conference in Houston hosted by Arabians Ltd. at the DeShazer Arabians farm... "It was a dream come true to see these graceful fillies and mares running free in the pasture and having magnificent stallions presented to us," they recall, "We began to think about being a part of this... At the time, we could just dream; we needed to spend the day at the farm in Waco, TX to learn first-hand about the breeding business and these wonderful horses." And after the Merrymans' first visit to Arabians Ltd., viewing the horses and learning about their pedigrees, they leased and later bought an Ali daughter which would become Merryman Arabians' foundation mare - eventually producing seven foals for John and Jeri. "Most of our mares' accomplishments have been through their foals," state the Merrymans. " TF Shardali (Imperial Imdal+ x Nilequest Sharah) produced Emperial Sparkle, who then produced Bint al Riyahh who placed in Vegas and The Event. Also out of TF Shardali was Thee Makers Rose who was unanimous EBC Filly Champion in 2001, and in later years was Liberty class champion. Our Ministril daughter Maaristral gave us Infidels Imaara who won at The Event. Preciouss Secret, our present foundation mare, went Top Ten in the EBC in 2004. Then in 2012, Nadira al Jameela MA, our Desperado filly, out of a Mishaal daughter that we bred, came in Top Ten in the 1 Year Old Fillies Futurity class." The Merrymans are quick to count The Egyptian Event's annual festivities as among their fondest memories of their participation in The Pyramid Society..."
Jadoube Ibn Lahab DMF Named Supreme Show Champion at Music City! Debra Geiser of Dara Meadows Farm in Lexington, VA, writes to share that her SE Stallion, Jadoube Ibn Lahab DMF, was shown at the Music City Arabian Show in Tennessee in November. "We have great results to report! He won his stallion class, then won the Senior Stallion Championship, and then, they bring back the champion and reserve of every halter section - geldings, mares, junior colts and fillies, and of course stallions - and he won that, too - Supreme Show Champion!"
Jadoube Ibn Lahab DMF was shown to his wins by the team at Rakis Arabians who also showed him to his performance championships at the 2012 Egyptian Event. Debra extends "a huge thanks to Linda Thorburn, Amy Spiker and Rich Simpkins at Rakis."
El Shadi Reports Huge Success at Music City, Expected 2013 Foals
Pam and David Lawson of El Shadi Arabians in Maryville, TN, are proud to announce that their Straight Egyptians shown at the 2012 Music City Arabian Horse show in November "rocked the house." According to Pam and David, "Our ES Hpnotiq Dream (Diamante LDV x Shahalah CAHR) won the yearling filly class and went on to win the Junior Filly Championship. Our ES Xtreme Cassanova (Cale Thee Xtreme x Soheira) won the 2 year old colt class and the Junior Colt Championship."
Pam and David extend a special thanks to Rakis Arabians in Rockwood, TN and to Mr. Rich Simpkins, trainer and handler, for training and showing El Shadi's horses. "We are also excited about our two foals due next year by The Renegade, native costume winner at the 2011 EE, and we are also proud to add the beautiful Thee Desperado daughter Georgia Inasa to our broodmare herd... she will be bred to Jadoube Ibn Lahab DMF (2012 Supreme Champion Stallion at the Music City show) in the spring."
Look for El Shadi Arabians at the 2013 EE with a 2012 Bay SE colt by Jadoube Ibn Lahab DMF in the yearling futurity colts class with trainer Rich Simpkins.
NorthShore Arabians Announces the Sale of Allegro NS Rich and Shelly Carn of NorthShore Arabians in Valley View, TX are pleased that Melissa & Robert Vitela have chosen Allegro NS (The Source CC x Ambianse), a 2004 grey gelding, to be Melissa's companion as she continues her journey with Egyptian Arabian horses.
An avid trail rider, Melissa plans to foray into the show ring this spring in Western Pleasure. With a Region 9 champion (2011) in SHIH and a reserve championship in Training Level, Allegro will be a great partner as Melissa ventures into the arena in the saddle. We wish Melissa and Allegro many years of success and companionship in the years to come!
Cariswood Arabians Welcomes a Brand New Filly Keri Wright exclaims, "IT'S A GIRL!" Soon after submitting last month's news item, Cariswood Arabians was presented with a beautiful filly by International Champion Ansata Qasim and out of EAI Yasafeena (Safeen x Yasamine [Tammen x Talmona]).
"We couldn't be more pleased," says Keri, "We have long been admirers of the *Bint Mona family ever since her son, Mohssen (x *Ansata Ibn Halima) became our foundation sire many years ago...
Kamal Ibn Adeed's First Foals Span Three Continents Dennis Fournier of A & D Arabians in Penn Valley, CA, writes to announce that Kamal Ibn Adeed's first three foals are now in three different continents. "Hala Al Badia, bred by Al Badia stud is in Kansas, USA; Soufian Al Badia, also bred by Al Badia, is sold to Namibia, South Africa; and Haizoom Al Asil is in Kuwait. THREE FOALS - THREE CONTINENTS"
Watch The Pyramid Society's Member News and the A & D Arabians website for more news about Kamal Ibn Adeed and his international progeny.
Samir Al Mar Takes First at Trace Trails 25 Mile AERC Endurance Ride Bob & Sue Miars of Miars Arabians Ranch in Murchison, TX, are proud to announce their 5 year old gelding Samir Al Mar (Amaar Al Rayyan x Farralina) won 1st place at the Trace Trails 25 mi AERC Endurance Ride in Athens, Texas, ridden by trainer Nancy Wiggins. Samir earned a Top Ten in his first enderance ride in 2011, when under saddle for just 60 days, and returned a year later to capture the Championship!
Arkansas Horse Tales Literacy Project Reaches 2,200 Students in November Laura Graves of Round Mountain Arabians in Big Flat, AR, and regional director of The Horse Tales Literacy Project (formerly the Black Stallion Literacy Project), shares in a recent email of their first Reading Celebration of the school year, held on November 29. "The day was beautiful in every way," writes Laura, "The reaction from teachers was very positive, and the children had a fantastic morning."
"We hope that you will be able to attend some of the spring shows and welcome your input. We are in search of Arkansas talent for all four shows," adds Laura. To date, the AR project has over 6,000 children enrolled for this year and would love to have many more...
Nadirah al Jameela MA is Going to Egypt John and Jeri Merryman of Merryman Arabians in Waco, TX, join Shawn Crews of Arabians, Ltd. in congratulating Alaa Ayoub and Ahmed El-Sonbosy of Cairo, Egypt, on their purchase of Thee Desperado's beautiful daughter, Nadirah al Jameela MA, out of the Merryman's graceful Mishaal HP daughter, Madinah Moniet.
"Alaa flew to the U.S. to see Nadirah after viewing a video of her, and he was impressed by her movement," says John. Nadirah will be joining Alaa and Ahmed's showing and breeding program in Egypt. "We know she will receive love and attention and be spoiled - like she is accustomed to!"
Have questions? Need help? CLICK HERE for a link to your 2012 Membership Committee listing, complete with Member Profile links so you may contact a committee member in your area!
Hosting an Event or Open House? CLICK HERE to contact us and request FREE copies of Pyramid Society literature for distribution at your farm, including Egyptian Arabian Brochures, Membership information, Pyramid Reports, Stallion Guides, and more!
Operating a business beside your Member Farm? CLICK HERE to enroll in our Business Partner Program for free promotion on our website and in our publications when you offer discounts to Pyramid Society members!