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October 1, 2014

For Principals, Owners and Managers
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October 15, 2014

For CPYB Only  - Best Practices for Small Brokerages 
Mark Your Calendar

This is the place to include your news about recent sales, new hires, office expansion or other business updates and successes. And it's FREE!


Just send your news items by the 10th of the month along with any photos, to jthompson@ybaa.com
 CPYB Recertification Credit Opportunities 

Continuing education and professional development is essential for Yacht Sales Professionals to perform their job at the highest possible level. Certified Professional Yacht Brokers (CPYB) are required to earn a minimum of 30 credit hours of continuing education / professional development every 3 years.

See the upcoming events here. 

Member Business Benefits!  

July Brokerage Sales Decline, Average Prices Rise

By John Burnham, YachtWorld editorial director


Brokerage boat sales declined in July, with the volume of sales off by 8 percent and the total value of boats sold off by 1 percent, compared to July 2013. According to reports by YachtWorld member brokerages in SoldBoats.com, 3,287 boats were sold for $297 million whereas a year ago, July sales were 3,569 boats valued at $300 million.


Read the full article here.


Thank You, YBAA U Sponsors & Partners!


Three YBAA University events were held this summer in Annapolis, MD, Providence, RI, and Seabrook, TX, with over 200 brokers and industry leaders participating.


We thank the following companies who served as Sponsors and Partners for these events, providing valuable financial and program support:   

Gowrie PNGYacht Closer



Industry Supporters:


Bennett Brothers President Honored in Print


A local Wilmington Women's publication, WILMA Magazine, recently featured Tricia Bennett, President of YBAA member Bennett Brothers Yachts, Inc. in the June 2014 issue. The article titled, "At The Helm," outlines her accomplishments navigating the ups and downs of business leadership on the North Carolina coast, touching on the history of Bennett Brothers and the effect on the local maritime industry. WILMA nicely concludes, "Hurricanes have come and gone. The economic downturn posed a challenge. And a family death hit painfully close to home. Through life's hardships, Tricia Bennett carries on the tradition of getting boats out on the water and giving their owners the chance to set sail."


CPYB & MICD - Empowering Yacht Sales Professionals


The Certified Professional Yacht Broker (CPYB) program has partnered with the Marine Industry Certified Dealership (MICD) Program in order to offer the benefits of CPYB certification to Certified Dealerships. Sales personnel at Marine Industry Certified Dealerships are now eligible to become Certified Professional Yacht Brokers, at a savings of $550 per applicant.

How People Decide
By Tom Reilly, author of Value-Added Selling

Salespeople who sell to the buyer's needs and wants are three times more likely to close the deal at a higher gross margin than salespeople who sell only to the buyer's needs.


Buying decisions, like all motivated behavior, are the outcome of internal and external forces operating on the individual. The internal forces are emotion and cognition. The external forces are contextual or environmental factors that affect the decision. Studying these three forces helps you understand better why buyers decide what to purchase.

Opponents of Ex-Im Run Into NAM-Led Coalition

MNI News reports that the ongoing battle to renew the Export-Import Bank is the "manifestation of a long-simmering debate" within the GOP about the role and involvement of the federal government. The debate also highlights the differences between the "business wing of the party and the more purist free market faction" of the Republican party. 


How to Get the "Wow" Response from Customers

by John Chapin


The e-mail came in at 9:07 p.m. and I responded immediately. The customer response: "Wow! That was quick. Thanks. Trying to get my staff to deliver those "wow" moments myself."


The truth is, these days it's easier than ever to create the "wow" response with customers mostly because customer service, follow-up, and all related business protocol leave so much to be desired. Not only are most companies not delivering "wow" service, most are failing to meet even average expectations. Even though it's easier than ever to get noticed, there are some definite steps to making sure you step up, stand out, and deliver the WOW.

Read the full article here.  


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